
Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"The old man next door said yesterday that diabetics can't eat jujubes, is this true?" Li Zheng frowned, looking at the fruit basket in his hand, full of doubts.

Li Zheng, an ordinary bank clerk, was recently admitted to the hospital after being diagnosed with diabetes because of his rising blood sugar. In the hospital, he was told about the importance of dietary control, so he was extra careful with every food. One day, when he heard the patient in the next bed discussing the topic of jujubes, he began to worry about whether he had eaten food that he shouldn't have eaten by mistake.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

The next day, Li Zheng deliberately found Dr. Wang, who was in charge of his treatment. Dr Wong is a well-educated physician with a good understanding of dietary control for diabetes.

After listening to Li Zheng's question, Dr. Wang smiled, and then leisurely explained: "Jujubes, or what we often call red dates, can actually be eaten in moderation, even for diabetics. After a pause, he continued: "Jujube is indeed rich in sugar, but it is also rich in vitamins and various trace elements such as iron, potassium and vitamin C, which are beneficial to the human body. ”

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

Dr. Wang took out a nutrition facts list from the drawer, pointed to the data on it, and explained in detail: "Jujubes are indeed high in sugar, but if the amount can be controlled, it is okay to eat them in moderation." For example, eating 5 to 6 capsules a day can replenish physical strength and enhance immunity without causing much impact on blood sugar. ”

He added: "Jujube also has the effect of replenishing qi and blood and regulating the immune system, which is a good choice for diabetics who often feel tired. However, excessive consumption can indeed cause a rise in blood sugar, especially if you are inactive. ”

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

"Jujube can also promote the secretion of gastric juice and help digestion, but if your gastrointestinal function is not very good, or you have indigestion, eating too many jujube may also cause discomfort." Dr. Wang carefully explained every detail to ensure that Li Zheng could fully understand and correctly apply it to his daily diet.

After Li Zheng heard this, he began to let go of the big stone in his heart. He thanked Dr. Wang for his detailed explanation and decided to pay more attention to his diet in the future, try to follow the doctor's advice, and avoid blood sugar control problems caused by ignorance.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

This conversation not only solved Li Zheng's misunderstanding of jujubes, but also made him more aware of how to manage his diet in daily life as a diabetic patient. Such questions will not only help him, but also help others around him who may be experiencing the same confusion in the future.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

In the daily diet management of diabetic patients, the choice of fruits is particularly important. While fruit is an integral part of a healthy diet, providing a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, not all fruits are suitable for diabetics.

Some fruits may cause a rapid rise in blood sugar due to their high sugar content or high glycemic index (GI), so knowing which fruits to reduce is a must-know for every diabetic.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

Watermelon is a favorite of many people because it not only tastes sweet but also has a great thirst-quenching effect. However, watermelon has a relatively high glycemic index, accounting for more than half of the total. This means that the sweetness in watermelon can be absorbed by the body more quickly, causing blood sugar levels to rise for a short period of time.

Although watermelon is not high in calories, due to its high GI value, diabetics must be extra careful when consuming it, preferably limiting it to a small slice or eating it with foods with a low GI value to balance the blood sugar response.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

Not only is pineapple delicious, but it's also rich in vitamin C and manganese, which are great for maintaining healthy skin and bones. In addition, pineapple contains relatively high fructose, a natural sugar that, although sweet, also raises blood sugar. Diabetics should reduce their intake of pineapples, and no more than one or two small pieces should be consumed at a time to avoid a sudden increase in blood sugar.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

Mango, this tropical fruit is loved by many for its steady sweetness. Mango is rich in vitamin A and vitamin E, but it is also a high source of sweetness. Diabetics should limit their consumption of mangoes to 100 grams, which is about half a medium-sized mango.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

Grapes are considered a healthy snack by many people, but the high sugar content in grapes is also a challenge for people with diabetes. While grapes are rich in antioxidants, such as resveratrol, which can help with heart health, diabetics should limit their consumption to a small handful, of about 10 grapes.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

For diabetics, it would be better to develop fruits with low GI values. The sugar in these fruits is released more slowly and does not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. At the same time, moderate fruit intake can provide diabetics with essential nutrients to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

By understanding the specific effects of these fruits and the appropriate amount of them to eat, diabetics can better control their blood sugar and avoid blood sugar fluctuations caused by poor diet.

In your daily diet, you can enjoy delicious fruits and ensure the stability of blood sugar while reasonably arranging the intake of fruits. This stabilization of knowledge not only helps in disease control, but also enhances patients' confidence and motivation in managing their own health.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

To ensure the stability of blood sugar, diabetics need to pay more attention when developing fruits. While some fruits may cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, there are many others that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help slow blood sugar absorption, which helps stabilize blood sugar.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

Apples have lower blood sugar, and the soluble fiber in apples can help lower the glycemic response. The pectin in apples not only helps lower blood sugar but also lowers cholesterol levels, which can have a positive effect on heart health. One medium apple per day is an effective way to provide fiber and vitamins while keeping blood sugar levels stable.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, should also be included in the diet of diabetics, as these fruits have a low GI and are rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the health of blood vessels and prevent complications such as diabetic foot. The fiber in oranges and grapefruit can help control hunger and slow down the movement of food through the intestines, which can help stabilize blood sugar.

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

Such dietary modifications, combined with proper physical activity and medical management, can greatly improve the quality of life and health of people with diabetes. This approach uses the power of natural food to help with blood sugar control, providing a simple, effective, and enjoyable way to combat the challenges of this chronic disease.

(All names have been changed)

What are your thoughts on what people with diabetes should eat less? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly



[1] Qi Mengya. Increased exercise in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus is associated with reduced insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk factors, Basic and Clinical Medicine, 2024-06-28

Diabetics can't eat jujubes? Doctor reminds: If you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should touch several fruits sparingly

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