
What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

author:Love the Wang family

Most cats will have hair loss problems, and the shovel officer suffers from hair staining every day. What to do if a cat sheds? This guide welcomes the collection of likes ~~

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Causes of cat shedding:

Seasonal shedding

Cats generally shed in spring and autumn, with spring shedding in May and June, and autumn shedding in October and November. This is a cat's physiological response to the changing seasons.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Shedding during estrus

If the cat has not been neutered, the hormone secretion in the body is unbalanced after entering the estrus period, which will cause serious hair loss.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Hair loss during the growth period

During the development of kittens, there is a normal phenomenon of moulting. For example, the milk hair will be removed and replaced with relatively mature hair.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Shedding in old age

In the elderly, cats have a slower metabolism, reduced mobility, longer sleep and do not like to groom their hair, and will lose their hair.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods


When cats are malnourished or have single nutrition, such as insufficient intake of protein, vitamins and trace elements, cats cannot keep up with their nutrition, and there will be hair loss.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods


Parasites such as fleas and mites can also cause coarse and shedding in cats, and bacterial infections such as cat moss can cause widespread hair loss.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Bathe frequently

Frequent bathing can disrupt the cat's acid-base balance and cause shedding.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

What to do if a cat sheds?

Periodic worsting

Combing the cat's hair for fifteen minutes a day can alleviate hair loss, and it can also promote blood circulation, which is helpful for the cat's health.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Too much sun

Proper exposure to ultraviolet rays in cats can promote blood circulation in the skin and make cat hair more shiny.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Deworming management

Good deworming management is an important means to prevent the growth of parasites, which is beneficial to the health of skin and hair. It is recommended to drive an external drive once a month and an internal drive once every three months.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Note that cats may have gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea after deworming, which is a normal phenomenon, and probiotics can be fed to help cats regulate their stomach.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Adjust your diet

In the diet, we should pay attention to nutritional balance, increase the proportion of meat, and supplement protein and vitamins. Try not to give the cat human leftovers, it is best to feed the cat food, choose a nutritious cat food, so that the cat can eat healthy hair.

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

Conclusion: Does your cat shed severely?

What to do if a cat sheds? Try these methods

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