
Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

author:Huanxian financial media

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards and the yearning for pastoral life, the rural picking economy has sprung up rapidly in the vast rural land, becoming a beautiful landscape of rural development and injecting a strong impetus into the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

In the middle of summer, Hongmiwan Village, Maojing Town, the mountains are stacked with green, the green trees are shady, the apricot forests are all over the hillside terraces, and the red and green apricot fruits are hanging all over the branches in front of the house and behind the house, presenting a rural scenery of pastoral and beautiful courtyard show. Since late June, 500 acres of red plum apricots in Hongmiwan Village have entered the maturity stage. The fields are filled with the sweet smell of apricots, and tourists shuttle through them with small baskets in their hands, picking and tasting, and experiencing the joy of being a "fruit farmer". The fruit farmers were busy picking, packing, and carrying, full of enthusiasm, and a gratifying picture of a gratifying harvest of red plums and apricots in midsummer slowly unfolded.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

Thanks to the superior geographical location, light, temperature and soil conditions of the local area, the red plum apricot grown in Hongmiwan Village is bright in color, bright on the fruit surface, the color of the ripe fruit is half red and half yellow, the fruit is crystal full, the flesh is delicate and juicy, sweet and sour and delicious, the food is sweet and full of fragrance, rich in potassium, calcium, selenium, zinc and other trace elements and vitamin C, it is a fruit with high nutritional value, and it is one of the best products to reduce heat and relieve heat in summer. Since 2016, Maojing Town has actively mobilized the masses on the basis of the development of the sheep industry, and vigorously developed the picking economy, which is an industry that enriches the people, and at present, 32 farmers in Hongmiwan Village have planted 500 acres of red plum and apricots, and planted more than 7,500 apricot trees.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

This year, for fruit farmer Chen Jun, it is a bumper year. For many years, he has been dedicated to the cultivation of red plum apricots. Today, he runs the orchard with confidence. "I have been growing red plum apricots for nearly ten years, during this period, I have explored some experience, this year the red plum apricots have a bumper harvest, the taste is also better, the meat is thick, crisp and sweet, and the color is bright. Since the opening of the park, through online and offline promotion, customers have been gushing, sales are relatively optimistic, and income is also very good. Chen Jun's joy was palpable.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

"This year, a tree earns about 300 yuan, and it is sold for 8 yuan per catty, and now we have negotiated with the merchant, and he will take it all away after two days, and we will be able to get this income!" Looking at the good "abundant" scenery in his eyes, villager Gao Ren smiled from ear to ear. He carefully managed more than ten acres of red plum and apricots, paving the way to the sweet life of the countryside for the "apricot" blessing road.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

Jin Zhenglin, secretary of the Party branch of Hongmiwan Village, said that in recent years, under the strong support of Longdong University and the strong leadership of the town party committee and the town government, Hongmiwan Village has actively explored and developed the picking economy of red plum and apricots based on the development of the "sheep +" diversified industry, which has become a new driving force to help farmers increase income. "In 2023, Men Xiaopeng and Hu Jingping, associate professors of the College of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology of Longdong University, were invited to train on the pruning technology, field management, and pest control of red plum apricots. In the next step, we will continue to vigorously support the masses to develop the red plum and apricot industry and improve the income level of farmers. ”

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

In addition to the red plum and apricots in Hongmiwan Village, Huancheng Town has also seized a good opportunity and taken the express train of "picking economy". Based on the conditions of the village, Huancheng Town has given full play to the advantages of mild climate, good soil quality, abundant water sources, and suitable for planting characteristic fruits, and has grafted plums, apples, red plums and apricots and other characteristic fruits. In the lush plum planting base of Wulitun Village, the warm and humid air exudes a burst of fruity aroma. Tourists enjoy a pleasant time picking ripe plums in the fields. "It's great to bring your kids to experience picking on the weekend, so you can get close to nature and taste fresh plums!" One tourist said excitedly. Mr. Mu, the person in charge of the orchard, said that in order to ensure the quality and taste of plums, they adopted a green and ecological planting method, without pesticides and fertilizers, and carefully cared for the whole process. Today, plum picking has become the main source of income for the base, and it has also led to the development of surrounding farmhouses.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

"My family's four-acre plum orchard has been developed for more than four years, and this year's yield is particularly good. The plum meat is thick and thin, and the taste is crisp and sweet, which is very popular with tourists. Especially on weekends and holidays, there are many tourists. Mu Xiaoping, a villager in Wulitun Village, Huancheng Town, said that they have been opening the park for a week, and the sales volume is considerable, and the income is expected to exceed 50,000 yuan this year.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

Mu Xiaoping's younger brother, Mu Yonghong, is also a big plum grower. "Our plums are grafted from local peach trees, which have a good taste and are relatively large. Since the opening of the park, there are many tourists who come to pick every day, and the daily sales can reach about 200 catties. Talking about the overall sales of plums, Mu Yonghong, who was sweet on his brow, said with a smile.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

It is understood that the plum varieties in the garden are rich and diverse. At present, the new variety of crisp plums has taken the lead in the market, and the sales situation is good, and the price is stable. From the beginning of July, other varieties will also appear, bringing more choices to people. In the plum orchard, the plum trees are lush and green, the reddish plums hang all over the treetops and branches, the garden is full of fruity fragrance, and the peach forest is filled with the joy of harvest.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

"The plums here are delicate, crisp and refreshing, and are loved by our family, and we come here every year at this time of year to pick plums and experience the idyllic scenery." Tourist Mu Yanling ate sweet plums and was full of satisfaction.

Huanxian: "Picking economy" is popular, and rural revitalization adds vitality

Industrial development is the basis for leading the masses to increase income and get rich and promote rural revitalization. In recent years, Huanxian County has continuously optimized the industrial structure, in accordance with the "sheep +" diversified industry development ideas, while doing a good job in sheep articles, vigorously develop red plum apricots, plums, apples, greenhouse watermelons, tomatoes and other characteristic agricultural planting, driving the masses to increase income and get rich. At the same time, through extensive publicity, the consumption of agricultural products has been driven, and the development model of "characteristic agriculture + picking experience" has been established, which has stimulated the vitality of rural tourism economy and cultivated new growth points of rural economy.

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