
The Chinese women's volleyball team has 12 Olympic players, and only 9 can play! Zheng Yixin, Zhuang Yushan, and Gao Yi may only be able to accompany him

author:Little brother talks about sports

The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced the 12+1 list to participate in the Paris Olympics, this list can be said to be expected, and there are no surprises at all! Don't look at the squad, there are as many as 13 people, but there may only be 9 players who can play, even if the marginal players are selected into the squad, it is still difficult to change the role of accompaniment in the end, more often they sit on the bench and cheer!

The Chinese women's volleyball team has 12 Olympic players, and only 9 can play! Zheng Yixin, Zhuang Yushan, and Gao Yi may only be able to accompany him

Main attack: Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Li Yingying, Wu Mengjie

Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue, Gao Yi, Wang Yuanyuan

Second setter: Diao Linyu, Ding Xia

Answer: Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin

Free man: Wang Mengjie

Subs: Chong Yushan

The four people in the main attacking position can be used, and the key question is how to use these four people. Zhu Ting + Li Yingying starts, this is certain, no suspense! If you only play the main attack and only substitute Zhu Ting and Li Yingying, Zhang Changning and Wu Mengjie will not have many opportunities. In the competition, the head coach will inevitably be conservative, and if Zhu Ting and Li Yingying do not have major problems, they will not choose to be replaced. If there is a problem with the first pass, Zhang Changning is the most suitable person. If the team doesn't play the ball and the offense is blocked, then use the teenager Wu Mengjie.

There are three people in the secondary attack position, and only Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan can be used. After the Women's Volleyball World League sub-tournament, it has always been such a lineup. Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan started and played the whole game, and II-VI has been cheering on the bench! There is no opportunity to practice in the sub-competitions, and it is impossible to use it directly in the Olympics. In addition, II-VI is a player with very prominent advantages and disadvantages, and he has a good blocking, but the offensive end is slow and has low grasp! As long as Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan do not have problems with their health, II-VI is basically the role of accompanying the runner.

The Chinese women's volleyball team has 12 Olympic players, and only 9 can play! Zheng Yixin, Zhuang Yushan, and Gao Yi may only be able to accompany him

The setter position and the receiver position are put together, each with a starter and a substitute. Gong Xiangyu and Diao Linyu are certain as starters, as for whether they can play the whole game, it all depends on their competitive state. Even if there is a problem, it is likely that it will be difficult to replace Ding Xia and Diao Linyu. The conventional tactic of two points for three points is now full of unknowns. Zheng Yixin changed from a secondary attack to a response, and the instability of a pass has been placed on the bright side, and it is difficult for her offense to threaten when she encounters strong teams in Europe and the United States. The veteran Ding Xia is experienced, and there is no problem with using it as a transmission, but the problem is that she basically doesn't have much run-in with the team, coupled with the decline in competitive status, how much contribution she can make now, this is also unknown!

In the position of a free man, there is no substitute, so Wang Mengjie can only play from beginning to end. There can be no fluctuations in competitive form, let alone injuries. Once there is a problem with the free man, there is no one to change it, and it will be fatal at that time.

The substitute was supplied to Zhuang Yushan, and this choice was really unexpected. There are already four people in the main attacking position, and one more on the bench, that is, five. Since it is a substitute, it is to deal with emergencies and train new people. The teenager Zhuang Yushan has training value, but it is difficult to have a chance to play. There is no substitute for the free man, which is always a hidden danger.

The Chinese women's volleyball team has 12 Olympic players, and only 9 can play! Zheng Yixin, Zhuang Yushan, and Gao Yi may only be able to accompany him

After analysis, the Chinese women's volleyball team can use only Zhu Ting, Li Yingying, Yuan Xinyue, Wang Yuanyuan, Gong Xiangyu, Diao Linyu, Wang Mengjie, Zhang Changning, Wu Mengjie and other nine players who can be used at this stage! II-VI, Ding Xia, Zheng Yixin, Zhuang Yushan and others are basically marginal players, and it is difficult to have a chance to play.

The position is a problem, which tests Cai Bin's employment. Gong Xiangyu has no problem starting, but Zheng Yixin's substitute is a little worrying. In the finals, Zheng Yixin exposed all his shortcomings. Different from the strong response of Europe and the United States, the response of the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to be comprehensive, and ensuring that one pass is the most basic. Zheng Yixin can use it, the problem is that the Chinese women's volleyball team can't afford to lose, a total of three group games, once something goes wrong, it will be fatal! Gong Xiangyu is such a stable player, if she can't stand it, it will be difficult for Zheng Yixin to stand it. Zhang Changning made a cameo response, this is an alternative, and it really needs to be enabled at present. At the critical moment, Zhang Changning's pass is more stable, and her rich experience in the tournament is also needed by the team. Based on Zhang Changning's competitive state, it is difficult for her to play the whole game, and her physical fitness is unknown. However, the Chinese women's volleyball team does not need her to play, and she can come up at a critical moment. The reversal of Turkey was a good revelation, Zhang Changning came off the bench in the third game, and finally reaped miraculous results.

The Chinese women's volleyball team has 12 Olympic players, and only 9 can play! Zheng Yixin, Zhuang Yushan, and Gao Yi may only be able to accompany him

There is no suspense in the core, and everyone is looking forward to it! The selection of marginal players will inevitably be questioned, and now that the list has been officially announced, everything has settled, and the next thing to watch is the Olympic performance, and victory can respond to doubts.

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