
Use car air conditioners in summer, these things need to be paid attention to!

author: Longnan Wen County released

In the summer, it is used by car air conditioners

The most frequent season

Do you know the proper way to use a car air conditioner?

Use car air conditioners in summer, these things need to be paid attention to!

While loving the car, we should also love our health.

Use car air conditioners in summer, these things need to be paid attention to!

When you get in the car, you immediately turn on the air conditioner, which hurts the car and hurts people

Many people turn the air conditioner to the maximum as soon as they get in the car, which is wrong!

Because when the car starts, the engine is not in good condition, if the air conditioner is turned on at this time, the engine load will be increased, and the engine will die prematurely for a long time.

This can also bring hidden dangers to people's health. After the car is exposed to the sun, the interior will emit carcinogenic gases such as benzene and formaldehyde. At this time, turn on the air conditioner immediately, and the confined environment will inhale toxic gases.

Proper use of the air conditioning process in summer

In summer, after the car is exposed to the sun, the temperature in the car is high, do not rush into the car, open the door first, ventilate and dissipate the air. After getting on the bus, open all the windows, start the external circulation system of the air conditioner, exhaust all the hot air, wait for the temperature in the cabin to drop, then close the windows, and then turn on the air conditioner at this time, and adjust to the appropriate temperature. Tip: It's hot in the car, and the first action when you get in the car should be to open the windows, start the external circulation of the air conditioner, and exhaust the hot air.

Use car air conditioners in summer, these things need to be paid attention to!

Do not turn off the heat and then turn off the air conditioner

Turning off the engine and then turning off the air conditioner is harmful to the engine, because the next time the vehicle starts, the engine will start with the load of the air conditioner, and such a high load will damage the engine.

Best practice: Turn it off a few minutes before arriving at your destination, so that you can turn on the natural air, so that the temperature in the air conditioning duct rises, eliminating the temperature difference with the outside world, so as to keep the air conditioning system relatively dry and avoid mold growth.

To cool down quickly, the air outlet is upward

Some drivers do not pay attention to the adjustment of the wind direction of the air conditioner when they turn on the air conditioner, which affects the air conditioning effect.

Best practice: Due to the physics of hot air rising and cold air sinking, it is recommended that the driver should turn on the air conditioner with the air outlet facing up and the air outlet facing down when the heating is turned on.

Replace the filter cartridge in time

In spring, there is generally a lot of sand and dust and catkins, and most of these things are easy to adsorb on the air conditioner filter, which causes the filter element to breed bacteria and make the air conditioner smell.

Best practice: After the vehicle enters the summer, it is recommended to check the use of the filter. If it is not very dirty, it is recommended to use an air gun to blow off the floating dust and debris, and if the filter is already very dirty or has reached the replacement period, it is recommended to replace it quickly.

Parking for long periods of time Turn off the air conditioner

In order to relieve fatigue or stop and wait, some people park their cars on the side of the road, close the doors and windows, turn on the air conditioner, and "enjoy" the comfort brought by the coolness. Some people even simply turned on the air conditioner and fell asleep in a car seat. Experts remind that when the engine of a car is working, if the gasoline in the cylinder is not burned completely, a high concentration of carbon monoxide will be produced, which will lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

What to do: When the temperature in the car is suitable, turn off the air conditioner for a while and open the windows to breathe. In summer, it is recommended to leave the vehicle or park the car in a shady place for long periods of time.

Use car air conditioners in summer, these things need to be paid attention to!

Alternate between internal and external circulation

It is best to use the method of alternating internal and external circulation to open the car air conditioner: when the air conditioner is just turned on, the external circulation is used first to discharge the stale air in the car, and after the temperature is reduced, switch to the internal circulation as soon as possible. However, long-term internal circulation will lead to unfresh air in the interior space and reduce oxygen content.

Therefore, if you drive for a long time, it is best to switch between the inner and outer circulation every once in a while.

Set the temperature of the air conditioner reasonably

Like the indoor air conditioner, if the temperature setting is too low, it may feel cool, but if the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, it is easy to cause the occupants of the car to catch a cold.

In addition to the above-mentioned

Driving in high summer temperatures

There are also these things to be aware of


Check your tires and pressure daily

Due to the exposure to the sun, the temperature of the ground is very high in summer, and the tires of the car are in direct contact with the ground, so we must first check whether the tires have cracks, bulges, excessive wear and other conditions, find these problems in time, and reduce the possibility of punctures.

Secondly, if the tire pressure is too high in the case of long-term driving, it is easy to burst the tire, which is very dangerous.

Use car air conditioners in summer, these things need to be paid attention to!

Of course, the tire pressure is too low, too low pressure not only accelerates tire wear, increases fuel consumption, but also may occur puncture, in the usual car process, as long as the tire pressure is kept in the normal range.


Prevent heat stroke and cool down, don't drive tired!

In the scorching summer, people are easily fatigued, fatigued, and unable to concentrate, so they should be prepared for heatstroke prevention and cooling, and always prepare cool oil, towels, drinking water, sunshades and other refreshing drugs and heatstroke prevention and cooling supplies. In addition, fatigue driving is strictly prohibited.

Use car air conditioners in summer, these things need to be paid attention to!


Watch for courtesy

The weather is hot, and some pedestrians cross the road while holding umbrellas and playing with their mobile phones, and their eyes and attention are not on the road, so when driving and encountering pedestrians, pay attention to slowing down or avoiding in advance.


In hot weather, prevent the vehicle from spontaneous combustion!

Spontaneous combustion of vehicles occurs when the temperature rises in summer. Although spontaneous combustion of vehicles is sudden, there are still some measures that can be taken to prevent spontaneous combustion accidents. For example: regularly inspect the circuit, oil circuit, do a good job of maintenance, and develop the habit of regularly checking the engine oil circuit.

Use car air conditioners in summer, these things need to be paid attention to!

Do not place flammable and explosive materials in the car, such as lighters, power banks, carbonated drinks, car perfumes, etc.

Be alert to odors in the car, if you smell odors in the car while driving, or see smoke coming from the gaps on the edge of the hood cover and near the dashboard, you should quickly pull over and turn off the ignition and check the vehicle carefully. In summer, try to park your car in an indoor parking lot or under the shade of a tree to avoid exposing your vehicle to the sun for a long time.

The weather is getting hotter

The heat is coming

Drive on the road

safety first

Source: National car should be self-reliant

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