
Bayberry is known as the "treasure of fruits" and has high nutritional value, but these 3 types of people are recommended not to eat it

author:Life is a bit of a material

On a sunny spring afternoon, the family sits around the courtyard with a table full of hearty fruits, including a plate of fresh bayberry.

An elderly family member picked up a bayberry and said, "You know what? Although bayberry is good, it is not suitable for everyone to eat in unlimited amounts. "The young family members are asking why.

An older family member explains: "The sour taste and rich nutrients of bayberry are indeed appealing, but for some people, there may be some risks associated with consuming them. ”

A young family member asked, "For example?" ”

"For example, if you have an upset stomach or have a sensitive digestive system, consuming bayberry may cause stomach pain or indigestion," said an older family member. ”

01 Nutritional content of bayberry

Treasures of Vitamin C:

Bayberry is a vitamin C-rich fruit, containing about 32 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fresh bayberry. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals, boost immunity, promote collagen synthesis, and maintain skin health and elasticity. In addition, vitamin C can also promote iron absorption, prevent anemia, protect blood vessel health, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Bayberry is known as the "treasure of fruits" and has high nutritional value, but these 3 types of people are recommended not to eat it

Mineral Supply Stations:

Bayberry is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, etc. Potassium is an important electrolyte that helps maintain normal blood pressure and heart function, regulates water and electrolyte balance, and prevents hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Calcium is an essential mineral for bone health and helps prevent osteoporosis and fractures. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin and is involved in the transport and supply of oxygen.

Sources of Dietary Fiber:

The dietary fiber in bayberry helps promote gut health and digestive function. Each 100 grams of bayberry contains about 1.7 grams of dietary fiber, which can increase satiety, promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation and colon cancer, regulate blood sugar and blood lipid levels, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Bayberry is known as the "treasure of fruits" and has high nutritional value, but these 3 types of people are recommended not to eat it

02 Although bayberry is good, these three types of people should eat less!

Diabetic patients and people with abnormal glucose metabolism:

Bayberry contains natural fructose, which is healthier than artificially added sugar, but diabetics and people with abnormal glucose metabolism still need to pay attention to controlling their intake.

Excessive sugar intake can cause sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of diabetes complications. It is recommended that such people choose ripe but not too sweet fruits when eating bayberry, and pay attention to the dietary plan to avoid affecting blood sugar control.

Bayberry is known as the "treasure of fruits" and has high nutritional value, but these 3 types of people are recommended not to eat it

People with sensitive digestive systems:

The sour taste of bayberry may irritate the sensitive digestive system, leading to symptoms such as stomach upset, stomach pain, acid reflux, and more. For people with digestive disorders such as hyperacidity, stomach ulcers, gastritis, etc., special caution is required when consuming bayberry. It is recommended that such people try a small amount of bayberry before eating it to observe whether it causes discomfort, and if there is discomfort, they should stop eating it immediately.

People with specific food allergies:

Despite the fact that bayberry is a natural fruit, there is still the possibility of triggering an allergic reaction. For people with a history of food allergies, extra caution should be exercised when consuming bayberry. It is advisable to perform an allergy test, such as a skin irritation test or a serum IgE test, to confirm whether you are allergic to bayberry. If you have an allergic reaction, you should avoid eating bayberry or seek medical advice.

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