
Tianlong online game gossip: The mid-year immigration cooperation zone has finally been announced, where should many players go?

author:Representative of the Tianlong Great Class

Since Tianlong officially released the announcement of the plan for the immigration cooperation zone in the middle of this year, the first batch of immigration cooperation activities began soon. Then last week, the relevant data on the major servers was officially announced, and the customized immigration cooperation notice was also launched.

Tianlong online game gossip: The mid-year immigration cooperation zone has finally been announced, where should many players go?

These published data include activity rankings, active peak rankings, the number of city battles won, the number of times Luofu was occupied, the ranking of millions of commentators, the ranking of 500,000 commentators, etc., you can clearly see the strength of a district server and the comprehensive ranking, the six servers at the bottom of the ranking are Shenlong Swing Tail, Dubu Jianghu, One Dream Ten Years, Yuhuatai, Qinyin Xiaozhu and Asking Love Cliff, these are all unpopular servers that everyone is more familiar with, due to historical factors, they are relatively deserted, or have previously carried out large-scale immigration.

Tianlong online game gossip: The mid-year immigration cooperation zone has finally been announced, where should many players go?

The servers ranked 32-55 are the target immigration servers, and this time these six groups of servers are divided into two groups, A and B, for immigration respectively, and each has 12 groups of target servers to choose from. After the end of the customized immigration, these six groups of servers will be combined in pairs, asking the cliff to the dragon swinging tail, a dream for ten years to the Qinyin Xiaozhu, and Yuhuatai to the Dubu Jianghu.

Tianlong online game gossip: The mid-year immigration cooperation zone has finally been announced, where should many players go?
Tianlong online game gossip: The mid-year immigration cooperation zone has finally been announced, where should many players go?
Tianlong online game gossip: The mid-year immigration cooperation zone has finally been announced, where should many players go?

In Group A, if you like to fight passionately, Martial Arts Supreme, Immortal Guidance and Fierce Battle are good choices, and it is said that the area has always been relatively chaotic. In addition, how ordinary players who need to emigrate choose a suitable server for themselves first depends on whether they have a companion to play with. The second is to see if you want to fight, or if you want to participate in city battles, or just play with life, if you just play life, in fact, on a slightly more lively server, it's pretty much the same.

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