
cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

author:A good man has a safe life

Hey, when it comes to domestic costume dramas, it's really a dazzling landscape. Recently, on the official Weibo of CCTV TV dramas, one stone stirred up a thousand waves and recommended 9 newly released costume masterpieces, which can make many costume drama fans excited. As soon as the names of "Long Song Xing" and "Green Hairpin Xing" came out, I felt that an ancient wind was blowing in my face, making people feel as if they had traveled back to the era of Jin Ge Iron Horse and the deep boudoir of the palace.

Let's talk about "Long Song Xing" first, this drama is based on the novel of the same name, which tells a story of ups and downs of court struggle and love. The costumes, props, and scenes in the play are called exquisite, and every detail reveals the intentions of the production team. Moreover, the cast is also star-studded, and the joining of powerful actors makes the characters more three-dimensional and the emotional expression more sincere.

Let's take a look at "Qing Hairpin Xing", which is also adapted from the popular novel, focusing on the growth and struggle of a woman in the court. The female characters in the play are independent and intelligent, breaking the stereotype of female characters in traditional costume dramas and showing the demeanor of women in the new era. Moreover, the plot is compact and reversed, which makes people want to watch the next episode after watching one episode.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

These two dramas are recommended, not only because of their wonderful plots and excellent productions, but also because they represent a new trend in domestic costume dramas. The current costume dramas are no longer just simple historical reproductions, but incorporate more modern elements, such as female independence, personality liberation, etc., which are popular with modern audiences.

Moreover, with the development of technology, the visual effects of costume dramas are becoming more and more shocking. From the grand war scenes to the delicate court life, every picture is mesmerizing. The use of special effects has brought the visual effects of costume dramas to a higher level, bringing unprecedented visual enjoyment to the audience.

Of course, the "spring" of costume dramas is also inseparable from the support of the audience. Now more and more people are beginning to pay attention to domestic dramas, especially costume dramas. They are not only entertainment, but also a kind of cultural inheritance and innovation. The audience's love is the driving force for the continuous progress and development of costume dramas.

In general, the "spring" of domestic costume dramas has arrived, and they have won the hearts of the audience with more diverse themes, more sophisticated productions, and more profound connotations. Whether it is "Long Song Xing" or "Green Hairpin Xing", it is just a bright color in this spring. In the future, we have reason to believe that domestic costume dramas will bring us more surprises and touches.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

Hey, when it comes to "Cao Cao", this is a series that makes people's blood boil. You see, Jiang Wen, a powerful actor, leads the starring role, and his aura and acting skills are simply very exciting. And director Zhang Li, that is a well-known name in the TV drama industry, his works have always been a guarantee of quality. Coupled with Yi Zhongtian, a historical consultant, his professional knowledge and deep understanding of history add a lot of weight to the series. As the chief producer, Wu Yi's experience and vision are also one of the key factors in the success of this drama.

Speaking of this drama, it is not just an ordinary costume drama, it tells the story of Cao Cao, a generation of heroes in the troubled times during the Three Kingdoms period. From Cao Cao's youth until he became the founder of the Wei State, this drama shows Cao Cao's life vividly. Cao Cao, played by Jiang Wen, has both eloquence and strategy, as well as the complexity and contradictions of human nature, and such a role creation makes people full of expectations for Jiang Wen's performance.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

Director Zhang Li's approach has always been delicate, and he is able to portray the emotions and psychological activities of historical figures in three points. In the drama "Cao Cao", we can foresee that the director will use his unique perspective to show the multifaceted nature of Cao Cao's role vividly. Every decision, every battle, and every handling of the relationship between the characters will make the audience feel the changes of that era.

Yi Zhongtian is a historical consultant, and his participation makes this drama more accurate in terms of historical restoration. He not only has an in-depth study of the history of the Three Kingdoms period, but also is able to present complex historical events to the audience in an easy-to-understand way. With Yi Zhongtian's check, this drama will be more rigorous in historical details, so that the audience can learn a lot of historical knowledge while enjoying the plot.

As the chief producer, Wu Yi's job is not only to raise and manage funds, but more importantly, to control and grasp the direction of the whole drama. His experience and vision can ensure that the drama strikes a balance between artistry and commerciality, making "Cao Cao" a masterpiece with both depth and highlights.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

Each member of this "King Fried Group" is a leader in their respective fields. The "Cao Cao" they created together is not only a TV series, but also a work of art. It perfectly integrates history and art, so that the audience can not only feel the weight of history, but also enjoy the beauty of art in the process of watching.

