
"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

author:An An said gossip

In 1993, the summer in Wenzhou seemed to be hotter than usual. 15-year-old Zhou Yun, a seemingly well-behaved girl, has a restless flame burning in her heart. When the poster for the "1st Advertising Model TV Contest" appeared on the streets, her eyes flashed with eagerness.

Zhou Yun has lived under a strict family education since she was a child. Her parents wanted her to be a gentle and virtuous lady who could play the piano well. She was not allowed to wear a skirt, she could not speak loudly, she could not smile toothlessly, she did not show her feet.

But these rules only made Zhou Yun's inner rebellion stronger. With a desire for self-exploration, Zhou Yun secretly signed up for a beauty pageant. In order not to be discovered by her parents, she made up a fake name - "Zhou Wuying".

When she stood on stage, the judges were captivated by her unique temperament. Zhou Yun's eyebrows and eyes are straight, and she has a calm and self-contained aura in her gestures. Her long black hair has not been dyed in any way, but her slender figure contains a unique sense of strength.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

Unlike other players who are eager to become famous, Zhou Yun behaves exceptionally indifferently. The contrast is all the more appealing. At the end of the competition, she won the championship without any suspense.

However, when the organizers wanted to give her more resources, Zhou Yun chose to back down. She said to her parents, "Don't worry, I don't plan to take this path in the future." This decision shows Zhou Yun's precocious judgment and clear understanding of herself.

Even under her father's suspicious gaze, she was able to deal with it calmly. Zhou Yun at this moment seems to indicate her future attitude towards life - not to follow the crowd and always maintain herself.

Years later, Zhou Yun recalled this experience and said: "At a certain time, people have to do something to fight against the world. This rebellion and independence became the starting point of Zhou Yun's charm, and also laid the groundwork for her to attract a big director like Jiang Wen in the future.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

The beauty contest that summer was not only the bloom of Zhou Yun's youth, but also a turning point in her life. Ten years later, the advertising slogan of that year became "Do you want to be the next Zhou Yun?" And Zhou Yun has stepped on a broader stage.

In 1995, 17-year-old Zhou Yun walked into the cinema for the first time and watched "Sunny Days" directed by Jiang Wen. When the lights came on, Zhou Yun's heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

This film planted a yearning for Beijing and movies in her heart, and a distant and vague dream began to take root in her heart. Four years later, 21-year-old Zhou Yun made a bold decision.

She put down her job as an accountant, dragged her suitcase, and stepped on the train to the north alone. When she arrived in Beijing, she was fascinated by the sheer size of the city. There is a kind of magnificent and boundless momentum in Beijing, and this sense of fate that has been swallowed up by history and become a part of it deeply attracts Zhou Yun.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

In the night, Zhou Yun dragged the box to visit an old classmate who worked in the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe. Seeing that Zhou Yun's appearance became more and more moving, this classmate suggested that she might as well apply for the Central Academy of Drama.

Zhou Yun took the exam with the mentality of "give it a try". Fate seems to have been arranged, she was not only admitted to the junior college class, but also met Tang Wei, who later became a famous actor in the film industry, in school.

During the Chinese opera, Zhou Yun showed a personality and courage that was different from ordinary people. During her studies, she collaborated with Tony Leung to shoot commercials, showing extraordinary potential. In her sophomore year, she was selected to play the role of a little monk in "Heroes of Heaven and Earth".

On the set, when the stylist and the director discussed how to deal with her long hair, Zhou Yun said without hesitation: "Shave it off, what else to do?" This move attracted the attention of the leading actor Jiang Wen, and he found that this little girl did have some unusual personality.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

In 2002, in the filming of "The Barber", Zhou Yun played the heroine. At that time, Jiang Wen and director Chen Yifei fell out because of disagreements. In the face of this turmoil, many people wanted to take the opportunity to hype, but Zhou Yun chose to remain silent.

Her low-key and professional ethics surprised Jiang Wen, who was used to seeing unscrupulous means for popularity in Vanity Fair. Zhou Yun's experience of drifting north shows her determination and courage to pursue her dreams.

The transformation from accountant to actor, the leap from Wenzhou to Beijing, every step shows her independent character. This experience not only exercised her will, but also laid the foundation for her to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry in the future.

