
Is amaranth a "lesion" of stomach problems? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want to get worse and eat more of these vegetables and fruits

author:Top Star cRBlJp
Is amaranth a "lesion" of stomach problems? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want to get worse and eat more of these vegetables and fruits

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Supermarket auntie's stomach meridian: the vegetable "taboo" you don't know

In a corner of the bustling city, running a chain of supermarkets of a large scale, Aunt Li is busy like a spinning top every day, shuttling back and forth between customers and employees, greeting warmly, always with a friendly smile on her face, don't look at her over fifty years old, but she is in good spirits and full of energy, Aunt Li has always believed that the body is the capital of the revolution, and only by maintaining a healthy body can we better cope with the challenges of life and work

Is amaranth a "lesion" of stomach problems? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want to get worse and eat more of these vegetables and fruits

As she gets older, Aunt Li pays more and more attention to her physical condition, especially gastrointestinal function, after all, as she gets older, her digestive system is not as strong as when she was young, so she pays special attention to her daily diet and tries to choose some light and easy-to-digest food

Physical examination "Thunderbolt from the blue": It turns out that healthy vegetables can also hurt the stomach

A routine physical examination not long ago, but to Aunt Li's originally peaceful life stirred up a trace of waves, originally thought that she has always paid attention to health, the results of the physical examination should be no problem, but did not expect the doctor's words to make her heart tight, the doctor told her that according to the results of the examination, her stomach appeared some abnormalities, may be long-term consumption of some irritating vegetables, resulting in damage to the gastric mucosa, which caused stomach pain and other uncomfortable symptoms

Is amaranth a "lesion" of stomach problems? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want to get worse and eat more of these vegetables and fruits

"How so? I've always been very careful about my diet, and recently I even deliberately ate more amaranth, saying that it is good for my health, why does it hurt my stomach? Aunt Li felt incredulous and couldn't help but ask the doctor

Seeing Aunt Li's stunned and worried face, the doctor patiently explained to her: "Although amaranth is rich in nutrients, it is cold and contains a certain amount of oxalic acid and tannic acid, which have a certain irritation to the gastric mucosa."

Doctor's professional advice: a "dietary guide" for patients with stomach problems

"I see, it seems that healthy eating can't be taken for granted!" Aunt Li suddenly realized and hurriedly asked the doctor for advice, "Then how should I eat in the future?" Is there anything I need to pay attention to? ”

Is amaranth a "lesion" of stomach problems? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want to get worse and eat more of these vegetables and fruits

"In your case, it is recommended to appropriately reduce the intake of irritating vegetables such as amaranth and leeks, and eat more warm and easily digestible vegetables, such as pumpkin, yams, potatoes, etc., in addition, fruits such as apples and bananas are mild in nature, rich in dietary fiber, and also help to promote digestion, so you can eat more in moderation," The doctor said while listing some vegetables and fruits suitable for Aunt Li's consumption one by one, and told her to maintain good eating habits, eat small and frequent meals, and avoid overeating. In this way, we can better protect gastrointestinal health

Reinvent your eating habits and embrace a healthy lifestyle

After returning from the hospital, Aunt Li seriously reflected on her past eating habits, and she realized that many seemingly healthy vegetables, if eaten improperly, may also cause a burden to the body, she began to consciously adjust her diet, reduce the intake of irritating vegetables such as amaranth and leeks, and instead choose some foods that are more suitable for her physique

Is amaranth a "lesion" of stomach problems? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want to get worse and eat more of these vegetables and fruits

After a period of time, Aunt Li obviously felt that her stomach discomfort symptoms had been reduced a lot, and the whole person felt much more relaxed, and she deeply realized that healthy eating is not static, but needs to be adjusted accordingly according to her own physical condition and needs

The concept of scientific diet starts with me

Aunt Li shared her experience with her family and friends, reminding everyone to pay attention to the nutritional value of food, but also pay attention to the taste of food and their own physique, and choose foods that are suitable for themselves in order to better obtain health

Is amaranth a "lesion" of stomach problems? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want to get worse and eat more of these vegetables and fruits

In fact, it is not uncommon for people like Aunt Li to suffer from health because they do not understand the characteristics of food, which also reminds us that on the road of pursuing a healthy diet, we must not only pay attention to the food itself, but also combine our own actual situation, make scientific choices, and make reasonable combinations, so as to truly eat healthy and eat with vitality

Healthy life, start from a little bit, what are your stomach tips? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share!

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