
It's good to eat some bananas in summer health care

author:Journal of Family Chinese Medicine

With the advent of the hot summer, people sweat a lot, and if they don't eat in time, it is easy to have low blood sugar and even cause collapse. If you can eat a banana at this time, you can quickly replenish energy and prevent this from happening. Because sweating is very high, it is very easy to cause potassium loss. Potassium is an important electrolyte in the human body, the body generally contains 150 grams of potassium, if the body lacks potassium, it is easy to cause fatigue, loss of appetite, bloating and discomfort and other symptoms. Bananas are not only high in sugar, but they are also a very potassium-rich food.

Banana is the fruit of the plantain family, which is mainly produced in the southern provinces of the mainland and Southeast Asia, and is harvested in autumn. Bananas are rich in nutrients, containing protein (1.3%), fat (0.6%), starch, sugar (11%), vitamins A, B, C, E, potassium and dietary fiber. Its taste is sweet and cold, it has the functions of clearing heat, moistening the intestines, clearing the lungs, replenishing deficiency and detoxifying, and can be used to prevent and treat fever, polydipsia, constipation, hemorrhoids, etc.

It's good to eat some bananas in summer health care

The normal concentration of potassium in the human blood is 3.5~5.5 mmol/L, and less than 3.5 mmol/L is called hypokalemia. The most prominent symptom of hypokalemia is soreness and weakness in the extremities, which can occur to varying degrees of neuromuscular relaxation, especially in the lower extremities. In addition, low potassium can also cause damage to the digestive, nervous, circulatory, urinary and other systems. Therefore, when you sweat a lot in summer, especially when you sweat a lot while working in a hot environment, working and walking under the scorching sun, you can prepare a few bananas to replenish your physical strength in time. In addition to bananas, lean pork, eel, peanuts, kelp, cucumbers, potatoes, celery, edamame, etc. In summer, you should also drink some tea, which can not only cool off the heat but also replenish potassium, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Banana Eat with caution

Although it is good to eat bananas in summer, you should also pay attention to the following points:

1. People with chronic nephritis and renal insufficiency should not eat more bananas, generally limited to half a (large).

2. Banana cold, the elderly (especially those with spleen and stomach deficiency) should be cautious or eat less, so as not to cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.

3. Diabetic patients should limit their consumption to avoid causing blood sugar to rise.

4. Bananas contain a small amount of tannins, especially unripe bananas, if you want to eat bananas to achieve laxative purposes, you must choose ripe bananas to eat, otherwise it may backfire.

It's good to eat some bananas in summer health care
It's good to eat some bananas in summer health care

Director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hosted by the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Knowledge of Chinese medicine Health and wellness information

It's good to eat some bananas in summer health care

The copyright of the article belongs to Family Chinese Medicine, and it is not allowed to be reprinted or excerpted without authorization. The copyright of the picture belongs to the original author.

Please use the prescription under the guidance of a physician.

The author of this article: Sun Qinglian

Editor: Chaoyang

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