
Sweet and sour! When Xiapu meets bayberry in summer, let the taste buds have a joy~

author:Cultural tourism Kasumigaura

The June breeze is fruity

The fruit of bayberry is greedy

Sweet and sour! When Xiapu meets bayberry in summer, let the taste buds have a joy~

In the village of Da Tomb, Songshan Street, Xiapu County

More than 100 acres of bayberry harvested

It attracts many tourists to come to pick and play

Sweet and sour! When Xiapu meets bayberry in summer, let the taste buds have a joy~
Sweet and sour! When Xiapu meets bayberry in summer, let the taste buds have a joy~

Walk into the Muli Farming Garden Scenic Area

Purple-red bayberry

Hidden among the lush green foliage

Embrace the summer sun

Bursts of fruity aromas

Sweet and sour! When Xiapu meets bayberry in summer, let the taste buds have a joy~

The main variety of bayberry is Dongkui bayberry

It is slightly larger, with a small core and thick flesh

Sweet and sour, juicy

The juice is very strong

Sweet and sour! When Xiapu meets bayberry in summer, let the taste buds have a joy~

It is understood that there are more than 3,000 bayberry trees in the bayberry picking garden in the scenic area, and it is now the season for the local bayberry to be listed, and the picking period ends at the end of June. Due to the strong seasonality of bayberry, in order to reduce intermediate links and facilitate sales, the bayberry garden mainly focuses on tourists entering the garden to pick, bulk purchase and sales of fresh fruits. At present, the number of tourists picking is high, and the daily traffic of weekends reaches more than 100 people.

Sweet and sour! When Xiapu meets bayberry in summer, let the taste buds have a joy~

Picking bayberry and tasting fresh fruits

Enjoy the wilderness


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Source: Xiapu News Network

Editor: Yang Ling

Editor in charge: Chen Yong

Auditor: Yang Liya

Sweet and sour! When Xiapu meets bayberry in summer, let the taste buds have a joy~

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