
How can health food develop with high quality? Attaching importance to evidence-based medical research and explaining the efficacy clearly is the key

Source: People's Daily Online, People's Health

On June 29, the "Evidence-based Evaluation Launch of RCT of American Ginseng Royal Jelly Oral Liquid and the Seminar on the High-quality Development of China's Health Food Industry" sponsored by the China Nutrition and Health Food Association and co-organized by Seocho Family was held in Beijing. Following Ginkgo biloba oral liquid, the "Evidence-based Evaluation Project of Health Food Function" of the China Nutrition and Health Food Association continued to carry out the evidence-based evaluation of American ginseng royal jelly oral liquid.

Experts at the meeting pointed out that through evidence-based medical research, the health efficacy of products is clearly explained and explained, which is the key to the high-quality development of the health food industry.

Promote evidence-based evaluation of health food and usher in a new era of high-quality development

Zhang Zhongpeng, secretary-general of the China Nutrition and Health Food Association, said that with the growing demand for quality and personalized health, higher requirements have been put forward for the function of health food. Seocho Family's evaluation of the health efficacy of the traditional and classic American ginseng royal jelly oral liquid from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, and the evidence-based evaluation of the clinically proven gold standard RCT reflects the confidence of Seocho Family in the efficacy of the product.

How can health food develop with high quality? Attaching importance to evidence-based medical research and explaining the efficacy clearly is the key

Zhang Zhongpeng spoke

Conducting efficacy clinical studies can not only verify the health efficacy of health foods already on the market, but also help to discover new health functions of products. In this regard, Seocho Family actively cooperated with the association to carry out the RCT evidence-based evaluation of Ginkgo biloba oral liquid in 2023, and today launched the RCT evidence-based evaluation study of American ginseng royal jelly oral liquid, and continued to be supported by Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (hereinafter referred to as "Xiyuan Hospital") for the whole process of clinical trial support, which not only empowers classic products, but also sets an example for the industry, sets a benchmark, and promotes the high-quality development of the industry.

Zhang Zhongpeng said that he expects more companies to actively carry out evidence-based evaluation of health food like Seocho Family.

Based on data, evidence-based medicine is used to truly promote the high-quality development of the industry

At the seminar, Sun Silan, the third-generation inheritor of Seocho, said that health food, as one of the health products of traditional Chinese medicine, has received great attention from all walks of life, and how to solve the problem of its unsound development, eliminate the criticism of consumers' distrust of its specific functions, and carry out evidence-based medical research is the key.

How can health food develop with high quality? Attaching importance to evidence-based medical research and explaining the efficacy clearly is the key

Sun Si murmured to speak

Led by the China Nutrition and Health Food Association and undertaken by Xiyuan Hospital, the RCT human food trial study of American ginseng and royal jelly oral liquid to improve the weakened population is of great significance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine health products and health foods, which are the representative of the same resources of medicine and food and are also the main ingredients in the product formula. The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine health products through clinical evidence-based evaluation, clearly explained and explained, will help to solve some disputes and contradictions caused by the inaccuracies between the declaration function of health food and the actual experience of consumers. Evidence-based evaluation plays an important role in promoting the product update and iteration of the nutrition and health industry and the high-quality development in the future.

Sun said that how to make good use of the treasure of traditional Chinese medicine, let it play a greater role, increase the health life cycle of the elderly group, improve the problem of frailty, and reduce the risk of some major chronic diseases caused by frailty, through this evidence-based evaluation, it is helpful to explore effective methods.

This RCT human food trial study of American ginseng royal jelly oral liquid to improve deficiency is the second RCT study in which Seocho participated, which is a recognition of the company and the product. In terms of carrying out evidence-based evaluation of health food, Seocho is willing to cooperate with the association to play a leading role in demonstration, and also looks forward to more outstanding enterprises and products participating in the evidence-based evaluation, explaining the efficacy clearly, and helping the health industry enter a new era of development.

Professor Fu Changgeng, Director of the Scientific Research Department of Xiyuan Hospital, said that RCT is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. RCT studies exclude artificial interference, artificial selective deviation, and artificial measurement deviation as much as possible, and the research results are true and reliable, which is a research method with the highest level of evidence in clinical research at present, which can more accurately and objectively reflect the effect of intervention methods, and provide support for the clinical verification of the efficacy of health care products.

Professor Fu Changgeng said that Xiyuan Hospital is a leading institution in clinical medical evaluation in China, and its health care research center is a unit with the qualification of R&D and clinical evaluation of health care products in the traditional Chinese medicine hospital system.

Li Fengjie, associate researcher of the Health Care Research Center of Xiyuan Hospital, introduced the relevant situation of the evidence-based evaluation project of American ginseng royal jelly oral liquid against hypostasis from many aspects: epidemiology, etiology, and pathogenesis; Study on the pharmacological effect of American ginseng royal jelly oral liquid; Diagnostic criteria, inclusion criteria, and exclusion criteria for subjects with frailty; Observation indicators; research process, etc.

Drawing on the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, Seocho is scientifically compatible with American ginseng royal jelly oral liquid

Professor Sun Zaiming, director of the Institute of Medicinal Plants of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, developed Seocho American Ginseng Royal Jelly Oral Liquid, which is the health food of this evidence-based evaluation. As the main participant, he introduced the process of mainland American ginseng from introduction to domestic, functional research, in-depth development of American ginseng health products and going to sea, and earning foreign exchange for the country.

How can health food develop with high quality? Attaching importance to evidence-based medical research and explaining the efficacy clearly is the key

Sun Zaiming spoke

American ginseng has been used in China for more than 300 years. Previously, 80% of the mainland's American ginseng was imported from the United States. The Institute of Medicinal Plants has done a great thing, introducing American ginseng from the United States to China, which was successful in the 1970s, and in the 1980s, it was awarded the national Class A new drug certificate of traditional Chinese medicine. Since then, domestic American ginseng can replace imported American ginseng, saving a lot of foreign exchange for the country.

Later, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Professor Sun Zaiming scientifically matched the western ginseng royal jelly and schisandra chinensis, and successfully developed the compound ingredient of Seocho brand American ginseng royal jelly oral liquid.

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