
The collaborative project was rated as a national AAA domestic waste incineration plant and a green and low-carbon enterprise

author:Smart core environmental service platform

  On June 21, at the high-quality development summit of the circular economy industrial park of the China Urban Environmental Sanitation Association held in Fuzhou, Fuzhou Hurong Haihuan Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "collaborative project"), which was invested and operated by Haihuan Group, won the recognition of government departments and industry associations by virtue of its high-standard construction, high-performance management and scientific and technological innovation strength, and won the two honorary titles of "National AAA Domestic Waste Incineration Plant" and "Green and Low-carbon Enterprise". Being the only project in this summit to receive both honorary titles demonstrates the leading position of the collaborative project in the field of solid waste treatment.

The collaborative project was rated as a national AAA domestic waste incineration plant and a green and low-carbon enterprise
The collaborative project was rated as a national AAA domestic waste incineration plant and a green and low-carbon enterprise

Certificate of Honor

  The assessment of the national AAA domestic waste incineration plant was organized by the China Urban Environmental Sanitation Association, and a comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the project construction level and operation management quality of the collaborative project was carried out in strict accordance with the "Evaluation Standards for Domestic Waste Incineration Plants" (CJJ/T137-2019) and other relevant requirements. During the evaluation process, the expert group went deep into the production site and spoke highly of the company's construction and operation level, recognizing that the collaborative project strictly controls pollutant emissions while ensuring efficient waste incineration, and its environmental protection indicators are better than EU standards, fully demonstrating the excellent strength of the collaborative project.

The collaborative project was rated as a national AAA domestic waste incineration plant and a green and low-carbon enterprise

Collaborative projects

  With the promotion of the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection, the improvement of public awareness of environmental protection, and specific actions of energy conservation, carbon reduction and efficiency improvement, the collaborative project has also won the honorary title of "green and low-carbon enterprise". The award of this honor marks that the collaborative project has achieved remarkable results in promoting green and low-carbon development and achieving sustainable development.

The collaborative project was rated as a national AAA domestic waste incineration plant and a green and low-carbon enterprise

Collaborative project environmental protection exhibition hall

    In recent years, the company has adhered to the concept of green development, continuously promoted technological innovation and management innovation, actively assumed social responsibility, and contributed to the continuous progress of the environmental protection industry.

The collaborative project will use this as a new starting point

Continue to improve the technical level

Strengthen refined management

Further implement measures to reduce costs and increase efficiency

Help the Group to achieve its high-quality development goals in an all-round way

Source: Fujian Strait Environmental Protection

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