
"If you figure it out, you can make a bun, and if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building", the 63-year-old queen of Bao, her stubborn life

author:Zhiqiu culture
"If you figure it out, you can make a bun, and if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building", the 63-year-old queen of Bao, her stubborn life

Text丨Dawn Reading Time

Adhere to the original, every morning at 8 o'clock with you to see the world, read life


Yiwu City, a "bag queen" who once had assets of more than 100 million yuan, sold buns for 18 hours a day after bankruptcy, even if it was not as good as before, but let us see the smile on her face and the hope for life.

It turns out that life requires self-reconciliation, and when you can't explain yourself, this is a dead life, and a gloomy life is no longer possible.

When a person is in good times, when you tell him about the impermanence of life, his instinctive reaction is to sneer at you.

When a person is in a good situation, he or she is often immersed in the success and success of the moment, and it is difficult to realize the potential changes and uncertainties in life.

At this time, when they mention the impermanence of life, they may lack empathy and acceptance of this view because they are in a good state, and may even feel that this reminder is redundant or negative.

So, I have to let you admit such a thing, it turns out that the best teacher is not good times, not comfort, not comfort, but suffering, frustration, slapping in the face, downfall, no way to ask for help, the world is cold, it is sarcasm, it is hostility, it is helplessness, it is sorrow, it is disease, and it is all the unsatisfactory you encounter.

I began to realize that a person can't wake up after all, but can only be woken up by pain, in life, we often live a "boiled frog" life, but we don't know that there are always dangers, crises are everywhere, the more arrogant a person is, the more likely it is to accelerate the arrival of risks.

"If you can figure it out, you can make a bun, and if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building", the 63-year-old Bao Lady is the queen, let us understand the stubbornness of life.

"If you figure it out, you can make a bun, and if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building", the 63-year-old queen of Bao, her stubborn life


The aunt said:

"If you can figure it out, you can make a bun, if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building, 14 years of company problems, to 18 years (the company went bankrupt), at that time the pain was tormented, depression, everything came out, in the end I figured it out, it was to start again, the obligor must have the spirit of the obligor, bit by bit, even if it is to earn a dollar today, to earn two dollars tomorrow, it is also to make money, I used to earn 10,000, 10,000, 1 million, for me there is no smile at all, there is no such feeling, because it was too good to make money at that time, Now it's completely different, I respect 5 yuan, they buy a bun for 5 yuan, I'm very polite, I just feel that you come to support me for 5 yuan, it's a different feeling. That's why God has given you such a gap, so that you will be considerate of more people. ”

When I heard my aunt tell me that she was at the lowest point, she was suffering from illness, depression, and everything came out, and we heard her crying and grievances in pain, and I had to make you sigh that life is not much easy.

Sometimes there is no so-called empathy in this world, you have not experienced the suffering experienced by others, even if others cry heartbreakingly in front of you, you don't seem to be able to understand the slightest grievance and depression of the other party.

Shao Baoling is happy, because she reconciled with herself, and did not continue to push herself step by step into the endless abyss, healing others may be an ability, but healing yourself is a kind of wisdom, and it is indispensable.

"If you figure it out, you can make a bun, and if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building", the 63-year-old queen of Bao, her stubborn life


Life is hard, and the only way to cross it is to cross it.

Even if the tide of the times has already advanced in this way, when you look at life, you can still see more painful appearances.

In fact, only oneself can really save oneself, and often only oneself can really destroy oneself.

A netizen said:

"40-year-old is the queen of bags, 63-year-old is the queen of bags, this is the spirit of obligation, praise for Sister Baoling."

The spirit of Yiwu allows us to show the truth of this lady who should have retired, to bend and stretch, never say die, change the track and continue to work hard to climb the mountain again.

Yes, people who have not cried bitterly in the dark are not enough to talk about life.

Romain Rolland Says:

"There is only one true heroism, and that is to recognize the truth of life and still love life."

