
The lower the temperature of the car air conditioner, the more fuel consumption? The old driver will tell you the truth, this air conditioner is the most fuel-efficient

author:Said Che Xiao Li

Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Li. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, like our side is the hottest around the summer solstice every year, even if you drive out early in the morning, you have to turn on the air conditioner, otherwise it is really uncomfortable. But many people don't know if the temperature of the air conditioner is adjusted lower and the more fuel is consumed. If I want to be cooler and more fuel-efficient, how do I turn on the air conditioner with the lowest fuel consumption? Today, Xiao Li will talk to you about this issue.

The lower the temperature of the car air conditioner, the more fuel consumption? The old driver will tell you the truth, this air conditioner is the most fuel-efficient

The air conditioner of the car is also the same as the air conditioner in our home, the air conditioner in the home is divided into fixed-frequency air conditioning and inverter air conditioning, the energy consumption of the general inverter air conditioning is relatively low, but the price is much more expensive than the fixed-frequency one. This inverter air conditioner will automatically adjust the frequency according to the temperature set in your room during use. For example, when I turned on the air conditioner recently, I turned on 27.5 degrees, my room is relatively small, and the full power output of the compressor reaches the set temperature in half an hour, and the compressor will automatically reduce the working frequency to maintain the indoor temperature. If the room temperature is lower than the set temperature, the compressor will automatically increase the operating frequency when the low-frequency output cannot maintain the temperature. In this way, the electricity bill for using the air conditioner is reduced.

But as soon as you turn on the fixed frequency air conditioner, the compressor has been working at a fixed frequency, just like the water pump we pump, as soon as the switch is turned on, the water pump has been working at full horsepower, and the power consumption in this state is relatively large. Car air conditioners and home air conditioners are just different energy sources, whether they are installed in the car or in the room, the working principle is the same. There are also two types of inverter and fixed frequency air conditioners. Inverter car air conditioning is also more expensive than fixed-frequency air conditioning, for car manufacturers, more expensive means higher cost, so most of the cheap scooters use fixed-frequency air conditioning, and better cars will use inverter air conditioning.

The lower the temperature of the car air conditioner, the more fuel consumption? The old driver will tell you the truth, this air conditioner is the most fuel-efficient

The fixed-frequency air conditioner has a very special sound when it is used, but we can't hear it in the car at all. After we open the engine compartment, give people the AC button to turn on the air conditioner in the car, if you can hear a "click" sound in the engine compartment, which is the sound of the switch closing, then your car is using a fixed frequency air conditioner. Like the big forklifts and diesel trucks we used to drive, these all use fixed-frequency air conditioners. After you open the engine compartment of some cars, you can intuitively observe the working state of the air conditioning compressor pulley, and we can also judge whether it is fixed frequency or frequency conversion from the working state of the compressor pulley. I have shared this method with you in a previous article, and I will take the trouble to tell you about it today.

The lower the temperature of the car air conditioner, the more fuel consumption? The old driver will tell you the truth, this air conditioner is the most fuel-efficient

If you haven't turned on the AC button, the pulley of the compressor is like the bearing we see every day, the outer circle is rotating, but the middle circle does not follow the pulley, that is the fixed-frequency air conditioner. If you can see that the pulley of the compressor is rotating regardless of whether the AC is turned on or not, then this is an inverter air conditioner. But many people don't know that the pulley is a compressor, in fact, it is very simple to find, when we use air conditioning in the car, there must be a Lu tube in the engine compartment that is cold and even has water droplets on the surface, which is connected to the pipe similar to the motor-like component is the compressor of the air conditioner.

The lower the temperature of the car air conditioner, the more fuel consumption? The old driver will tell you the truth, this air conditioner is the most fuel-efficient

When we are using the air conditioner, the cold air entering the car is not necessarily all through the evaporation box of the air conditioner, there is a device called the damper under the center console, when you adjust the temperature switch of the air conditioner, the damper will also adjust the opening. If you adjust the temperature of the air conditioner to a higher level, then the damper opening is relatively large, and the air that has not been cooled from the damper is mixed with the air that has been cooled in the evaporation tank and sent into the car. If you set the temperature lower, then more cold air will come in the evaporation tank. However, if it is a fixed-frequency air conditioner, no matter whether you have to adjust the temperature up or down, it will have the same impact on fuel consumption, and the evaporation box has been cooled down so that the air conditioning is not used and it is wasted.

The lower the temperature of the car air conditioner, the more fuel consumption? The old driver will tell you the truth, this air conditioner is the most fuel-efficient

If you adjust the temperature to a higher level, the compressor of the car air conditioner will adjust the working frequency according to the temperature in the car, so that the cold air in the evaporation box is always in a state of sufficient and not wasted, and the fuel consumption will be lower. The characteristic of this inverter air conditioner is that the lower your temperature adjustment, the greater the fuel consumption, if you want to be cooler and want to save fuel, then you can only adjust the air volume, so that you can also get a better cooling effect without increasing the burden on the compressor.

But back to the essence of the car, it is just a tool to use, how comfortable it should be, and there is really no need to suffer for the sake of fuel. Even if you don't turn on the air conditioner, every 100 kilometers will save up to 1 liter of oil, according to the current oil price is to save 8 fast, all year round 5,000 kilometers without air conditioning will save about 400 yuan, and the impact of air conditioning on fuel consumption is more obvious when the car is driving at low speed, after the high speed, the impact of air conditioning on fuel consumption is very small, a year down to run high speed, do not turn on the air conditioning can not even save 400 yuan. Are you guilty of making such a sin for the sake of these 400 pieces?

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