
"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

author:Casual drifters


In the folk saying "Snake eats yellow eel - looking for death", the yellow eel is described as the opponent of the snake, and as a "snake spirit", it will definitely be eaten to death by the yellow eel.

But is this really the case?

How powerful is the eel?

Are snakes really afraid of yellow eels?

1. Characteristics of yellow eel.

1. Transgender ability.

The yellow eel is a very common fish in the mainland, although its name has the name of yellow and eel, but in fact, the yellow eel is not an eel, but a soft eel.

Yellow eel is a predatory fish in the water in nature, because the yellow eel only lives in the mud and sand, and there are many roots here, so the body of the yellow eel will gradually become slender due to the long time of living in the mud and sand.

In addition, the yellow eel will also undergo sexual degeneration during its growth, that is, the female yellow eel will undergo sexual transformation after the degeneration, becoming a male yellow eel, and the male yellow eel will become relatively large, this special gender change often makes people misunderstand that it is two different species of yellow eel living together.

This has also become a unique place for the yellow eel, and it is precisely because of this denaturation ability that the evolution process of the yellow eel is more peculiar and unique, and it also makes the yellow eel more special in nature.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

2. Strong survivability.

The survivability of the yellow eel is very strong, precisely because the environment in which it lives is relatively harsh, and the yellow eel has gradually formed a special ability to adapt to the harsh environment in its long-term evolution.

First of all, in the process of its evolution, the yellow eel has acquired the ability to adapt to survive in the water, so that the yellow eel can not only swim freely in the water, but also easily prey on other small fish in the water.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

In addition, the yellow eel also has a special ability, that is, in the sun, the body of the yellow eel will show a luminous phenomenon, which will be very obvious at night or in a dark environment, this flash phenomenon will often attract some small fish, so that the yellow eel can easily prey on small fish in the water, which greatly improves the predation efficiency of the yellow eel.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

In addition, the eel also has the ability to adapt to the harsh environment, that is, in the water body where it lives, because the gray sand in the water will continue to enter the body of the eel, the skin of the eel will continue to remove these impurities, and grow layers of new skin, so as to protect its skin.

Finally, the yellow eel also has the ability to adapt to the harsh environment, that is, in the environment in which it lives, there are many toxic substances, and even the body of the yellow eel has a certain toxicity, as long as it is bitten by the yellow eel, it will feel very painful.

3. Ferocious predation.

Yellow eels are also very ferocious in terms of predation, due to the peculiarity of the yellow eel's body, often the body of the yellow eel will hide in some dark and damp corners, waiting for other small fish to take the bait.

As soon as there are other small fish, the eel will quickly stretch its body outward, and the body of the small fish will be put on the outside of its body.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

Then, the eel will quickly aim its mouth at the head of the small fish, and then, using its teeth, bite the small fish, and swallow the small fish into its stomach in one fell swoop.

When the eel hunts, it is often very fast, so often the small fish are very painful in the process of being preyed on by the eel, and because the eel still has venom on its teeth, even if the small fish escapes, they are often injured by the venom of the eel, and will eventually be eaten by the eel.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

Second, the snake's ability to strangle.

So, how can a snake be eaten by a yellow eel?

Both venomous and non-venomous snakes are one of the large reptiles, and they are also creatures with great predatory abilities.

In the mainland, there is a very famous snake, that is, the snake king, the snake king is a very famous snake, mainly because the snake king's ability is very strong, and the snake king is also a snake with strong lethality.

The body of the snake king is very long, and the body of the snake king is still very fat, but the snake king moves very quickly, so in the process of predation, the snake king will quickly coil his body around the body of the small fish, and then tie the body of the small fish together.

In this process, if the small fish wants to break free, the snake king will quickly bite the small fish's body to death, so as to quickly devour the small fish.

Therefore, the snake king is often very fast in the process of predation, which is one of the reasons why the snake king has a strong strangulation ability, so the yellow eel often does not have any ability to resist in the process of being preyed upon by the snake king, and will be quickly devoured by the snake king.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

In addition, the snake is also a reptile that is very good at predation, and in the process of predation, the snake will also choose some larger prey, and even sometimes, it will choose some animals as its prey.

When prey, snakes often choose some relatively large prey, because in the process of predation, snakes need to wrap their bodies around the body of the prey in order to be able to hang the prey.

Therefore, when the snake preys on some relatively small prey, because the body of the prey is too small, the snake's body cannot completely wrap around the body of the prey, and it is difficult to hang the prey.

Therefore, this leads to the fact that when the snake preys on some smaller prey, it is often more difficult, and it often takes several days and nights to be able to hang the prey, which greatly wastes the snake's energy, so the snake is not willing to hunt some smaller prey.

However, in the process of predation, snakes not only hunt some relatively large prey, but sometimes, they will also choose some smaller prey as their own prey.

Therefore, when the snake preys on the yellow eel, whether it is a poisonous snake or a non-venomous snake, it has more than enough ability to hunt the yellow eel and eat it.

3. The relationship between the eel and the snake.

So, from a biological point of view, what is the relationship between the eel and the snake?

Between the eel and the snake, in nature, there is a relationship of predation and prey.

As a reptile with strong predatory ability, the snake is also the natural enemy of the yellow eel, so the snake can maintain its survival and growth and development by preying on the yellow eel.

In the process of preying on the yellow eel, the snake will also get some trace elements from the body of the yellow eel, so as to metabolize in its own body, so as to ensure its own health.

At the same time, in the process of preying on yellow eels, snakes will also leave some dregs around their bodies, so as to ensure that they can stabilize their bodies and make their lives more comfortable.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

Yellow eel and snake, is a relative relationship, yellow eel as a fierce predatory ability of fish, but also has a strong ability to survive, yellow eel juvenile often under the protection of the eel, constantly adapt to their own living environment, so as to live.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

There is a relationship between predation and predation between juvenile yellow eel and snakes, but because the number of juvenile yellow eel is often large, the number of juvenile yellow eel and snakes is relatively large.

In addition, the juvenile yellow eel also has the ability to adapt to the environment, so in the process of the snake preying on the juvenile eel, it will also bring certain trouble to the snake, which leads to the snake in the process of preying on the juvenile eel, it is often more difficult, so the snake in the prey on the juvenile eel, often less, in most cases, the snake chooses to prey on the eel.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?


In nature, there is a relationship between predation and predation, which also shows the principle of "natural selection, survival of the fittest" in nature, and in the process of continuous adaptation and predation, a relatively stable ecosystem is finally formed between organisms, so as to achieve the purpose of ecological balance.

Although in folk proverbs, the ferocious contrast of the yellow eel is exaggerated, but in fact, in the ecosystem, each creature plays its own role and is interdependent, and no creature is absolutely strong, and no creature is absolutely weak, precisely because each creature has its own ability to adapt to the environment, thus forming a diverse biological world.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

Therefore, as human beings, we should cherish biological diversity, and respect and protect every living organism, which can also ensure the sustainable use of biological diversity, so as to ensure the sustainable development of the ecosystem.

"Snakes eat yellow eels - looking for death", how powerful are yellow eels, are snakes afraid of yellow eels?

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