There are some sincere and in-depth life truths, people who have never experienced hardships in person, it is often difficult to have how vocal and emotional feelings, that word and sentence, like going up the knife mountain, down the sea of fire, you heard her walk with your own ears.

"If you figure it out, you can make a bun, and if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building", the 63-year-old queen of Bao, her stubborn life


Life is destined to have too many risks and accidents, and not all the pace of life will continue to move forward and appear as you expect. I'll help you

When people reach middle age, we have to start to contact with the concept of people, life is actually a process of constantly subverting their own cognition, in the face of impermanence, in fact, each of us does not have enough self-confidence, because he may knock us in the face at any time.

The story of the queen of Bao Princess, many netizens cried when they watched it, it is not easy for people in life, especially in the tide of the times in the past few years, they have deep-rooted feelings, or bitter feelings.

A person's maturity is not a simple increase in age, but a real understanding of one's own shortcomings, with a warm and down-to-earth attitude ready to meet every impossibility of life.

Mr. Yang Jiang said:

"I like Yang Jiang's words very much: We were so eager for the waves of life, and in the end we found that the most beautiful scenery of life is the calmness and calmness of the heart, we have been so eager for the recognition of the outside world, until the end I know that the world is our own, and it has nothing to do with others,"

Slowly begin to notice whether a person's heart has enough strength, whether a person has a strong core, is often the key to life, when you are not strong, a little wind and waves in life may overturn you at one time.

"If you figure it out, you can make a bun, and if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building", the 63-year-old queen of Bao, her stubborn life


It is in the face of a miserable life that I feel more and more that to a certain extent, a person's adverse quotient is the support of life, and a little belief in inner hope is defeated, and even a powerful doctor is powerless to return to such a life.

Some people say:

"An unhappy childhood can be cured with a lifetime, and a lucky childhood can be cured for a lifetime."

I began to know that if the foundation of the spirit and the tower of faith are unbreakable, they will remain unshakable and unshakeable even if the rain and wind blow away.

The course of life, sometimes it is not like the K-line chart that investors refer to when studying stocks, there are destined to be climaxes, destined to have troughs in the future, in good times, a person must know how to cherish, and in adversity to endure and work hard, reconcile with themselves, and heal themselves.

The ups and downs of life are even unpredictable, and the call for a person is naturally to be careful and cautious enough, and it is necessary to cultivate a strong core that is blatantly wrong in order to support the stability of life.

There are at least three people around me who were once brilliant and are now growing bit by bit.

A good brother who made jewelry, a former richest man, and my former boss... They inspire me and help me in a real way.

Life is bumpy, ups and downs, giving up is simple, but being able to stand up is precious!!

The happiness of life may be short-lived, or it may be an illusion that you believe, and suffering is the true nature of life, and real life requires a person to have the ability to get up when he falls, and a person needs to have enough strength to soothe the inner wounds.

When you begin to really face up to emotional trauma, when you really begin to realize the importance of these problems, it is possible to ask famous teachers and save yourself.

In the era of rampant materialism, everything is pushing you to go with the flow, that's it, you have to beware of depression taking advantage of the void, being caught off guard by mental illness, leaving some quiet time, in order to clean up the garbage for the heart.

In the past, when I was depressed, I often had no way to ask for help, but then I finally came to my senses and walked towards the path of cultivation, finding the answer in the text.

The so-called cultivation is not to increase how rich the knowledge is, but to improve the wisdom, so that the heart does not suffer, understand the suffering, the things that may not be able to let go of before, slowly figure it out, let go, the hurdles that I used to feel unbearable, but now I can take a new step from the beginning, I used to feel twisted, tangled, now I can become easy, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha, this is the way of friendship with self-reconciliation.

Depression, in ancient times, was called heart disease, and only by taking medicine on the heart can the disease be cured.

"If you can figure it out, you can make a bun, and if you can't figure it out, you will jump off the building", the 63-year-old Bao Lady is the queen, let us understand the stubbornness of life.

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