In short, the drama "Cao Cao", from the actor to the director, from the historical consultant to the chief producer, every link is carefully polished. It is not only a reproduction of Cao Cao, a historical figure, but also a inheritance of the spirit of that era. This drama is worth looking forward to and savoring by each of us.

Hey, when it comes to the drama "Cao Cao", it is really full of twists and turns, which makes people worry and look forward to it. Since 2017, Zhejiang Tianyi Film and Television Co., Ltd. has been preparing for this drama, and at that time, everyone has been gearing up to welcome this generation of heroes from the Three Kingdoms period on the screen again. The original plan was to meet the audience in 2018, but who would have thought that Wu Yi, the chief producer, suddenly fell into a copyright dispute, and as soon as this happened, the whole project was forced to run aground, which made people sigh.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

However, the show is not afraid of being late, and the excitement is always ahead. In 2020, CCTV's expectations and the news on the official website gave everyone a glimmer of hope, saying that the drama is expected to be broadcast in 2022. As soon as this news came out, many fans of the Three Kingdoms were very happy, as if they had seen Cao Cao's eloquent figure galloping on the screen.

The drama "Cao Cao" has attracted much attention from the beginning of preparation, after all, it tells the story of a generation of heroes in the troubled times during the Three Kingdoms period. Moreover, the main creative lineup of this drama is also star-studded, starring Jiang Wen, directed by Zhang Li, Yi Zhongtian as the historical consultant, and Wu Yi as the chief producer.

Jiang Wen's acting skills are obvious to all, whether it is a tough guy image or a deep and introverted role, he can control it with ease. This time he came to play Cao Cao, which will surely bring us a new and three-dimensional image of Cao Cao. Director Zhang Li's skills should not be underestimated, and under his direction, the quality of the drama series must be guaranteed. Yi Zhongtian, as a historical consultant, his professional knowledge and deep understanding of history will also make this drama more accurate in terms of historical restoration. As the chief producer, Wu Yi's experience and vision are also one of the key factors in the success of this drama.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

Although there were some twists and turns in the preparation process of the drama "Cao Cao", as the so-called good things are grinding, these experiences make this drama more worth looking forward to. We have reason to believe that after such a long time of preparation and polishing, this drama will definitely present a different Cao Cao, a more three-dimensional and profound Cao Cao. Let's wait and see how this drama will once again ignite the beacon fire of the Three Kingdoms and how it will once again show the true colors of heroes in that troubled era. 567

Heck, when it comes to Jiang Wen's return to the TV series, this is really not ordinary big news. I think back then, he became an instant hit in "Beijinger in New York", his acting skills, and charm are really impressive. Since then, Jiang Wen has plunged into the film industry, made a lot of blockbusters that have been applauded and acclaimed, and has become a veritable big-screen star. But who would have thought that after 27 years, he would return to the embrace of TV series, which is really surprising and exciting.

This time Jiang Wen played Cao Cao, this role is not simple, it is a generation of heroes in the Three Kingdoms period, ambitious, domineering and leaking. Jiang Wen came to play this role, and I have to say that the casting vision is really unique. Do you think, Jiang Wen's aura and acting skills are exactly what Cao Cao needs? As soon as he stood there, he didn't have to speak, and that domineering spirit naturally came out.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

Moreover, Jiang Wen played Cao Cao this time, not only because of the charm of the role, but also because of his deep understanding of the role. It is said that in order to better interpret Cao Cao, Jiang Wenke has put a lot of effort into it, from historical materials to character psychology, he has done in-depth research. This professionalism is really admirable.

The audience is also full of interest in Jiang Wen's role as Cao Cao this time. Do you think that an old actor who has been in the film industry for many years will return to the TV series and play such a complex and multifaceted role, which is a highlight in itself. Everyone wants to know, what kind of Cao Cao will Jiang Wen bring us, is it more deep and introverted, or more domineering and exposed?

Jiang Wen's return to the TV series, the significance of this matter is more than that. His return is not only a personal attempt, but also a boost to the TV drama industry. Do you think that even a big star like Jiang Wen is willing to return to the TV series, what does this mean? It shows that the charm of the TV drama industry has not diminished back then, and it still has the magic to attract excellent actors.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

Moreover, Jiang Wen's appearance this time has also brought more possibilities to the TV drama industry. His addition will undoubtedly improve the overall quality of the series and attract more viewers. This is undoubtedly a great thing for the development of the TV drama industry.

