
The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

author:Extremely ridiculous

On the eve of the Olympic flame, the Chinese Volleyball Association is like a bombshell, blowing up the list of 12+1 people for the women's volleyball team to compete in the Paris Olympics! This list is like a magnificent picture, alternating between the old and the new, star-studded, but also full of controversy and unknown. Olympic champions Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Gong Xiangyu and other bigwigs lead, and the selection of Zheng Yixin, Ding Xia and rising star Zhuang Yushan has caused an uproar.

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

Let's talk about this main offensive line first, oops, this is simply a sharp sword! Zhu Ting, this is the superstar of the world women's volleyball team, her smashing strength and accuracy are simply breathtaking. Zhang Changning, the all-round main attacker, is eye-catching at both ends of her offense and defense. Coupled with Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie, two powerful players, this main offensive line can be described as solid and impeccable.

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

As for the secondary offensive position, Yuan Xinyue, II-VI and Wang Yuanyuan, the three generals, they are the online Great Wall of the women's volleyball team! They are excellent in front of the net and in attack, and can build an impregnable defence for the team.

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

In the receiving position, Gong Xiangyu, an experienced veteran, naturally needless to say, her stable performance and all-round ability are trustworthy. The addition of newcomer Zheng Yixin is eye-catching. Although she has been a bit inconsistent in her previous matches, her potential and quality cannot be ignored. Her addition has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the women's volleyball team.

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

In the setter position, Diao Linyu and Ding Xia, two veterans, are in charge, and their experience and tacit understanding are indispensable to the team. However, Ding Xia's recent decline in form is also a bit worrying. After all, on the Olympic stage, every point counts, and any small mistake can affect the outcome of a match.

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

And Zhuang Yushan's selection is even more surprising. The youngster's impressive performances in the World League have been impressive, but her relatively little international experience has made it difficult to see if she will be able to make an impact on the Olympic stage. However, Coach Cai Bin dared to use newcomers, and this courage and courage are still worthy of recognition.

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

However, this list has also caused no small amount of controversy. Some netizens said: "Although Zheng Yixin has good potential, her performance is not stable, and such a choice is a bit risky." Some netizens questioned Ding Xia's state: "As a veteran, Ding Xia should play a role in stabilizing the morale of the army, but her recent performance is disappointing." Regarding Zhuang Yushan's selection, some netizens expressed concern: "Although she performed well, she has too little experience in international competitions, and it is still unknown whether she can cope with the high-intensity confrontation of the Olympic Games." ”

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

In the face of these controversies and doubts, the pressure on head coach Cai Bin and the coaching team can be imagined. However, they did not back down, but firmly stated: "We believe in the strength and potential of every player, they are the best choice." This kind of firm belief and determination also makes people look forward to the future of the women's volleyball team.

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

There is less than a month left before the opening of the Paris Olympics, and the girls of the Chinese women's volleyball team will have the final sprint and run-in during this time. They will go all out to prepare for the Olympic Games and strive to show their best form and strength on the Olympic stage. As fans, we are also looking forward to this new Chinese women's volleyball team being able to shine in the Olympic Games and win glory for the country!

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

In the confrontation with strong opponents, the Chinese women's volleyball team will show their tenacity and fighting spirit. They will not be afraid of strong opponents and challenges, and will meet every game with strength and perseverance. No matter what the outcome is, they are heroes and pride in our hearts! Let's cheer for the Chinese women's volleyball team together!

The list of 13 members of the women's volleyball team was announced, Cai Bin's choice was hotly discussed, and Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin were the most controversial

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