
Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor

author:Loud in China

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and deepen the study and education of party discipline, the party committee of the institute carefully organized and carried out the party day activity with the theme of "welcoming July 1st, strengthening party discipline and strengthening party spirit" on the morning of July 1. The purpose of this activity is to further strengthen the cohesion of grassroots party organizations, fully stimulate the sense of mission and responsibility of party members, and effectively promote the work of maternal and child health to enter a new stage of development. The event was personally led by Huang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy, and the party members and cadres responded enthusiastically and worked together to contribute to social welfare.

Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor

Under the chairmanship of Dong Genxing, chairman of the trade union, Comrade Wang Guixiang, secretary of the first party branch, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party, so as to remember the original intention and move forward bravely. Comrade Ma Shizhong of the Party Building and Discipline Inspection Office delivered a speech on behalf of the Party Committee of the House of Representatives, emphasizing the key responsibilities of Party members in their respective positions, and vigorously calling on everyone to give full play to their vanguard and exemplary role and make new contributions to the cause of the Party and the people. The sharing of Zhang Suxia, the representative of the blood donation of medical staff, further highlighted the dedication and responsibility of medical workers.

Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor
Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor
Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor

In order to ensure the smooth development of the activities, each department has made careful arrangements according to the actual situation. Through the scientific and reasonable deployment of on-duty personnel, the outpatient department ensures that medical staff can participate in blood donation activities in batches, and at the same time maintains a good reception order. The inpatient department accurately adjusts the work of medical staff according to the priority of the patient's condition to ensure that some medical staff can devote themselves to blood donation without affecting the patient's treatment.

Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor
Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor
Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor
Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor

At 7:30 a.m., the blood donation drive was officially launched. The scene was orderly, and the blood donors were refreshed, and they carried out the preliminary preparations for blood donation such as filling out the form, measuring blood pressure, and testing blood in order. The participants included party members, cadres and ordinary workers, including senior seniors in the field of maternal and child health, as well as young comrades who have just stepped into the workplace. They are deeply aware of the rarity of blood and hope to spread their love to more people through unpaid blood donation.

Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Doctors donate blood with benevolence and fraternity to show their selfless demeanor

The blood donation activity lasted for three hours, with more than 130 party members, cadres and employees actively participating, accounting for about 30% of the total number of employees in the hospital. They jointly completed a total of more than 36,000 ml of unpaid blood donations, which fully demonstrated the deep love and positive contribution of the staff of Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital. Among them, Gao Jianguo, Zhou Hongjie, Zhang Suxia and other comrades performed particularly prominently, donating a total of 5,100 ml, 10,800 ml and 5,000 ml of blood respectively, making positive contributions to the county's unpaid blood donation work.

Looking forward to the future, Dongming County Maternal and Child Health Hospital will continue to be guided by party building, vigorously carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication of medical workers, build a strong line of defense for the physical and mental health of women and children in the county with blood and love, and make more significant contributions to the vigorous development of maternal and child health care in the county. (Zhao Jinli)

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