
Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

author:Fei Ge Curiosity
Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live
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Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

In 1980, a hospital in Hong Kong heard the loud cry of a baby. This newborn baby boy is Nicholas Tse, the superstar who shook the Chinese music scene in the future.

What is less well known, however, is that his mother, Deborah, was once an abandoned baby. From an abandoned baby that no one cares about, to the much-anticipated Hong Kong sister champion, and then to the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, Deborah's life is like a legendary novel with ups and downs.

Why did her marriage to Xie Xian finally come to an end? How does she find herself in the ups and downs of life? Let's unravel the mystery of this legendary woman and discover her journey in her quest for happiness.

In Hong Kong in the 50s of the 20th century, a couple stepped into a shelter and their eyes were drawn to a cute baby girl. The baby, named Lee Min-yi, was the famous Deborah.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

However, fate always likes to joke. When her adoptive mother became unexpectedly pregnant, Li Minyi's life took a sharp turn for the worse.

She was once pampered, but suddenly lost the opportunity to receive an education and was forced to take on heavy household chores. At a young age, she had to take care of her newborn brother and bear responsibilities far beyond her age.

Despite the hardships of life, the heavens did not seem to have completely abandoned her and blessed her with amazing beauty.

The adoptive mother was keenly aware of Li Minyi's potential and decided to sign her up for the Miss Hong Kong contest. In 1973, this little-known girl stood on the campaign stage.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

Her elegant temperament, deep eyes, and black hair like a waterfall instantly attracted everyone's attention. In the warm applause, she won the crown and became the much-anticipated Hong Kong sister in one fell swoop.

Since then, Li Minyi has changed her name to Deborah and started her brilliant career in the entertainment industry. However, underneath her glamorous exterior, her heart always longs for a warm home.

This longing may stem from her background as an abandoned baby, or from the lack of love in the adoptive parents' family. Regardless, it became the driving force that kept her going.

Deborah's counterattack life is not only a transformation of her appearance, but also an inner growth. From an abandoned baby to a celebrity in the limelight, she proves that fate can be changed with her efforts.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

However, her inner desire for family also laid the groundwork for her future love life.

This experience taught Deborah that beauty can be an opportunity to change her fate, but true happiness requires more exploration and effort. Her story is not only a legend of an abandoned baby to a star, but also a process of women constantly finding themselves and pursuing happiness.

Deborah's experience teaches us that no matter where you come from, it is possible to work miracles if you have the courage to face life's challenges. But at the same time, her inner desire for love also reminds us that outer success cannot completely fill the emptiness on the inside.

This laid the groundwork for her later love life and life choices, and also let us see a more three-dimensional and real Deborah.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

In 1974, Deborah's life ushered in another turning point. By chance, she met Xie Xian, who was in his prime. At that time, Xie Xian had just ended his short marriage to Zhen Zhen and was at a low point in his life.

However, the moment he saw Deborah, it was as if he saw the dawn of hope.

Xie Xian fell in love with Deborah at first sight and launched a passionate pursuit. He frequently courted her, even calling day and night just to hear her voice. Although Deborah was initially wary of the suave playboy, she was eventually struck by Xie Xian's sincerity.

The two began a sweet love affair, which was as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

In 1979, with the blessings and doubts of many fans, Deborah and Xie Xian held a grand wedding. This wedding can be called luxurious, with a total cost of up to 2 million Hong Kong dollars, and almost half of the heavyweights in the entertainment industry have been invited.

This is not only a testimony of the love between the two, but also marks Deborah's transformation from an abandoned baby who no one cares about to a wealthy daughter-in-law who has attracted much attention.

After getting married, Deborah devoted herself to her family and resolutely gave up her acting career, which was on the rise. She worked hard to play the role of a good wife and mother, and in order to be able to give birth as soon as possible, she even carefully designed a "pregnancy preparation plan" to supervise Xie Xian's diet and daily life.

Her efforts finally paid off, and in 1980, she gave birth to her son Nicholas Tse as she wished, and welcomed a daughter two years later.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

However, the happy life did not last long. Over time, Xie Xian gradually regained his gambling habit. He frequented the casino, spent a lot of money, and even owed a huge debt of 8 million yuan at one point.

Faced with such a dilemma, Deborah had to run around and ask for help to solve the debt problem.

This marriage brought sweetness and pain to Deborah. She fulfills her desire for family, but at the same time feels the cruelty of real life. The quarrels and contradictions day after day have gradually lost the luster of this once envied marriage.

