
46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

author:Zhang Qingfeng of the ancient and modern

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Thinking that Chen Sicheng and Tong Liya got married, a good story of a talented and beautiful woman is still in my ears, and in a blink of an eye, 3 years have passed since the two divorced, and the two who fell in love at the beginning have embarked on completely different paths.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

After Tong Liya's divorce, she changed her former state of being a bird, and became a career-minded heroine, while Chen Sicheng, on the other hand, has a worse reputation as a director, and endless lace news is even hotter than his works.

Long before the divorce, Chen Sicheng's reputation as a "talented man" was well-known, and now he is in love with actress Ruan Ju, who is 21 years younger than him, and on June 28, some netizens met the two on vacation in Europe.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

From the photos posted by netizens, the two are walking in the same frame, and the difference in height is a bit eye-catching, it seems that Chen Sicheng is still a consistent machismo, and likes girls with a bird-like shape.

However, although Ruan Ju is also an actress, her current figure is very different from Tong Liya. Tong Liya has a slender waist and light weight, while Ruan Ju has a bit of "big shoulders and round waist", which is even more "strong" against the backdrop of the tight top.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

The year after the divorce, he was photographed hugging Ruan Ju on the street, and two years have passed, but Chen Sicheng has no plans to officially announce his relationship, which can't help but make people wonder how sincere this prodigal son is.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

After all, when he was with Tong Liya, Chen Sicheng was unambiguous when he showed affection, but now he has also broken up.

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [Jiupai News] [Baidu Encyclopedia] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

When a traditional girl meets a talented woman, a good story will eventually come to naught

As a typical representative of Xinjiang beauties, Tong Liya is sweet and lovely, and she can sing and dance, and her charm is extraordinary, so when she and Chen Sicheng, who were not good-looking, made an official announcement, many people still shouted pity.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

However, although Chen Sicheng looks average, he can direct, act and write screenplays, and his talent is recognized in the circle. The only bad thing about him is that the reputation of "Huaxin" is too loud.

Long before he met Tong Liya, he frequently went to nightclubs and behaved ambiguously with various women, and these lace news continued to emerge in an endless stream even after the two got married.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Although Chen Sicheng has always been "debauched", Tong Liya's tradition in her bones still makes her swallow her anger and be willing to be the woman behind him.

Before meeting Chen Sicheng, although she was not well-known, she had been dancing and acting diligently, and she gradually gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Since 2006, dozens of film and television dramas have been filmed, in addition to "Mother's Rite World", "Mother's Wife", "Strange Hero Yizhimei", etc., director Li Huizhu also sent the script of "Palace Lock Heart Jade".

Later, "Palace Lock Heart Jade" not only became popular with many leading actors, but also made Tong Liya leap from a small transparent actress to a hotly discussed actress by the audience.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Her career has also made a qualitative leap, and in the second year, she partnered with Chen Sicheng, and although the reputation of "Beijing Love Story" is somewhat polarized, Tong Liya's acting skills in it are remarkable.

Perhaps the two formed a fate at this time, and entered the palace of marriage two years later. At that time, the Chinese wedding of the two was very eye-catching, in addition to celebrating privately with relatives and friends, "Happy Camp" put on wedding clothes and sprinkled a handful of dog food on the audience.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

This year's Tong Liya can be described as a double harvest in career and love, and she won the first "after-view" in her acting career because of the role of a typical pampered city girl in "Weaning".

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Because of this, he and Chen Baoguo and other well-known actors are known as the favorite film and television stars of the national audience, and their popularity is even more explosive, and the film and television resources have doubled, and two years later, they also participated in the classic drama "Ordinary World".

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Tong Liya changed her previous image of "vase", dressed rustically in the play, and her face was several degrees darker than usual, but even so, it was difficult to hide her appearance, coupled with the addition of acting skills, a lively Tian Runye jumped on the screen.

In the same year, Tong Liya ushered in her son with Chen Sicheng, and Tong Liya, who had traditional ideas, slowed down the pace of her career and concentrated on her husband and children.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

It's just that she is dedicated to the family, but the young master Chen Sicheng doesn't think so, his wife and son can't let him stop it, after marriage, he still does his own thing, and he doesn't pay attention to Tong Liya's efforts at all.

After marriage, rumors about the divorce of the two are flying all over the sky, and his various lace news often dominates the hot search, but he doesn't care at all.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

So it is obvious that Tong Liya is gradually disheartened, and there is no need to continue to cover a heart that is not warm. In 2021, the two officially announced their divorce and have since broken up.

