
Adhere to the original mission and promote the integrated development of medical care and health care - remember Zhang Lang, "outstanding party worker in Dao County".

author:Public Health News

Public Health News, New Hunan Client, July 1 (Correspondent Tang Hailian) Zhang Lang, male, Han nationality, from Changsha, Hunan, born in June 1988, joined the work in July 2012, joined the Communist Party of China in March 2018, bachelor degree, deputy chief physician title. He is currently the secretary of the branch and the director of the rehabilitation department of the North and South Hospital of Daoxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Yongzhou City. He has successively served as a stroke physician, geriatrician, head of the rehabilitation group, head of the nursing center, and secretary of the medical technology branch of Daoxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Adhere to the original mission and promote the integrated development of medical care and health care - remember Zhang Lang, "outstanding party worker in Dao County".

Over the years, Comrade Zhang Lang has adhered to his original mission with a high sense of responsibility and strong dedication, worked diligently on the party affairs and business work of the hospital, fulfilled his duties and worked hard, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the superior party organization and the hospital, and made positive contributions to the integrated development of the medical, health and nursing undertakings in Daoxian County.

Party building leads the ability and quality of party members in the branch. Since Comrade Zhang Lang served as the secretary of the party branch of the hospital in 2019, he has always kept in mind the identity of party members, set an example, gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and led party members of the branch to continuously strengthen ideological and political learning and improve the quality of party members; Regularly organize party members of the branch to carry out party class learning and theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind", effectively enhance the "four consciousnesses" and "four self-confidence" of party members, constantly pay attention to innovating the way of party work, use modern information technology, establish a branch WeChat learning group, and improve the learning effect through a combination of online and offline; Through the teaching of new technologies in the medical technology department, timely reporting to the department physicians on critical values, and timely communication with the department if in doubt, the connection between medical technology and clinical practice is strengthened, the satisfaction of both parties is increased, and the diagnosis and treatment effect and efficiency are improved.

Adhere to the original mission and promote the integrated development of medical care and health care - remember Zhang Lang, "outstanding party worker in Dao County".

A new chapter in the combination of medical care and elderly care for doctors. In July 2020, Daoxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital took over the "Nursing Center" of the County Welfare Institute, and as the first person in charge of the center, Comrade Zhang Lang withstood the pressure, conscientiously performed his duties and completed the task excellently. At the beginning of its establishment, without any experience and methods, he led the staff of the department to find ways to learn from each other, study and formulate a series of management systems such as medical quality, pension services, and financial operations, clarify the content, standards, and complaint handling processes of medical and elderly care services, and provide volunteer assistance actions for the elderly in terms of payment, examination, and medicine collection, as well as convenient services for wheelchairs, walkers, reading glasses and other special needs, and comprehensively optimize the treatment process; Set up a resident committee in the nursing center, which is responsible for the daily management and notification of the center's "finance, materials and accounts", regularly organizes weekly and monthly meetings of the staff of the nursing center, learns and conveys the spirit of various documents, analyzes and summarizes the problems and opinions in management, and actively establishes a working mechanism for the integration of medical care and elderly care; As an excellent medical worker, Zhang Lang always puts the health and happiness of the elderly in the first place, regards the elderly as relatives, warms the hearts of every elderly person with true feelings and actions, insists on daily inspection of the center, keeps abreast of the physical and psychological conditions of the elderly, and gives careful care and love to every elderly person. In addition, Zhang Lang also regularly organizes health lectures, invites professional doctors to explain health knowledge to the elderly, improves the self-care awareness of the elderly, and strives to create a new chapter in the integration of medical care and elderly care in Daoxian County. In December 2021, the nursing center was rated as a "third-level elderly care institution" in Yongzhou City, and Daoxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was also awarded the titles of "Hunan Age-friendly Medical Institution" and "Hunan Provincial Demonstration Institution for the Integration of Medical Care and Elderly Care".

Superb medical skills benefit the majority of hemiplegic patients. Since Comrade Zhang Lang joined the work, he has the great ambition of developing and expanding the cause of rehabilitation medicine, from the beginning of his career in 2012, he has experienced the embarrassing status quo of one person, one diagnostic bed, even if the patient and his family are not accepted by free treatment, and gradually grew to a professional rehabilitation team in 2016 with 3 doctors, 16 beds, patients and their families who require treatment and then discharge. At the end of 2018, the rehabilitation team led by him established the first rehabilitation department in Dao County, receiving more than 3,000 patients every year. Rehabilitation treatment and research of posture correction, children's rehabilitation, speech rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, facial paralysis, neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain and other diseases to help the majority of hemiplegic patients to reconstruct and restore defective function to the greatest extent; He pays attention to team building, regularly organizes business training and academic exchanges for department personnel, improves the overall business quality of the rehabilitation department, forms an excellent team with unity and excellent technology, and continuously improves the business level of the department, which has won wide acclaim from patients and society.

Adhere to the original mission and promote the integrated development of medical care and health care - remember Zhang Lang, "outstanding party worker in Dao County".

Caring for the grassroots to promote the sinking of high-quality resources of traditional Chinese medicine. Comrade Zhang Lang is well aware of the important role of traditional Chinese medicine in the primary medical and health work, so he actively participates in the training of appropriate techniques of traditional Chinese medicine for township doctors, and goes deep into the township at least twice a month to carry out traditional Chinese medicine technical training for primary medical and health personnel, impart traditional Chinese medicine knowledge and skills, promote the expansion and sinking of high-quality traditional Chinese medicine medical resources, continuously inject technical vitality into primary health centers, and continuously improve the service level of traditional Chinese medicine for primary medical personnel through "passing, helping and leading". At the same time, he actively organized and carried out a variety of free clinic activities, especially in the past three years, he took the initiative to contact Xianglinpu Town Xinche Health Center, and went to the health center for 4-5 free small needle knife treatment every month, with a maximum of more than 20 visits and a minimum of more than 10 people. His tireless efforts to provide free high-quality medical services and popularize health knowledge for the people in remote areas fully demonstrated the noble qualities of an excellent party worker.

Comrade Zhang Lang's personal honors:

Won the third prize of the 2018 Dao County Medical and Health Competition Traditional Chinese Medicine Group; In 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023, he was rated as an "outstanding party member" of the hospital; In 2023, he was rated as the "Excellent Department Director" of the hospital; In 2023, it will be rated as the hospital's "integrity pacesetter"; In 2024, he will be rated as "Outstanding Party Worker" in the county's "Two Excellence and One First" selection.


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