
Chen Jinhu investigated the party building in Xinbei District and led the grassroots governance work

author:Propaganda Department of Changzhou Xinbei District
Chen Jinhu investigated the party building in Xinbei District and led the grassroots governance work

On July 1, Chen Jinhu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited the Daoxiang Community of Xinqiao Street, Xinbei District, to investigate the development of grassroots governance led by party building, emphasizing the need to give full play to the role of the community party organization as a fighting fortress, truly transform the advantages of the party organization into governance efficiency, and continuously improve the happiness and satisfaction of community residents. With the Daoxiang culture as the foundation, the Daoxiang community has created a party building brand of "Fellow Daoists and Township Companions", made every effort to build an employment public service position at the "doorstep", and comprehensively promoted the employment service port and the center of gravity around the "one-stop service, two channels, three lists, four mechanisms, and five types of audiences", polished the brand of the "doorstep" employment service station, and effectively opened up the "last mile" of employment and entrepreneurship for the masses.

Chen Jinhu investigated the party building in Xinbei District and led the grassroots governance work

Chen Jinhu also visited and condoled with veteran party members and party members in difficulty, and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the veteran party members.

Chen Jinhu investigated the party building in Xinbei District and led the grassroots governance work
Chen Jinhu investigated the party building in Xinbei District and led the grassroots governance work

City leaders Chen Xiang and Hang Yong, and district leaders Zhou Qing and Wu Yin participated in the investigation.

Source: Changzhou release

Editor: Zhang Xiaoyan

Review: Chen Xinzi Li Yanqing

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