
Tian Liangye Yiqian called for her daughter and Chinese players, Sen Die took a photo domineeringly, and Xiao Liangzai smiled like a flower

author:Lovely Filipino girl

In the past, Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian were famous all over the world for their affection, and their sons Xiao Liangzai and Nu Sen Die were all smart and cute, attracting much attention. Today, there is a good story spreading, saying that this family called in unison for their daughter Sendie and the Chinese players, and the scene was so grand that it was a grand scene for a while.

Tian Liangye Yiqian called for her daughter and Chinese players, Sen Die took a photo domineeringly, and Xiao Liangzai smiled like a flower

It was the beginning of July and Wimbledon was in full swing. Tian Liang posted a series of photos on social media, accompanied by emotional words, talking about the historic 11 Chinese players appearing in the singles arena, hoping that they can achieve great results.

As soon as this news came out, everyone in the world was excited.

Ye Yiqian, followed closely behind, forwarded this news and cheered for the eleven heroic Chinese players. Looking at the photos, I saw Tian Liang, Sen Die, and Xiao Liangzai, all smiling and beaming.

Sendie's long hair is fluttering, his eyes are wearing sunglasses, and he has the style of a chivalrous woman, showing his domineering. And Xiao Liangzai is smiling like a flower, innocent, and can't help laughing.

Tian Liangye Yiqian called for her daughter and Chinese players, Sen Die took a photo domineeringly, and Xiao Liangzai smiled like a flower

That day, Wimbledon was in full swing. Tian Liang's family of three came to the scene to cheer for the eleven Chinese players. Sendie is even dressed in sportswear, with a work card on his chest, like a small sports reporter, helping out on the spot, showing his youthful vitality.

When Sendie took a photo with those tennis stars, she was not stage frightened, confident and generous, like a young player. Not only that, but she also received signed tennis balls from many tennis celebrities, and at this moment, she seemed to have become the focus of the audience.

Tian Liangye Yiqian called for her daughter and Chinese players, Sen Die took a photo domineeringly, and Xiao Liangzai smiled like a flower

And Xiao Liangzai was laughing and playing on the side, innocent. He sometimes imitates the posture of a tennis player, and sometimes laughs and plays with his father Tian Liang, and he is happy. This situation reminds people of the ancient poem: "Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." ”

Netizens left messages one after another, praising the happiness and harmony of this family. Someone said: "Tian Liang Ye Yiqian and his wife are really winners in life, they have both children and are so cute." ”

Some people sighed: "Sendie is really getting more and more beautiful, and Xiao Liangzai is getting more and more handsome." Some netizens ridiculed: "Xiao Liangzai laughed like a flower, do you also want to learn tennis?" ”

Tian Liangye Yiqian called for her daughter and Chinese players, Sen Die took a photo domineeringly, and Xiao Liangzai smiled like a flower

In addition, we might as well review the past of Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian. Both of them are leaders in the sports world, Tian Liang is a famous diver, and Ye Yiqian is a talented woman in the music world.

The two got together by chance and have been working together for a long time. Not only do they support each other and achieve brilliant results in their careers, but they also play the role of loving parents in the family and set a good example for their children.

Today, Tian Liang's family of four is happy. They have not only achieved remarkable results in their careers, but also enjoyed family fun in their families. This call for her daughter and the Chinese player shows the unity and strength of their family.

Tian Liangye Yiqian called for her daughter and Chinese players, Sen Die took a photo domineeringly, and Xiao Liangzai smiled like a flower

"Home and everything prospers", this ancient adage has been perfectly interpreted in Tian Liang's family. With their actions, they interpret what true happiness and success are. May their family be happy forever, and may the Chinese players achieve better results in future competitions! #头条创作挑战赛#

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