In short, Jiang Wen starred in a TV series again after 27 years, which in itself is a major event worth paying attention to. His role as Cao Cao this time is even more full of expectations. We have reason to believe that Jiang Wen will bring us a different Cao Cao, a more three-dimensional and profound Cao Cao. Let's wait and see how the big screen star shines again on the small screen.

Hey, we have to talk about the behind-the-scenes team of the drama "Cao Cao", it's really luxurious. First of all, I have to mention director Zhang Li, who is a well-known leader in China, and the works he has directed are all highly praised and impressive. Director Zhang Li's technique is delicate, and he has his own unique insights on the grasp of history and the portrayal of characters.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

The drama "Cao Cao" is based on Cao Cao's life, and the legendary story of this hero in the Three Kingdoms period is put on the screen. In the play, there is not only Cao Cao's ambition and resourcefulness, but also his emotional world and family entanglements, which will be shown in front of the audience one by one. Moreover, this drama pays special attention to the restoration of historical events and the study of details, and strives to achieve the greatest degree of true reproduction.

When it comes to the authenticity of history, I have to mention Mr. Yi Zhongtian. As the historical consultant of this drama, he added a strict lock to "Cao Cao". Mr. Yi Zhongtian's familiarity with the history of the Three Kingdoms is recognized in the industry, and with him in charge, the historical events and character relationships in the play can stand up to scrutiny, ensuring the authenticity of history.

Moreover, the production team of this drama has also invested a lot of money, from costumes to props, from scenes to special effects, every detail strives to be perfect. For example, Cao Cao's robe, which was carefully restored according to historical documents, put it on, Jiang Wen's version of Cao Cao immediately leaked domineeringly. Another example is the war scene in the play, the grand momentum, the realistic effect, makes people feel as if they are really in the troubled times of the Jin Ge Iron Horse.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

With the direction of director Zhang Li and the historical control of teacher Yi Zhongtian, coupled with the careful production of the whole team, the quality of the drama "Cao Cao" is guaranteed. The audience can not only see vivid historical figures, but also appreciate the changes of that era. Such a drama is not only a visual enjoyment, but also a touch of the heart.

In short, the behind-the-scenes team of the drama "Cao Cao" and the restoration of history make people look forward to it. We believe that this drama will be a high-quality historical drama that will appeal not only to history buffs, but also to more audiences who like well-made and profound characterization. Let's wait and see how "Cao Cao" will set off a Three Kingdoms storm again.

Heck, when it comes to the drama "Cao Cao", although we haven't had a chance to see it yet, the audience's enthusiasm and expectations are not low at all. Why? First of all, I have to talk about the luxurious production team of this drama, director Zhang Li, who is a big man in the domestic TV drama industry, and the scenes he has filmed are all the best of the best. Coupled with the joining of Jiang Wen, an acting school, he came to play Cao Cao, the weight and depth of this role can be imagined.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

Moreover, this drama has also put a lot of effort into the excavation of history. As a historical consultant, Mr. Yi Zhongtian's familiarity and research on the history of the Three Kingdoms is not covered. With his checks, the historical events and character relationships in the play can stand scrutiny. This is not just a TV series, but more like a historical blockbuster, allowing the audience to learn a lot while enjoying the story.

The audience's expectations for "Cao Cao" can be seen from the discussion and feedback on the Internet. Although it will not be released in the short term, everyone's enthusiasm has not diminished. On the contrary, this sense of anticipation is stretched longer and more itchy. Many viewers said that they are willing to wait, because good dramas are not afraid of being late, especially such large-scale dramas, which are more worthy of everyone's patience.

Besides, in the current TV drama market, there are not many high-quality dramas, and the audience is already aesthetically tired of those shoddy dramas. Dramas like "Cao Cao", both from the production team and from the point of view of the restoration of history, are particularly precious. What the audience is looking forward to is not only a TV series, but also a kind of spiritual enjoyment and satisfaction.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

Moreover, the audience's evaluation of "Cao Cao" is also very high. Although the episode has not yet aired, judging from the information and trailer that has been announced, the texture and atmosphere of this drama are already felt. The sense of history and the complexity of the characters make people full of curiosity and expectation about this drama.

In short, although the release of "Cao Cao" still needs to wait, the enthusiasm and expectations of the audience are already very high. Everyone is looking forward to this drama being able to meet everyone as soon as possible and bring a feast for the eyes and souls. Let's be patient and believe that "Cao Cao" will not disappoint everyone.

cost 700 million, Jiang Wen acted in the drama again after 27 years, and invited Zhang Liyi Zhongtian, "Cao Cao" is really good

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