
Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

author:Tom chases the drama
Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

Recently, the promotional activities of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" have become a hot topic, especially because the Xiaoyao standing incident has been on the hot search, which has aroused widespread attention and discussion.

As soon as the news of the finalization of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" came out, it immediately aroused speculation and attention from all parties. The film has invested a lot of resources in publicity, and people are starting to speculate whether the event is just to raise the profile of the film. Some netizens said: "This kind of large-scale publicity, I don't know if it's because the film itself is not 'hard' enough, so I need to spend a lot of money to attract popularity." They questioned whether the campaign would truly reflect the quality of the film.

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

Yang Zi was scheduled to attend the event in person, which made many fans excited, and many people came to watch her attendance. However, due to unexpected circumstances, Yang Zi ultimately failed to come as promised. This mutation not only brought embarrassment to the atmosphere of the scene, but also made many people worry about the effect of the film's promotion. A netizen commented on social platforms: "I waited for a long time, but Yang Zi didn't come, it's really a little disappointing, I hope this will not affect the reputation of the movie." ”

As the incident came to light in the media, more people began to participate in the discussion. Some people think: "Yang Zi's absence may be a propaganda ploy to attract more people to the film." However, many netizens are skeptical about this, believing that such a way of publicity may backfire and damage the credibility of the film. A fan left a message on Weibo: "I think we should notify in advance, so that everyone can be prepared and not wait in vain." ”

In this turmoil, Yang Zi's fans have expressed their disappointment and understanding. Someone supported it: "Yang Zi must be very helpless, this kind of unexpected situation cannot be predicted." "They want people to understand the difficulties of idols, and at the same time, they have expectations for the quality of the movie. As for the way of publicity, everyone expressed their opinions, hoping that the film company can be more cautious and thoughtful in future publicity.

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

In this event, Bao Shangen participated in the event on behalf of Zhou Yiran, and his kindness and active participation showed his kind image, which also added a lot to the event.

Wang Hongyi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei and Tan Jianci, as the four male protagonists of "Sauvignon Blanc 2", each showed different charms and acting skills, and their performance in the event attracted much attention.

The awkward scene in the propaganda campaign was impressive. Although the four male protagonists performed well most of the time, the awkward interaction when holding the microphone and helping Xiaoyao to stand up exposed some deficiencies in character and emotional intelligence, which triggered some discussions and reflections.

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

Wang Hongyi showed his humor at the event and attracted the attention of the audience. However, during one interactive session, he accidentally knocked over the water glass on the table when he tried to pick up the microphone, which drew an awkward laugh. This little episode, while failing to hide his acting talent, does give a glimpse of his approachable side.

Zhang Wanyi is known for his steadfastness and composure, and his performance at the event was also well received. However, when he tried to lift the Xiaoyao standing sign, due to improper standing, he accidentally knocked down the billboard next to him, and the scene was suddenly a little embarrassing. He tried his best to control his emotions, and despite some embarrassment, he still maintained a professional attitude, quickly corrected his mistakes, and defused the awkward atmosphere of the scene.

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

Zhang Wanyi has not only achieved success in his acting career, but he also actively participates in public welfare undertakings and gives back to the society with practical actions.

On the Internet, people have different opinions and comments on Zhang Wanyi's public welfare behavior. Some netizens praised him not only as an excellent actor, but also as a responsible social citizen. A netizen wrote on social platforms: "Zhang Wanyi is really a kind-hearted person, after watching the public welfare activities he participated in, I feel that he is not only successful in the film and television industry, but also a caring big brother!" Such praise expresses the public's recognition and support for Zhang Wanyi's charitable act.

However, there are also some netizens who have reservations about this kind of public welfare behavior. They believe that celebrities' participation in public welfare activities can easily cause hype, and may not be entirely sincere. A netizen commented: "Celebrities participating in public welfare activities may just improve their image and exposure, and the real influence may not be great." This perception reflects some of the public's doubts about the authenticity and impact of celebrities' philanthropic behavior.

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

In addition to these views, some netizens expressed concern about Zhang Wanyi's specific public welfare projects and funding objects. A netizen asked on the forum: "What are the public welfare projects that Zhang Wanyi participates in?" How does he specifically help people in need in society? This kind of attention shows the public's concern about the actual effect and sustainability of celebrity philanthropic behavior, and reflects the society's expectation of the real impact of philanthropic activities.

To sum up, Zhang Wanyi has demonstrated his sense of social responsibility as a public figure through his public welfare behavior, which has aroused public attention and discussion outside his film and television career. Despite the different voices and views, Zhang Wanyi's practical actions have undoubtedly set a positive example for the society, encouraging more people to actively participate in public welfare undertakings and jointly promote the progress and development of society.

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

Deng Wei showed his energy and affinity, and he frequently interacted with the audience at the event, which won the love of the audience. However, in the interactive session, he was a little clumsy when he tried to help Xiao Yao stand up, and accidentally kicked the promotional props next to him, which made people see his shortcomings in the details. Despite this, he defuses the embarrassment of the scene through humorous self-deprecation, showing his optimism and sincerity.

As a member of the event, Tan Kenji won the love of many fans for his naturalness and sincerity. When helping Xiaoyao to stand up, he behaved very decently and did not appear in any embarrassing situations. His gentlemanly demeanor and professionalism were impressive, and although he was unassuming in the interaction, he won the applause and praise of the audience through his meticulous movements and sincere smile.

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

In particular, Tan Jianci's natural reaction and gentlemanly interaction with Xiao Yao's standing card in the event won unanimous praise from the audience and the media, and his sincerity and gentlemanly demeanor were also deeply loved by people.

Overall, the audience and the media had mixed reviews of the actors' performances at the event, but the praise for Tan Jianci was universal, believing that he showed a good image and sincere attitude at the event.

To sum up, the promotional activities of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" not only revealed the performance of the actors in front of the public, but also triggered reflections on sincerity and image maintenance, and these events had a certain impact on the publicity of the film and the image of the actors.

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Yang Zi was absent, and Tan Jianci showed the sophistication of the entertainment industry to the fullest!

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