
The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

author:Taifeng Culture
The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Rocket ready for launch (Courtesy of guest photographer Zhou Quan)

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Rocket launch (Photo courtesy of guest photographer Bao Mao)

At 19:57 on June 29, the mainland successfully launched the Zhongxing-3A satellite using the Long March-7 carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Site, and the satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Rocket launch (Courtesy of guest photographer Zhou Quan)

Witness the glorious moment with the motherland and go to the bright journey of the sea of stars. On June 28th, the launching ceremony of the national creative photography activity of "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" was successfully held in the Wenchang International Space City Administration of Hainan Province. The event was guided by the Wenchang Municipal People's Government, hosted by the People's Daily People's Creativity, the Wenchang Municipal Bureau of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports, and Hainan Aerospace City Industrial Investment Holding Co., Ltd., and co-organized by Dunhuang Museum, China National Geographic, Chinese Heritage, Visual China and other units, and received strong support from Taifeng Culture and Hongqi brand.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" national creative photography activity is a journey of encounter between the millennium flying culture and aerospace science and technology. The event takes the inheritance of the spirit of the Silk Road and the dissemination of innovative aerospace culture as the starting point, linking Dunhuang and Wenchang, two cities with unique artistic conception of "flying sky", focusing on the themes of flying history, aerospace cultural spirit, and urban humanistic features. Through creative photography, art exhibitions, popular science lectures, themed cultural and creative activities, we will jointly freeze the wonderful picture of the flying of a great country, stimulate the public's enthusiasm for cultural inheritance and innovation and exploration, and gather the majestic power to realize the Chinese dream of aerospace.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Deputy Secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the Municipal People's Government

Liu Chong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Wenchang International Space City Administration

At the press conference, Liu Chong, deputy secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee, mayor of the Municipal People's Government, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Wenchang International Space City Administration, said that Wenchang is a city with a long history and full of youthful vitality, shouldering the important mission of "striving for strength to the sky". The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" national creative photography activity organically combines the history of flying, the spirit of aerospace, urban culture and other elements, and is a cross-time and space dialogue between tradition and modernity, culture and technology. Wenchang City will take this opportunity to continue to vigorously promote the construction of aerospace culture, and strive to build Wenchang into an international coastal tourism city with the distinctive characteristics of aerospace, culture, coconut grove and overseas Chinese hometown and a happy home for the people of Wenchang.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Wang Yanmei, a first-level inspector of the Hainan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Culture is the soul of a city, gathering development momentum and stimulating construction vitality. Wang Yanmei, a first-level inspector of the Hainan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said that Wenchang has a multicultural and is known as the "hometown of culture", "hometown of coconut" and "hometown of calligraphy". In recent years, Wenchang has continued to explore the connotation of urban culture, focusing on finding the source of living water from excellent traditional culture, activating the vitality of urban culture, and injecting a steady stream of spiritual power into citizens. Relying on the new business card of Aerospace International New City, Wenchang will continue to promote the development of the aerospace cultural industry, explore the connotation of aerospace culture, innovate communication methods and means, innovate cultural inheritance methods, and actively build a cultural matrix with aerospace characteristics, so that the public can further understand China's aerospace industry and inherit the spirit of aerospace.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Zhang Guangjun, deputy editor-in-chief of the People's Daily National Humanities and History Magazine

From the dream of flying to the aerospace situation, it embodies the great national spirit that has been inherited in one line, and is an important part of the advanced socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. Zhang Guangjun, deputy editor-in-chief of the People's Daily's "National Humanities and History" magazine, said that in order to tell the story of aerospace well, and continuously improve and expand the appeal of the aerospace spirit and the attractiveness of aerospace culture, it is necessary to adhere to integrity and innovation, stimulate innovation vitality with integration, and spread China's voice with integration. This event innovatively promoted the cross-time and space encounter between the Dunhuang flying dream and the Wenchang aerospace dream, helped the innovative expression of China's excellent traditional culture and aerospace spirit with the help of multiple ways, and injected a steady stream of cultural impetus into the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Wei Bo, member of the Standing Committee of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor

As a representative of the organizer of the event, Wei Bo, member of the Standing Committee of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, introduced the background, content and value of the event. He said that the linkage between the two cities of Dunhuang and Wenchang, and the cross-time and space encounter of flying space, will present us with a cultural event where modernity and technology, technology and art go both ways. We look forward to enriching the new ideas of the flying space culture, expanding diversified innovation scenarios, and resonating with the Chinese dream of aerospace and the dream of a strong country through the lens of the public, the innovative expression of modern technology, and the joint participation of art exhibitions, theme cultural and creative industries.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Director of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum

Shan Jixiang, director of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Cultural Heritage Society

Shan Jixiang, Director of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum, Director of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Cultural Relics, and Image Ambassador of China's Aerospace Public Welfare, gave an in-depth interpretation of culture and aerospace in the keynote speech and sharing session. The glorious development of China's aerospace industry originated from the imagination of the ancient Chinese on the starry sky and the primitive exploration of the universe, standing in the context of the acceleration of China's aerospace industry, it is necessary to continue to interpret the traditional cultural genes behind the aerospace culture, and on the basis of the traditional Chinese flying culture and aerospace spirit as the core, promote the cross-border integration of aerospace elements into different fields such as history, culture, art, science and technology, and give new connotations and new values to the aerospace spirit.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

Shi Mingxiu, director of the Dunhuang Cultural Relics Protection Center and director of the Dunhuang Museum

Shi Mingxiu, director of the Dunhuang Cultural Relics Protection Center and director of the Dunhuang Museum, said that Dunhuang, as an important node of the ancient Silk Road and an important hub for cultural exchanges between the East and the West, has always embraced the coexistence of multiple civilizations. From flying to aerospace, the Chinese flying myth and aerospace culture carry the Chinese nation's dream and pursuit of the sea of stars. Based on the new era, it is necessary to promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture and the spirit of the times, constantly explore cultural and artistic practices and innovative expressions that open up the diversity of civilizations, and promote the cross-time and all-round cultural influence of aerospace culture.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

At the event, Xiao Lin, Deputy Director of Wenchang International Space City Administration and Chairman of Hainan Aerospace City Industrial Investment Holding Co., Ltd., Lin Shaobo, Director of Operations of China National Geographic and China Heritage, Jin Xin, Vice President of Sales of Visual China, Yang Ruoli, Baidu AI Technology Innovation Expert and other guest representatives held a roundtable dialogue. From the perspective of professional fields, the guest representatives explained the social significance and value of the times from the perspectives of historical and cultural heritage, urban humanistic development, aerospace cultural industry, scientific and technological and artistic innovation, etc., and discussed how the inheritance of aerospace culture can be better integrated into urban development, and explore a new path for the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture and the spirit of the times.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

In the anticipation and countdown of the audience, many guests jointly launched the release of the national creative photography activity of "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace". At the same time, the grand release and display of the "One Dream All the Way, When Feitian Meets Aerospace" theme art scroll works, the series of long scroll paintings created by Taifeng Cultural Organization, combined with a number of well-known domestic Chinese painting painters, with a vivid and intuitive form of painting art expression to show the connotation of Feitian aerospace cultural symbols, the event site, Taifeng Culture Group founder and chairman Hu Ting officially handed over the batch of art scrolls to Shen Jian, general manager of People's Daily People's Creativity, the future of the series of art scrolls will be featured in the offline photography exhibition to meet the public.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched
The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

On the day of the launching ceremony, the first offline exhibition of the "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" national creative photography activity was opened simultaneously, focusing on the three creative themes of "Sea of Stars", "Flying Space" and "People's Years", the first exhibition collected more than 100 public photography works from different ages and different cities, and also innovatively exhibited a number of AI creation works for the first time.

The "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" National Creative Photography Activity was officially launched

As an ancient civilization with a long history, the Chinese nation has always been a nation that has the courage to pursue its dreams. The beauty of the dream of Dunhuang flying into the sky and the rapid development of China's aerospace industry have brought the "infinite universe" imagined by the ancients into view, and the "dare to go to the moon for nine days" has shone into reality, achieving a road of continuous dream-building. As a cultural event across time and space, an innovative journey that integrates tradition and modernity, art and technology, the national creative photography activity of "One Dream All the Way, When Flying Meets Aerospace" has been officially launched, and we look forward to bringing together the beauty of the people's discovery, showing the magnificent picture of the Silk Road with image vision, recording the magnificent journey of building a space power, and asking the sky and chasing dreams together in the world of light and shadow, and continuing to write a new chapter in the exploration of the universe by the Chinese nation!

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