
Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

author:Ahu's snack light

Summer is a good time to eat cucumbers, in fact, in the eyes of the ancients, the whole body of cucumbers is a treasure, its seeds, skin, melon pulp, melon vine, melon tie can be used in medicine or edible, known as the best in vegetables.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice
Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

Cucumbers in summer can not only be served cold, but also used in vegetables. I have shared before that fried duck gizzard with cucumber and stir-fried chicken and mushroom shrimp with cucumber are all good dishes to accompany the meal, and if you want to try a new way to eat, you can go to my homepage to search for it.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

Today, continue to make a good meal with cucumber and beef. The cucumbers here are pickled and washed beforehand to remove most of the water, resulting in a more crunchy texture. With beef stir-fried over high heat, the taste is fragrant, the taste is crisp and tender, the nutrition is rich, the fragrance of the pot is appetizing, and a dish can dazzle a pot of rice.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

Without further ado, let's share the practice of stir-frying beef with cucumber money on high heat to help you eat a good appetite in summer, please see the following breakdown for detailed steps:

——Stir-fried beef with cucumber money——

Ingredients: 3 cucumbers, a piece of fresh beef, red millet pepper, green onion and garlic, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, pepper, chicken essence, dry starch, cooking oil, salt, starch water, a little baking soda

Step 1: Prepare 3 tender cucumbers, wash them and cut them into slices, put them in a basin and sprinkle them with a handful of salt, mix well, and then set them aside to marinate for about 20 minutes. When the time is up, a lot of water comes out of the cucumber, pour out the water and wash the cucumber slices with clean water, and then squeeze the water dry and set aside.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

Step 2: Prepare a piece of fresh beef, observe the texture of the beef, and cut it into thin slices with the edge of the knife against the texture of the beef. After putting it in a bowl, add a little baking soda, an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, and then a little water to stir well, stirring until the water is absorbed and a lot of gum appears. Then add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and pepper and mix well, then half a tablespoon of dry starch and mix evenly, then set aside to marinate for 15 minutes.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

Step 3: The required accessories are chopped with onion and garlic as a small ingredient. Friends who don't like spicy taste can use other red peppers instead of color matching, or wash the chopped red millet peppers with water a few times, which can reduce a lot of spiciness.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

Step 4: Heat a little cooking oil in the pot, spread the marinated beef slices in the pot, fry the beef slices until they completely change color, and then put them out for later use.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

Step 5: Heat a little cooking oil in another pot, fry the minced onions, garlic and red pepper in the pot to bring out the fragrance, then put the cucumber money in the pot and stir-fry on high heat for about 30 seconds, fry part of the water vapor of the cucumber money, and fry the fragrance of the cucumber money.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

Step 6: Put the fried beef slices into the pot, pour in a circle of light soy sauce, sprinkle in an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, keep the heat and stir-fry evenly quickly, and fry for about 20 seconds. At this time, you can pour some water into the pot and fry some soup. Finally, pour a little water starch into the pot (the starch water in the picture is not used up, only a little bit is added), stir-fry over high heat and you can get out of the pot. Out of the pot on the fragrance, the beef is tender and delicious, the cucumber is crisp and refreshing, the taste is slightly spicy, a proper good dish to eat, when the weather is hot and there is no appetite, make this dish, instantly open the taste buds, eat everything is fragrant, if you are interested, you must try it.

Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice
Stir-fried beef with cucumber money: It is delicious enough to fry quickly on high heat, and it is fragrant and crispy and tender, which appeals to people's appetite and is too good for rice

- Ahu's cooking tricks -

No matter how simple the dish is, there are cooking tips: I like this way of eating fried cucumbers the most, marinate the cucumber slices, remove most of the water, and become crisp, and very tough, after squeezing the water, the melon slices become very wrinkled, at this time it is more conducive to hanging the soup of the dish, and the overall taste is better and the taste is better.

The beef parts I chose today are not very good, and they may not be very tender if they are fried directly, so I added a little baking soda when marinating the beef, which can promote the tenderness of the meat.

I'm Ahu's snack light, a gluttonous eater who likes to study different ways to eat food! Don't eat cucumbers cold, and beef is also a perfect match, stir-fry a fragrant and delicious rice, a dish can sweep away a pot of rice. If you like today's cucumber money fried beef practice, you can follow me, and leave a message, like, forward and "watch" this article, there will be more exciting content tomorrow, thank you for reading, see you tomorrow!

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