Zhou Yun's charm gradually condensed and bloomed in such an experience, laying the groundwork for her to attract Jiang Wen in the future. In 2002, the set of "The Barber" became the stage where the fates of Zhou Yun and Jiang Wen intersected.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

Zhou Yun plays the heroine in the play, while Jiang Wen is the starring role. During the filming, Jiang Wen and director Chen Yifei fell out due to disagreement. In this turmoil, Zhou Yun showed extraordinary professional ethics.

She didn't take the opportunity to hype, but chose to remain silent, and this rare low-key made Jiang Wen look at her with admiration. Attracted by Zhou Yun's unique temperament, Jiang Wen overrode public opinion in his later work "The Sun Also Rises" and invited her to play the role of "Crazy Mother".

Jiang Wen once said: "There is a bright madness in Zhou Yun's eyes, which attracts him very much. What's even more surprising is that Zhou Yun completed the filming in a real pregnant state, and she and Jiang Wen's eldest son Jiang Taro were still pregnant in her belly.

This kind of professionalism and dedication to the role further deepened Jiang Wen's appreciation for her. In Jiang Wen's film world, Zhou Yun occupies a special position. Unlike Carina Lau, Xu Qing and other bewitching and sexy characters, Zhou Yun is a holy, inviolable and blasphemous white moonlight in Jiang Wen's eyes.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

This unique positioning not only stems from Zhou Yun's own temperament, but also reflects Jiang Wen's cherishing of her. However, Zhou Yun is not just Jiang Wen's vassal or mere muse.

She dared to openly argue with Jiang Wen on the set to defend her own views. Once, when Jiang Wen was judging the food she cooked, Zhou Yun unceremoniously poured the rice into the dog basin and said, "Whether you like to eat or not, there are always people who are willing to eat."

Another time, Zhou Yun brought a coat to Jiang Wen from abroad, Jiang Wen didn't want the bright color, Zhou Yun turned around and gave the coat to the security guard, saying, "You don't like it, there are so many people like it."

This direct way of expression made Jiang Wen even more fascinated. Zhou Yun once said in an interview: "I am not Jiang Wen's vassal, Jiang Wen is very talented, but what I really love is his feelings as an ordinary person."

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

This sentence expresses the essence of her relationship with Jiang Wen - the mutual appreciation and equality of two independent individuals. When someone asked her if she looked up to Jiang Wen, Zhou Yun replied calmly: "The person who asks like this is definitely not married."

It is this attitude of being able to appreciate each other's talents without losing oneself that has become an important charm of Zhou Yun to attract Jiang Wen. She is not only the muse in Jiang Wen's movies, but also a partner in life.

Zhou Yun's independent personality and straightforward expression have made her occupy an irreplaceable position in Jiang Wen's life and career. Jiang Wen once said: "As long as Zhou Yun is here, I can sleep peacefully."

This sentence not only shows the importance of Zhou Yun to him, but also shows the deep emotional connection between the two. From partners to husband and wife, the relationship between Zhou Yun and Jiang Wen is based on mutual appreciation and equal treatment, which may be the secret of their long-term relationship.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

Although the relationship between Zhou Yun and Jiang Wen is sweet, they are also facing a severe test. Jiang Wen's ex-wife, daughter Jiang Yilang, and Jiang Wen's mother were all skeptical and resistant to this relationship.

However, in her unique way, Zhou Yun resolved these contradictions with love and tolerance. Zhou Yun knew that Jiang Wen had always been concerned about Jiang Yilang, the daughter born to his ex-wife. In order to resolve family conflicts, she took the initiative to take Jiang Yilang to her side to raise her.

Not only that, but she also took Jiang Wen's parents, who had been in her hometown, to live with her, hoping to reconcile their relationship. This decision is undoubtedly Zhou Yun's most reckless one, but it also best reflects her mind and wisdom.

However, the reality is far more difficult than imagined. Jiang Ichiro was wary and hostile to this "stepmother" who suddenly appeared. Once, Zhou Yun peeled an apple for her, but Jiang Yilang said defensively: "You shouldn't learn from Snow White's stepmother to poison me!" In the face of such doubts, Zhou Yun did not get angry, but treated the child with more patience and love.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

Jiang Wen's mother is even more critical of Zhou Yun. She suspected that Zhou Yun had caused her granddaughter to become a child of a single-parent family, and she gave Zhou Yun a look on her face from time to time. In the face of these, Zhou Yun chose to get along with each other with the most tolerant attitude and never argued with her mother-in-law.