After the divorce, Tong Liya finally sobered up, changed her former weak and white flower character, and began to advance by leaps and bounds in her career, while Chen Sicheng's reputation became worse and worse......

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

After the divorce, he reached the top and became a family with his ex-husband

Without Chen Sicheng's help, Tong Liya not only did not plummet her resources as many netizens thought, but embarked on a smoother road.

not only has his acting career reached a higher level, he has played the main role in many dramas, he has been performing non-stop in various tribute films and main theme movies, and in 2020, he even played an important role as the host on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Looking at Chen Sicheng again, there have been almost no works worth mentioning since the divorce, and the once-proud 10 billion box office director has also become a laughing stock in the audience's mouth.

Not only is the movie broadcast one by one, but the only one with a relatively high popularity is "Disappearing Her", which is the screenwriter, but the movie is still popular with the actors and directors, and the script he wrote was complained about the old-fashioned plot, and even suspected of "plagiarism".

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

The current aura on his body is almost only the "good ex-husband of China", and this so-called "good" is actually Tong Liya who has left him enough dignity.

From the marriage of the two to their separation, Tong Liya has never said a bad word about him in front of the camera, which can be said to have given enough face, perhaps it is Tong Liya's generosity, and the two can still get along as relatives.

When Tong Liya's new work is released, he will also pay attention to and express his blessings, and in 2023, he will appear at the premiere of "I Passed Through the Storm" and praise Tong Liya's acting skills.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

He will also express his blessings on Tong Liya's birthday as the father of the child, and Tong Liya will also respond politely, and the two are also a rare couple in the circle who maintain dignity after divorce.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Although Chen Sicheng is not emotionally loyal, and even agrees with polygamy, he is still a good father in the final analysis. In the process of his son's growth, he will also accompany Tong Liya.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

There are often netizens who meet them on a trip with their son, and the atmosphere of getting along is like a family. I just don't know how these friendly daily lives feel in the eyes of Chen Sicheng's current girlfriend Ruan Ju.

After all, a goddess like Tong Liya is not valued by Chen Sicheng, and netizens are also very curious about what chance she can have.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Born in the same dance, it has not been officially announced

It's funny to say, no matter who succeeds the next celebrity after breaking up, he will definitely be compared, for example, the twists and turns of Wang Feng and several predecessors are often talked about, and Chen Sicheng is naturally no exception.

In recent years, there have been more opportunities for Ruan Ju's girlfriend to appear in front of the camera, and netizens will naturally discuss her and Tong Liya together, but this pickup has made netizens find fun.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Tong Liya is good at dancing, and her dancing posture is also recognized by the audience, but she didn't expect Ruan Ju to learn dance before becoming an actor. Some netizens couldn't help but joke that Chen Sicheng wouldn't find a stand-in.

However, the word "stand-in" seems to be a little impolite, although Ruan Ju's reputation in the entertainment industry is not as good as that of Chen Sicheng's girlfriend, but people have been working hard.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

She started studying ballet at a young age, expecting to become a dancer, but due to a serious injury during practice, she had to leave the stage and find another way.

Because of his outstanding image and appearance, Ruan Ju applied for the film academy, and was finally admitted to Chinese opera and embarked on the road of acting.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

She is still relatively lucky, her first film and television work is the modern romance film "Xi Bao" starring Guo Caijie, although she does not play an important role, but as the first work of her debut, the starting point is not low.

Later, he partnered with Sun Yi, Yang Zi, Tan Jianci and others, and even big IPs such as Jin Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: Nine Yin White Bone Claws" can have a starring seat.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

I have to mention the 2022 "Ball Lightning", although the broadcast effect of this drama is not very good, but it is produced by Chen Sicheng, perhaps the two got together at this time.

However, Chen Sicheng has always had the name of Huaxin, and the two have not been officially announced for two years, but they are often photographed in and out of pairs, which is really incomprehensible.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya


The tragedy of Chen Sicheng and Tong Liya's marriage is regrettable, but now he has gained new happiness, and Tong Liya's career is becoming more and more prosperous.

I don't know how far his relationship with Ruan Ju can go, but I still hope that they can have a happy ending. #长文创作激励计划#

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya
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The content information in this article comes from: [Jiupai News] [Baidu Encyclopedia]
46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya
46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

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