
Rural Revitalization | UAV "flight defense"! Plugging in the "wings of science and technology" for rice pest control

Rural Revitalization | UAV "flight defense"! Plugging in the "wings of science and technology" for rice pest control
Rural Revitalization | UAV "flight defense"! Plugging in the "wings of science and technology" for rice pest control

  At present, it is the heading period of rice, which is the key stage for the formation of rice yield and quality. In order to ensure stable rice production and increase production, the Shizhong District Supply and Marketing Cooperatives use drones to carry out pest control operations in rice planting areas in the whole district, help field management through scientific and technological means, and promote the quality and efficiency of agricultural production.

Rural Revitalization | UAV "flight defense"! Plugging in the "wings of science and technology" for rice pest control

  Recently, the reporter saw in Shidong Village, Maoqiao Town, that the rice fields were lush and green, the air was filled with fresh rice fragrance, and the green rice was growing gratifyingly, a vibrant scene. With the sound of rotor rotation, a drone took off under the operation of the staff, and the huge air flow under the rotor pushed the pesticide mist to disperse evenly, spraying the pesticide into the rice field accurately and efficiently.

  "Drone spraying, saving time and labor, now most of the rural people are sixty or seventy years old, labor is insufficient, through drone spraying, reducing a lot of time and labor, fast and safe." Wan Wenhong, secretary and director of the Shidong Village branch, said.

Rural Revitalization | UAV "flight defense"! Plugging in the "wings of science and technology" for rice pest control

  According to the staff of the district supply and marketing cooperative, it is a critical period for rice to strengthen roots, strengthen stalks, and attack large ears, and it is also a critical stage for summer field management and prevention and control of crop diseases and pests. Now pest control can effectively prevent and control the borer and increase the yield. "Flying defense" through UAVs not only solves the problems of insufficient labor in rural areas and high costs, but also spreads pesticides evenly and covers a wide range of pesticides, which can reduce the use of pesticides.

Rural Revitalization | UAV "flight defense"! Plugging in the "wings of science and technology" for rice pest control
Rural Revitalization | UAV "flight defense"! Plugging in the "wings of science and technology" for rice pest control

  In the past few days, the supply and marketing cooperatives in Shizhong District have relied on regional agricultural service centers, grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives and other supply and marketing grassroots organizations to actively build an agricultural socialization service platform for grain farmers, and have provided more than 4,000 acres of agricultural socialization services such as rice "flying defense" and technical publicity for grain farmers in Maoqiao, Qingping, Pingxing, Shuikou and other towns, and it is expected to provide a total of 6,000 acres of services. At the same time, arrange the grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives operating agricultural materials to actively organize the supply of goods, open up green transportation channels, distribute and supply high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides, and distribute the rice pesticide control pesticides needed by farmers to provide logistical support for the prevention and control of pests and diseases.

Source: Rong Media Center, Shizhong District, Leshan City

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