In order to maintain family harmony, especially for the healthy growth of the children, Deborah and Xie Xian chose a special way of getting along - "loveless marriage".

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

They each maintain their own way of life and try to avoid head-on conflicts, but under this surface of peace, there is a deep disappointment and exhaustion.

This experience made Deborah wonder: What is true happiness? Is it a glamorous marriage on the outside, or is it true contentment on the inside? She gradually realized that what she had been pursuing might not really be the lifestyle that suited her.

The love story of Deborah and Xie Xian, from a vigorous beginning to an uneventful ending, reflects many people's fantasies and realities about love and marriage. It tells us that marriage requires not only passion, but also mutual understanding and tolerance.

At the same time, this experience also laid the groundwork for Deborah's future life choices, pushing her to continue to find her true happiness.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

Over time, Xie Xian and Deborah's marriage gradually lost its initial luster. The differences in their lifestyles and values become increasingly apparent, and the once sweet family life is replaced by frequent quarrels.

In order to create a relatively harmonious environment for their children to grow up, they chose to maintain a "loveless marriage" that was superficially peaceful. However, this compromise failed to fill the emptiness in Deborah's heart.

In 1995, fate once again extended an olive branch to Debord. During a flight, she meets Jiang Yaocheng, a suave pilot. Jiang Yaocheng's thoughtfulness and gentleness awakened the desire for sincere feelings in Deborah's heart.

This chance encounter was like a seed that quietly took root in Deborah's heart, prompting her to re-examine her life and think about what is truly suitable for her lifestyle.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

In her interactions with Jiang Yaocheng, Deborah seems to have regained the throbbing and vitality of her youth. She began to realize that she had been playing the role of the perfect wife and mother in the eyes of others for years, but she had neglected the true needs of her heart.

This new emotional experience gave her the courage to face her inner voice.

After much deliberation, Deborah made a difficult and courageous decision: to file for divorce. This decision not only required a lot of courage, but also meant that she had to take on the responsibility of raising her two children on her own.

However, Deborah firmly believes that true happiness can only be found if you are brave enough to face your heart.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

After the divorce, Deborah started a new life with her children. She rededicated herself to acting while also paving the way for her children's future. Despite the challenges of being a single mother, Deborah felt more free and fulfilled than ever.

This experience was not only the end of Deborah's married life, but also the beginning of her search for herself and her pursuit of true happiness. It proves that even in the middle of life, if you have the courage to face your inner voice, you can still redefine your life.

Deborah's story teaches us that true happiness lies not in conforming to society's expectations, but in staying true to one's heart.

In 2000, after five years of knowing and falling in love, Deborah and Jiang Yaocheng entered the marriage hall hand in hand. This new marriage is like a spring of fresh water, infusing Deborah's life with the peace and warmth she has always longed for.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

Jiang Yaocheng's thoughtfulness and understanding allowed Deborah to find a true sense of belonging in her heart.

However, the most surprising thing is that after the divorce, there was no common grudge between Xie Xian and Deborah. Instead, they forged a rare friendship.

The two often chat together over tea and share the joys, sorrows and sorrows in life. This harmonious relationship even attracted the attention of the media, and they were affectionately known as the "three in-laws", which became a good story in the entertainment industry.

Deborah's reconciliation with her ex-husband Xie Xian not only reflects her tolerant and generous character, but also shows her positive attitude towards life. She proved with practical actions that even after experiencing the failure of a marriage, it is possible to find new happiness and reconcile with the past.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

This wisdom in dealing with complex relationships made Deborah's life more fulfilling. Not only did she reap new happiness, but she also maintained a rare friendship and created a harmonious family atmosphere for the children.

Deborah's story teaches us that happiness is not only about finding the right person, but also about facing every stage of life with the right mindset.

Deborah's life is like a legendary novel of ups and downs, from an abandoned baby to a shining star, to the ups and downs of her marriage, and finally to finding true happiness.

Her story illustrates the process of a woman's constant search for self and happiness. Deborah uses her own experience to tell us that there is no eternal pattern in life, and only by constantly exploring and daring to change can we find the most suitable lifestyle for ourselves.

Deborah: The widowed baby arrived in Hong Kong, married a rich man and got rid of Xie Xian, and she has been looking for a favorite way to live

Her story will undoubtedly have a profound impact on many people, including her son, Nicholas Tse. Deborah's story teaches us that the value of life lies not in external achievement, but in inner fulfillment and growth.

Her courage and wisdom show us how to always maintain the pursuit of happiness in the complex journey of life.

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