
Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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Han Fei works as a human resources manager for a large company, and this job keeps him busy with various documents and meetings every day, and the pressure of work often makes him have no time to take care of his health. He was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia at the age of 40 because of his long-term lack of diet control, and doctors warned him that he needed to make immediate lifestyle changes.

Since then, Han Fei's medicine cabinet at home has always been stocked with drugs for high blood lipids, and whenever friends eat greasy food at dinner, he will have a trace of worry in his heart.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

One afternoon, Han Fei decided to go for a walk in a nearby park to relax his tense nerves. In the park, with its tree-lined greenery and clear water, a group of retirees play chess while some young parents play with their children. He was jogging on a quiet path, and from time to time he heard the laughter of children and the chatter of old people.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Just as Han Fei was jogging to a shade of a tree to take a break, he overheard two elderly people discussing healthy food. An old man with silver hair said, "I recently discovered that black fungus is really the enemy of high blood lipids!" ”

This sentence immediately caught Han Fei's attention, and he approached curiously, hearing another old man ask suspiciously, "Black fungus?" I know it's good for the body, but is it really that magical? ”

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

The silver-haired old man smiled proudly: "Of course, my son is a doctor, and he told me that the gum in the black fungus can help lower blood lipids, clean up the garbage in the blood vessels, and make the blood flow smoother." I now eat at least twice a week and feel much better! ”

After listening to this conversation, Han Fei's heart was full of questions. Although he had heard of the health benefits of black fungus, he had never heard of it having such significant benefits.

The next day, Han Fei came to the hospital early in the morning and found Dr. Li, who was in charge of his hyperlipidemia records.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Han Fei brought up the discussion he had heard in the park yesterday about black fungus to Dr. Li, who nodded with a smile and began to explain in detail: "Black fungus is indeed a very good health food. ”

"It's rich in plant gum, a special cellulose that adsorbs water in our digestive system to form colloids, which helps to adsorb and remove 'junk' from the blood, such as excess fat and cholesterol."

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

"What's more, the phytogum in black fungus can help reduce the viscosity of blood and improve blood mobility, which is of great benefit to the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases."

Dr. Lee continued, "However, you need to be careful that black fungus is good, but it should not be consumed in excess, and it is best to choose fresh or properly processed dried products. Black fungus soaked for a long time may produce bacteria or other substances that are not good for health, which may have adverse effects on the body. ”

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Han Fei was very relieved to hear this, he finally understood the science behind the black fungus, and also learned how to properly use this ingredient to help him control high blood lipids.

In addition to reducing the intake of total fat and cholesterol, some specific fruits and vegetables can effectively help improve blood lipid levels through their unique nutrients, thereby maintaining vascular health.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

In particular, modern research continues to provide a better understanding of some of the most common ingredients, including tomatoes, apples, and garlic, which are not only universally available and affordable, but also contain powerful lipid regulation abilities.

Tomatoes are not only delicious, but also known as the "protector of the heart", which is rich in a natural pigment called lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found to fight free radicals and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Lycopene is really amazing, it can not only lower bad cholesterol, but also increase good cholesterol, which is especially helpful in controlling high blood lipids! Tomatoes also have a lot of dietary fiber, which can help regulate the body's absorption and metabolism of fat, which in turn controls blood lipid levels.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Apples, the widely regarded "one fruit a day" also play a big role in controlling high blood lipids, and apples are rich in a special soluble fiber called pectin. Pectin is highly absorbent and forms a gelatinous substance in the digestive system, which helps to capture and flush out excess cholesterol and fat, thus preventing them from being absorbed by the body.

Apples are also rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, which protect blood vessels from oxidative stress and help maintain the health and elasticity of blood vessels.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

The allicin in garlic is really powerful, it can effectively reduce the total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, and allicin also helps prevent platelet aggregation, which is an important contributing factor to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, incorporating garlic into the daily diet in moderation can promote blood circulation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Therefore, for patients with hyperlipidemia, incorporating tomatoes, apples and garlic into their daily diet is not only a treatment strategy for the symptoms, but also a long-term lifestyle adjustment. With the proper use of these foods, we can better manage hyperlipidemia and enjoy a healthy life.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

When discussing foods that are good for high blood lipids, we also have to pay attention to some food choices that seem healthy but can actually backfire. In particular, some fruits and vegetables, although they are natural and rich in many nutrients, can have adverse consequences for people with hyperlipidemia who consume too much or make the wrong choice.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Although bananas are a nutritious and convenient fruit, their high-sugar and high-calorie properties may not be as friendly to people with hyperlipidemia.

When too much of the simple sugars in bananas are consumed, they can be quickly converted into blood sugar, which can lead to a temporary increase in blood lipid levels. In addition, for those with high blood lipids who need to tightly control their energy intake, the higher calorie level of bananas can be a barrier to weight management.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Although grapes are rich in antioxidants and nutritional value, their high fructose content is also a problem for patients with hyperlipidemia, although fructose is a natural sugar, but after a large amount of intake, it can increase the burden on the liver and promote the synthesis of triglycerides, which may lead to an increase in blood lipid levels.

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Patients with hyperlipidemia should consider more about the nutrients behind the food and its specific effects on the body when formulating a diet plan, so as to control blood lipids more scientifically and avoid potential health risks. This unique perspective helps us rethink the two-sided nature of food and make more rational choices and arrangements for our daily diets.

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about preventing hyperlipidemia? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables



[1] Liu Guodong. Correlation between apolipoprotein gene polymorphisms and blood lipid levels in the longevity of the elderly in Zhongxiang, Hubei Province, Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 2017-06-25

Is black fungus the "killer" of high blood lipids? Advice: If you want your blood vessels to be smooth, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

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