
The bayberry should be boiled in rice wine, and the flesh should be pulled out little by little with a pair of tweezers.

author:Shanghai Huang is not easy


I don't know if it's true or false to cook bayberry in rice wine in this video? I have never heard of such a way to eat, and then take tweezers to pull out the flesh of bayberry little by little and divide it, and you can eat it for 3~5 days, which is pure fiction entertainment at present. Could it be that it was eaten like this in the era of material scarcity?

The bayberry should be boiled in rice wine, and the flesh should be pulled out little by little with a pair of tweezers.

The largest production area of bayberry in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai should be Zhejiang, known as the "hometown of bayberry", and most of the market time is concentrated in June. There are many varieties, and the taste and size are different. Of course, there are other places where bayberry can be seen in Shanghai, such as Fujian, Guangdong and so on.

The bayberry should be boiled in rice wine, and the flesh should be pulled out little by little with a pair of tweezers.

Common bayberry varieties are as follows:

1. Water chestnut, purple-red after ripening, the size of a dollar coin, juicy and small, sweet and slightly sour, slightly aromatic. It is the largest and most widely planted variety in Zhejiang, produced in Yuyao and Cixi, Zhejiang, and is available from mid-June to early July.

2. Dongkui, known as the "bayberry king", is dark red after ripening, very large, like the size of a table tennis ball, the average fruit weight is 22~25 grams, and the largest weight is about 50 grams. The meat is thick and juicy, the flavor is strong, the sweetness and sourness are moderate, and the price is expensive. Origin: Zhejiang Xianju and Lishui. It is available from late June to early July.

The bayberry should be boiled in rice wine, and the flesh should be pulled out little by little with a pair of tweezers.

3. Ding Ao, there is a red spherical bulge at the base of the fruit stalk, which is known as "red plate green pedicle". When ripe, it is purple-black, soft and juicy, with a large core and a small core, sweet and sour. Origin: Wenzhou, Zhejiang.

4. Late rice, purple-black when it is late ripe, and nearly black when fully ripe. The flesh is delicate, sweet and sour, juicy, rich in aroma, and the flesh is easy to separate, so it is often used for soaking in wine. Since it is not easy to transport, the price is slightly expensive. Origin: Zhoushan and Dinghai, Zhejiang. It will be released in mid-July.

The bayberry should be boiled in rice wine, and the flesh should be pulled out little by little with a pair of tweezers.

5. White bayberry, also known as crystal bayberry. The color of the bayberry varies from pink to milky white when ripe, and it is said that in ancient times, the milky white bayberry was the rarest and was often used as a royal tribute. The meat is soft, sweet and juicy, with a slightly sour taste. Origin: Shangyu, Yuyao, Zhejiang and Zhangpu, Fujian. Launched in June.

6. Black crisp, purple-black when ripe. The size is large, the flesh is thick, the core is small and crispy, soft and delicate, sweet and sour, juicy, and there is a small bump at the top. Origin: Shantou, Guangdong. It will be released in mid to early June.

7. Anhai hard silk, also known as floating bayberry. When ripe, it becomes dark red or purplish-red. It is larger, has a coarse and hard taste, and has a moderate sweet and sour taste. Resistant to storage and easy to transport. Place of origin: Fujian Longhai Floating Museum. Available from May to June.

The bayberry should be boiled in rice wine, and the flesh should be pulled out little by little with a pair of tweezers.

Bayberry is a special fruit, which is marketed every summer, and the flesh is directly exposed to the air, which will inevitably be stained with some floating dust. Whenever bayberry is ripe, the fragrance emitted is very easy to attract fruit flies. The little white spots that can be seen on the bayberry are the eggs of fruit flies, and the larvae after hatching also live on the bayberry by eating bayberry meat and sucking bayberry juice, and the fruit flies are mainly sucking fruits throughout their lives. Therefore, many people eat bayberry directly when they pick it, which is fine, and at the same time they also consume high-quality protein (fruit flies). This is called "out of sight is pure".

The bayberry should be boiled in rice wine, and the flesh should be pulled out little by little with a pair of tweezers.

But there are still most people who can't accept eating directly, and when they come back, they should wash it with water first, just remove a little dust, which is no different from eating directly. The correct way to clean it is to add a little salt or edible baking soda to clean water and let the bayberry soak for a while, which can not only remove the dust on the surface of the bayberry pulp, but also remove the eggs or other small insects of the fruit flies, and clean them again before eating.

The bayberry should be boiled in rice wine, and the flesh should be pulled out little by little with a pair of tweezers.

The above are the more common bayberry varieties in Shanghai. The history of bayberry cultivation in the mainland has been as long as 1,000 years, and it is generally in the south. There are many ways to eat bayberry, there are rock sugar bayberry made into candied fruit, and there are used to soak in wine and drink. Bayberry is a seasonal fruit, only found in summer; The nutritional value is still very high, beauty and beauty, antidiarrheal and detoxification, quite popular with beauties, it is really "plum" you can't. #头条创作挑战赛##今日餐桌美食分享##美食##水果#

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