
Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

author:It's not like a little swimming
Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Text | It's not like a little swimming

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The angel face and devil body are the ideal state that almost every girl dreams of.

This is especially true for female stars who rely on their appearance to a certain extent.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

And on the road to shaping the devil's figure, the methods adopted by some actresses can even be summed up by the word extreme.

In order to pursue the devil's figure, the actresses have become "weight loss maniacs" one by one.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Jolin Tsai

As a singer, Jolin Tsai's status in the Chinese music scene is undoubted, and she has been known as a diva a long time ago.

Although the singer's industry does not have such high requirements for figure, she herself has a clear pursuit.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

It is also because of this that she has maintained a somewhat frightening figure for so many years.

Jolin Tsai is 1.56 meters tall and weighs about 80 pounds all year round.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

But this is not her ultimate pursuit, she said it when Jolin Tsai just debuted.

Your ideal weight is 35 kilograms. In other words, only a 70-pound figure is perfect in her mind.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"
Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In order to pursue this perfect figure, she can be said to have achieved "calculating".

From daily eating habits to living habits, Jolin Tsai, a singing diva, has a very strict plan.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In Jolin Tsai's weight loss "cheats", the most eye-catching thing is her diet recipe for three meals a day.

Most of the time, she only has two or one meal a day.

The staple food is rice and fruit and vegetable salad, even if it is green vegetables, she insists on boiling them.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

And there is little salt and no other seasonings, and the main thing is a so-called clean diet.

Occasionally, she has to soak the stir-fry vegetables in water in advance to ensure that there is absolutely no oil before eating.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

As for fried food and desserts, they are completely "taboo" for her, and they are not allowed to appear on the table.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In addition to her extreme diet plan, she also does a variety of exercises under professional guidance.

The end result is that he is thin into a skeleton, his skin condition is greatly reduced, and he looks very old.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

It is precisely because of this that it has been the same for decades.

Only then did Jolin Tsai maintain a devilish slender figure even when he was over 40 years old, which made many fans feel distressed.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"
Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Yan Liting

Yan Liting is a well-known actress in Taiwan, and in her early years, she also had a professional label of a beautiful girl.

Her biggest feature is that she looks sweet and lovely, and at the same time has a frank and lovely temperament, which is a very likable type.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

But also because of the limitations of her appearance, Yan Liting's career as an actor did not last long.

Fortunately, Yan Liting was not discouraged by the frustration in the field of film and television dramas, and after 2009, she slowly transformed into variety shows.

Facts have also proved that Yan Liting's straightforward character is still more suitable for variety shows.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Her transformation was undoubtedly successful, and it was in the course of a certain episode of "Kangxi is Coming".

Yan Liting broke the news of a "secret recipe" for weight loss that she had tried.

Even in "Kangxi is Coming", which has always been known for its openness, Yan Liting's revelation is full of heavy taste.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

However, that incident only happened when Yan Liting was a student before her debut.

At that time, in order to lose weight, she once tried to swallow earthworms alive according to the saying of home remedies.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

The most outrageous thing is that the home remedies theory also analyzes the head of this live earthworm is the Tao.

According to Yan Liting's recollection, when her classmates told her about this method, they said that live earthworms can eat excess food when they enter the stomach to achieve the purpose of losing weight.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In this way, Yan Liting ate earthworms with her classmates.

But she only ate one and felt dizzy and stopped immediately.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

But the classmate who told her about the home remedies had been eating it for a whole year.

As a result, he naturally did not lose weight, not only did he not lose weight, but he gained weight.

The reason for this is that it is the infection caused by eating earthworms alive that leads to a decline in metabolism.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In order to become beautiful and thin, she actually listened to home remedies, but fortunately, Yan Liting also discovered the harm in time.

If she had eaten for a year like her friends, it might have led to some irreversible consequences.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Chen Luyu

Chen Luyu is a well-known host in China and has a very personal style.

Among the ranks of Chinese hosts, she is undoubtedly the most special one, because her reputation has remained polarized all year round.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

As a rare "host who can pretend to be stupid".

Chen Luyu's hosting process often has some "low emotional intelligence" speeches, so that her popularity is difficult to say.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Another one, she is a well-known thin person among domestic hostesses, a pure living skeleton, which is really not good-looking.

For the pursuit of a slender figure, she has definitely reached a state of obsession to paranoia.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In order to maintain such an almost thin figure, Lu Yu has a fixed diet for weight loss.

Breakfast is a glass of milk with a piece of fruit, and her lunch is a little more "extreme" than breakfast.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Because she doesn't eat staple foods, even if she wants to eat rice, she counts and eats.

What is counting and eating? According to Chen Luyu's own words, she has always eaten enough rice to count ten grains, and basically does not eat more.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

However, other dishes, such as chicken, duck, fish, vegetables and fruits.

She also refuses to come, but the control of quantity is also very strict.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

And even if it is such a small amount, she insists on chewing and swallowing slowly, which makes it even more impossible to gain weight.

