
No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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Source: Wenqi Kitchen

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Today I bought raw yellow eel, and I was going to go home to make and eat, but I took it home and scared the child into crying, calling it a snake at home, which was so funny. I remember when I was a child, I was so frightened that my father brought back the yellow eel, and even if it was burned and brought to my mouth, I didn't dare to touch it.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

But in any case, yellow eel is a very high nutritional value, rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, etc., in addition to DHA, lecithin is also very high, is a rare nourishing product, so whether men, women and children, as long as they like this taste, it is worth eating.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

Yellow eel is delicious no matter how you do it, but it is still recommended to braised it and stew it in sauce to cover up the excess earthy smell through seasonings. But no matter which way you do it, it is taboo to go directly into the pot, and you must do 2 more steps before that to ensure that the taste is tender and delicious, and there is no earthy smell.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

【How to burn yellow eel】

Used: yellow eel, millet pepper, green onion, ginger and garlic, garlic sprouts, salt, sugar, white pepper, chicken essence, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, flour, cooking oil

1. The yellow eel is cleaned and cut into small pieces, you must pay attention here, the yellow eel must be bought fresh, and it is best to watch the boss deal with it for you, because the dead yellow eel cannot be eaten.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

2. After processing and cutting the yellow eel, we put it in a bowl, then pour 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 teaspoon of salt into it, and start to grasp and knead. In this way, after the mucus and dirt on the eel are grabbed and rubbed, the earthy smell can be reduced a lot, which is the first step to do in advance.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

3. Every piece of yellow eel, every corner should be grasped and kneaded thoroughly, and then rinsed with water several times, so that the yellow eel can not be directly put into the pot, you need to pour salt, white pepper, cooking wine into it for pickling, after pickling, the earthy smell of the yellow eel will naturally be reduced, this is the second step to do in advance.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

4. Take advantage of the pickling, prepare and cut the millet pepper, green onion, ginger and garlic, garlic seedlings, etc., and then prepare the pot, pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, and after it is hot, we add green onions, ginger and garlic, millet pepper to stir fragrant, and then pour the yellow eel into it.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

5. At this time, keep the high heat and stir-fry until the yellow eel is fried, and it is almost the same after the color is fried, at this time, add some sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce to taste, stir well, and then add water to it, the amount of water is the same as that of the yellow eel, and then cover the lid and start to stew.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy

6. Simmer for about 20 minutes, and the yellow eel is almost ready, better than pork ribs, pork or something. Finally, put an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence into it to taste, and then sprinkle a handful of garlic sprouts, and after the juice is collected over high heat, you can turn off the heat and get out of the pot, fragrant, not fishy at all.

No matter how you do it, it is taboo to go directly to the pot, and you can do it 2 steps in advance, which is fresh and tender and not fishy


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