In 2008, when Zhou Yun was pregnant with her second child, she still insisted on picking up Jiang Yilang to and from school every day. One day, Jiang Ichiro disappeared after a fight at school. Zhou Yun didn't care that she was pregnant, so she braved the heavy rain to look for it all night.

When she finally found Jiang Ichiro at the Internet café, she found that her stomach began to cramp. In the hospital, Jiang Wen's younger brother arrived and began to blame Jiang Yilang without saying anything.

However, Zhou Yun was still protecting this stepdaughter while lying on the hospital bed. When she learned that Jiang Yilang was fighting because she was wronged, she immediately took Jiang Yilang to the school to find the teacher to clarify the situation.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

Zhou Yun's selflessness and persistence finally melted Jiang Yilang's heart. Now, not only Jiang Yilang accepted Zhou Yun, but even Jiang Wen's ex-wife has become good friends with Zhou Yun. As for the mother-in-law, because of Zhou Yun's sincerity and thoughtfulness, she finally recognized this daughter-in-law.

Today, they have a very good relationship. Zhou Yun proved with practical actions that she is not only Jiang Wen's lover, but also the glue of the whole family. Her charm is not only reflected in her attraction to her husband, but also in her wisdom and open-mindedness in dealing with complex family relationships.

This kind of tolerance and tenacity is undoubtedly an important reason for Jiang Wen to cherish her even more. As Zhou Yun said: "Why should I tie him, it's too late for him to tie him up!" This self-confidence stems from her love and hard work in the family.

With the deepening of the relationship with Jiang Wen, Zhou Yun's career has also reached a new level. She is no longer just the heroine of Jiang Wen's films, but has gradually grown into the chief producer of Jiang Wen's films.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

In this role, Zhou Yun showed amazing professionalism and decisiveness. As the chief producer, Zhou Yun has strict control over the budget. Even in the face of Jiang Wen, her husband and director, she can make a clear distinction between public and private, and mercilessly "card the budget".

This professional attitude has won Jiang Wen's respect, so much so that when he mentions Zhou Yun now, he has to call him "Boss Zhou". Zhou Yun's success in her career not only reflects the improvement of her personal ability, but also confirms the equal relationship between her and Jiang Wen.

She is no longer just Jiang Wen's muse or a simple actor, but a real partner. This change of roles makes the relationship between the two more solid and complementary. Zhou Yun once said: "If I were Jiang Wen's vassal, it would be very troublesome.

She proved that a good partner should not only be emotionally supportive, but also able to fight side by side in career. She also has an insightful view of marriage: "Two people love each other, the basic needs are the same, and the aura must be very large.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

If one side is thirty floors, the other side has only one floor. Well, the short one will definitely be devoured, and the tall one will find it very boring. Zhou Yun's career achievements not only did not have a negative impact on her relationship with Jiang Wen, but made the relationship between the two deeper.

She is not only Jiang Wen's virtuous helper, but also a capable partner in her career. This all-round charm is undoubtedly an important reason why Jiang Wen has always maintained her exclusive favor. In the complicated entertainment industry, Zhou Yun has always maintained her true nature.

She doesn't follow the crowd, she doesn't pretend to be eyeballs, but insists on being the most comfortable version of herself. This attitude makes her particularly fresh and refined in the impetuous entertainment industry. Zhou Yun once said frankly: "It's not that I don't care about fame and fortune, I just love myself more and love the more comfortable self in my heart."

This sentence expresses her core attitude towards life and career. She does not succumb to external pressures, but chooses to stay true to her inner voice. When talking about his personality, Zhou Yun said: "I, Zhou Yun, have always been like this, and I didn't become Jiang Wen's wife to become individual."

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

This independent personality allows her to maintain herself in marriage and not lose herself because of her husband's aura. Zhou Yun's charm is not only reflected in her appearance and talent, but also in her inner quality and attitude.

She has both the firmness of "a tiger in her heart" and the tenderness of "sniffing roses". This kind of independent and gentle quality is the key to attracting Jiang Wen. It is this independent, confident and sincere character that constitutes the core charm of Zhou Yun.

"Tough" Zhou Yun: What is the charm of letting Jiang Wen spoil her alone?

She doesn't need to deliberately please anyone, but she can naturally attract others, including a talented director like Jiang Wen. This may be what Jiang Wen said: "As long as Zhou Yun is here, I can sleep peacefully."

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