But it is also because of such extreme weight loss recipes that Chen Luyu has the title of "big-headed doll" on the Internet.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Because her body is a little too thin, her head is particularly prominent.

Even her supporters kept shouting that she would eat fatter.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Deng Ziqi

As a singer, Deng Ziqi is an iron-lung diva with both talent and hard work.

She debuted in Hong Kong at the age of 17 and won awards year after year, making her a big hit in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In 2014, Deng Ziqi participated in "I Am a Singer" again.

has won a large number of fans in the mainland and completed a truly phenomenal popularity.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

However, after becoming famous, because of the lax body management and lack of understanding of clothing in the short term.

As a result, her external image is a little indescribable, and her thick legs and leather pants have almost become the labels of Deng Ziqi's early fame.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

However, she soon realized that she was not suitable for leather pants and began her journey to lose weight.

In fact, after participating in "I Am a Singer", Deng Ziqi has undergone a new change in both his figure and clothing.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

However, this process of transformation is also really hard.

Especially in the early stages of weight loss, because of the lack of relevant knowledge, she once replaced her staple food with tomatoes.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

According to Deng Ziqi's recollection, she ate up to 16 tomatoes a day when she was "at her peak".

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes without oil, salt and sugar are also part of the dish.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Sometimes she gained a pound or two, and she would even quit tomatoes and only drink water for several days in a row.

The result is a rapid decline, but an equally rapid rebound, and physical health suffers.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Obviously, Deng Ziqi is no longer the "little chubby girl" he was at the beginning.

But it's really a little thin to the point of "skinny bones", and the aura and girlishness of the past can be said to be greatly reduced.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Zhao Xiaotang

Zhao Xiaotang is a young actor born in the 90s, although he is young, he has no shortage of acting skills.

In 2020, she debuted as a member of the girl group, and after the disbandment of the group, she continued to stay in the entertainment industry to develop.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In recent years, Zhao Xiaotang's good works have indeed been many.

will be broadcast this year, and "The Legend of Mortal Immortals" with her participation is also highly anticipated by the audience and fans.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

As an artist, Zhao Xiaotang has no choice in appearance, especially her well-proportioned and elegant figure.

And in order to maintain this good figure, Zhao Xiaotang has made a lot of efforts.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

I have even taken a lot of diet pills for this, and there is no need to say what the ingredients of diet pills are.

Whether this kind of thing can lose weight is another matter, just because of the sentence "it is a medicine that is three points poisonous", you should not choose diet pills as a means of weight loss.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

And Zhao Xiaotang also suffered a big loss because of diet pills.

A few years ago, Zhao Xiaotang once revealed on a variety show that he went to the hospital because of diet pills.

It was because of taking diet pills that she developed hives on her body, so she went to the hospital for examination.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

After an examination, I found out that none of her blood values were normal due to the influence of diet pills.

She herself also used herself as an example in the show to warn fans and viewers not to borrow diet pills to lose weight.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Now it seems that this method is indeed extreme, and it is harmful but not beneficial.

The current Zhao Xiaotang, 172 height and weight is not more than 100, not to mention fat, even a little too thin, there is really no need to be anxious to extreme weight loss.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Anxin Asia

Anxinya is also a popular female artist in Taiwan.

She has a good face and a well-proportioned figure, and she is the type that does not seem to outsiders to have appearance anxiety at all.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

But such a result was also achieved by her insistence on losing weight and shaping her body for many years.

The method she takes is persistence day after day, as well as sudden "force" at certain times.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Ananya pays special attention to body management, and in her opinion, being slender is not enough.

As a female artist who focuses on sexy style, she has a convex and backward water snake waist, and such a devilish figure is the goal she is pursuing.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In order to achieve this goal, Anxin Asia has made efforts in various aspects.

Many times she will replace her staple food with coffee, and slimming black coffee is what she likes.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

The second is exercise, fat burning coffee and the enthusiastic dance of the whole body moving together, which is the secret of Anxinya to maintain her figure.

She also made her daily recipes low in salt and oil, and insisted on eating boiled vegetables and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

Even in some special periods, she will take hunger strikes to achieve the goal of temporarily "losing weight".

For example, on the eve of the Taiwan Golden Bell Awards ceremony held in 2013.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

In order to be in the best condition when hosting, Ananya went on a hunger strike for several days to lose weight.

In those days, she only drank some water every day, and eventually lost nearly 4 pounds of weight.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

However, she herself later recalled that she was hungry almost every day until she cried in the middle of the night in those days, which can be said to be very painful.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"


Good health is the foundation of a happy life.

To toss your body and lose weight to extreme weight for the sake of wealth and fame is completely putting the cart before the horse.

Some people eat ten grains of rice at a meal, and some people only eat tomatoes, these 6 actresses can be called "weight loss maniacs"

It is still necessary to advise everyone that weight loss must be moderate.

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