
The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympic Games was announced, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were listed, Wang Yunrui was defeated, and the fans were fried

author:Bell Entertainment


"Every time the list is announced, it is an affirmation of past efforts and an expectation of future challenges." As the dust settles on the 12+1 roster of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Paris Olympics, a heated discussion about inheritance and change, strength and experience, newcomers and veterans has spread rapidly on the Internet. This list, with Zhu Ting as the core, gathers many meritorious veterans of the Lang Ping era, and also sparked widespread controversy about the lineup configuration, player status and future direction.

Among the many discussions, the selection of Zheng Yixin and setter Ding Xia is undoubtedly the most eye-catching focus. Zheng Yixin, a versatile player known for her versatility, is like a panacea on the pitch every time she makes her appearance, always bringing unexpected changes to the team at key moments. Her recent limited appearance in the women's volleyball arena has made many fans doubt her status. After all, in high-intensity international competitions, consistency and consistency are crucial.

The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympic Games was announced, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were listed, Wang Yunrui was defeated, and the fans were fried

And Ding Xia, the 35-year-old veteran, her name is almost closely linked to the glorious history of the Chinese women's volleyball team. She has accurate passing, wide vision, and has used her wisdom and experience to open up the game for the team countless times. But the years did not forgive, and as she grew older, her physical fitness and reaction speed inevitably declined. Fans are worried about whether she can still contribute to the women's volleyball team on a high-intensity stage like the Paris Olympics in the past.

In contrast, the defeat of the main attacker Wang Yunrui was like a bombshell, which caused a huge repercussion among fans. As a new star focused on cultivating by the national team, Wang Yunrui has won the recognition of countless people in the past three years with her stability and ability to pass and serve. Her absence has made many fans feel sorry and puzzled, and they believe that at the critical moment when it is necessary to stabilize the morale of the army and improve the offensive efficiency, Wang Yunrui's experience and strength are undoubtedly an indispensable part of the women's volleyball team.

The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympic Games was announced, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were listed, Wang Yunrui was defeated, and the fans were fried

"Wang Yunrui's defeat is heart-wrenching." Some fans affectionately wrote that they felt worthless for Wang Yunrui's efforts, and they also regretted the loss of such a powerful player for the women's volleyball team. In their opinion, Wang Yunrui's absence is not only her personal loss, but also a weakening of the overall strength of the women's volleyball team.

"Newcomers should be given more opportunities!" The other group of fans has a different view. They believe that the women's volleyball team needs the injection of fresh blood and needs to find new growth points in the replacement of the old and the new. Although Ding Xia is experienced, the problems of age and physical fitness cannot be ignored; The newcomers represent the future and hope, and they have unlimited potential and possibilities. Therefore, they advocate that newcomers should be given more opportunities and stages to prove themselves.

The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympic Games was announced, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were listed, Wang Yunrui was defeated, and the fans were fried

Some fans put forward more specific suggestions: "You can consider bringing Yao Di and Wang Yizhu to the receiving position." They believe that Yao Di's accurate passing and Wang Yizhu's sharp attack are all characteristics that the women's volleyball team needs. If these two can be selected for the squad and play to their strengths, then the women's volleyball team's receiving position will be more solid and strong.

With the Paris Olympics approaching, every step of the Chinese women's volleyball team has attracted much attention. Looking back on the past, the women's volleyball girls have repeatedly achieved great results in the international arena, relying not only on technical strength, but also on the spirit of never giving up and daring to fight. At the Paris Olympics, this spirit will be given a new meaning and mission.

The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympic Games was announced, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were listed, Wang Yunrui was defeated, and the fans were fried

Judging from the details of the game, the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to pay attention not only to the lineup, but also to tactical execution, mentality adjustment, physical reserves and other aspects. Zhu Ting is the core of the team, and her injury recovery will directly affect the overall combat effectiveness of the team. And other team members such as Yuan Xinyue and Gong Xiangyu also need to be in the best condition to deal with various emergencies.

In the course of the game, the competition for every point and game will be extremely fierce. The girls of the women's volleyball team need to keep a clear head at all times and be flexible to deal with various challenges. They need to learn to stay calm when they are ahead and not lose confidence when they are behind; They need to learn to take advantage of the good times and turn the tide in the face of adversity. As Director Lang Ping often said: "The spirit of the women's volleyball team is not to win the championship, but sometimes to do your best even if you know that you won't win." ”

The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympic Games was announced, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were listed, Wang Yunrui was defeated, and the fans were fried

In terms of data, the performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in international competitions in recent years has been remarkable. Whether it is offensive efficiency, defensive intensity, or first-pass completion rate and other key indicators are at the world's leading level. However, these figures do not fully represent the team's performance at the Paris Olympics, as each game is a new challenge and test.

Taking the receiving position as an example, although Zheng Yixin has limited playing time, she has shown efficient scoring ability and comprehensive technical characteristics in her limited playing time. As a veteran, although Ding Xia is older, her game experience and organizational skills are still indispensable assets for the team. As for Wang Yunrui, although she was not selected for the squad, the data and performance she accumulated during her time in the national team have proved her strength and value.

The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympic Games was announced, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were listed, Wang Yunrui was defeated, and the fans were fried

To sum up, the announcement of the 12+1 roster of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Paris Olympics is not only a recognition of past efforts, but also an expectation for future challenges. In the controversy and discussion, we saw the deep emotions of the fans for the women's volleyball team and their desire to win. At the same time, we should also trust the professional judgment and decision-making ability of Coach Cai Bin and his coaching team. They have chosen the most suitable set-up for the team in their current form, aiming to achieve the best results for the Paris Olympics.

Looking forward to the future, the Chinese women's volleyball team will continue to uphold the "spirit of women's volleyball", innovate in inheritance and grow in challenges. Regardless of the final result, they are our heroes and pride. Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics!

The list of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympic Games was announced, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were listed, Wang Yunrui was defeated, and the fans were fried


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