
Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

author:Xiao Jiu said finance


Daguang, a middle-aged man, was recently diagnosed with high blood lipids and was advised by a doctor to adjust his diet. The sullen Daguang came home and happened to see his neighbor, and the neighbor said that "eggplant is a blood lipid assassin, and peanuts are easy to cause blood vessel blockage"!

"How is this possible? I love eggplant and peanuts! Daguang frowned and muttered to himself.

He began to recall that he would eat braised eggplant several times a week, and fried peanuts were indispensable for the snack, and now it seemed that these delicacies would have to say goodbye to him.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

When it comes to eggplant and peanuts, many people, like Daihiro, love their taste. The eggplant is soft in the mouth, and the peanuts are crispy and delicious.

However, in recent years, there have been many confusing theories about the relationship between these two foods and blood lipids and vascular health.

Some people believe that eggplants are the "main culprit" for elevated blood lipids, while peanuts may cause blood vessel blockages. In the face of these statements, many people have begun to shy away from these two foods.

So, is it really as rumored to be?

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

Is eggplant really a lipid "assassin"?

It is rumored on the Internet and around many people that eating eggplant will lead to elevated blood lipids and endanger health.

However, I would like to tell you the good news: eggplant is not only not a "blood lipid assassin", but a little expert in protecting cardiovascular health!

Because eggplant is rich in many nutrients, especially dietary fiber and antioxidants, which are very beneficial to our body.

We all know that dietary fiber helps lower cholesterol and prevent constipation.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

Eggplant contains a large amount of soluble dietary fiber, which can form a gelatinous substance in the intestines, hindering the absorption of cholesterol and accelerating its excretion.

A Japanese study found that eating one eggplant a day for two weeks significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL (also known as "bad" cholesterol) levels in the body. It seems that the "crime" of eggplant rising instead of falling is completely false!

In addition to dietary fiber, the antioxidants in eggplant also play an important role. Antioxidants such as anthocyanins and vitamin C can effectively resist the damage of free radicals to the endothelium of blood vessels and prevent the occurrence of arteriosclerosis.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

What are free radicals?

It's like a "terrorist" inside the body, attacking our veins everywhere, and the antioxidants in the eggplant are like brave "special forces", ready to hunt them all down.

With this protection, our blood vessels can stay young from the threat of hardening.

However, why do so many people still think that eggplant will raise blood lipids after eating? I guess it might have something to do with the way the eggplant is cooked.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

Think about it, what is the most common way to make eggplant?

That's right, it's braised eggplant in oil, fish-flavored eggplant, and so on. These dishes are indispensable for a large amount of oil, especially animal oils with a high content of saturated fatty acids. If consumed in large quantities for a long time, it may indeed affect blood lipid levels.

But you can't blame the eggplant, it's the pot of grease! So, it's okay to eat eggplant itself, the key is to cook it in a healthy way.

For example, steaming, boiling, and quick frying with less oil can not only retain the nutrients of eggplant, but also not bring too much fat burden. In addition, removing the skin or thinning the eggplant can reduce the amount of oxalic acid and avoid affecting the absorption of calcium.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

What is the relationship between peanuts and blood vessel blockages?

When it comes to peanuts, many people's first reaction may be: "Small cardiovascular blockage!" Indeed, peanuts are often suspected to be the "culprit" of blood vessel blockage because of their high fat characteristics.

But is that really the case? It is undeniable that peanuts are a high-fat food, and about 50 grams of fat are hidden in 100 grams of peanut kernels.

At first glance, this number is indeed a bit scary. But don't rush to conclusions, we have to figure out what the fat in peanuts is.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

In fact, the fats in peanuts are mainly unsaturated fatty acids, especially monounsaturated fatty acids.

These good fats are great at lowering bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) while also raising levels of good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol).

Think of them as "scavengers" in your blood vessels, ready to clean up the "garbage" (cholesterol plaque) that clings to the walls of your blood vessels and let your blood flow freely.

Researchers at Harvard University have found that eating nuts (including peanuts, of course) more than four times a week reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by about 35 percent.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

It seems that peanuts still have two brushes to prevent blood vessel blockage!

But we can't get carried away and think that peanuts are a "panacea", and we can eat as much as we want. Excessive consumption of anything can upset the balance of the body, and peanuts are no exception.

In particular, fried and salt-baked peanut products contain high amounts of saturated fat and sodium, which may pose a risk to cardiovascular health.

In addition, the high-calorie characteristics of peanuts should not be ignored. If you eat too much, it is easy to cause your weight to rise "rubbing", and over time, the problem of obesity will come to your door.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

As we all know, obesity is a "good friend" of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, eating peanuts is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and it is easy to "stumble" if you are not careful. But as long as we have a good grasp of the balance and choose the right method, Peanut can still be our good partner.

For example, prefer raw or peeled peanuts in plain flavor and avoid processed products that are high in salt and fat.

Add peanut flour to oatmeal or yogurt for a nutritious and delicious breakfast, full of energy and a good day of energy!

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

Of course, don't forget to control the dosage, it is generally recommended to eat about 30-50 grams per day.

Seeing this, you get the idea?

There is no necessary connection between peanuts and blocked blood vessels. Eating peanuts in moderation can help protect cardiovascular health.

However, excessive or inappropriate consumption can be counterproductive.

As the saying goes, "the extreme of things must be opposed", like many things, the key is to grasp the balance.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

How to eat eggplant and peanuts healthily?

Having said all this, I believe you have a new understanding of eggplant and peanuts. They are not scary in themselves, the key is to learn how to eat healthily.

I'll give you a few tips to make you eat delicious and healthy!

Eggplant, remember the words "less oil and more steaming" is enough. Steaming, boiling, and oven baking are all good options, which can retain the nutrients of the eggplant without bringing too much fat burden.

If you really want to fry and eat, don't put too much oil, just fry it quickly and get out of the pot.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

Also, removing the eggplant skin or cutting it a little thinner can reduce the oxalic acid content and allow for better calcium absorption.

Speaking of peanuts, plain raw peanuts or peeled peanuts are the best choice, and eat less processed products that are fried and salted.

Want to spice up your breakfast?

Sprinkle peanut flour into oatmeal or yogurt for a delicious and nutritious look. But don't eat too much, about 30-50 grams a day is enough.

Finally, whether you're sautéing eggplant or making peanut butter, use good oil. Vegetable oils such as olive oil and sesame oil contain more unsaturated fatty acids and are more cardiovascular. But no matter how good the oil is, don't use too much, 25-30 grams a day is enough.

Is eggplant an "assassin" of blood lipids? The doctor's advice: If you don't want the blood vessels to be blocked, these 2 things should not enter the mouth

Of course, it's not enough to eat eggplant and peanuts, it's more important to have a balanced diet. Eat whole grains, eat more fruits and vegetables, consume the right amount of high-quality protein, and exercise moderately to keep your body in the best shape at all times.

Friends, although eggplant and peanuts are good, you can't be greedy! After learning these tips, I believe you will be able to eat healthy and happy!


The Wind's Confession 2023-02-08 "Can't Eat Eggplant with High Blood Lipids? The doctor reminded: In addition to eggplant, these 2 "vegetarian foods" should also be eaten less"

Released by Chengxian County, Longnan 2024-03-18 "Eating peanuts is not good for blood vessels, doctor: ignorant, don't want blood vessels to be blocked, stay away from 2 kinds of vegetarian food"

Baidu Encyclopedia, blood lipids, peanuts, eggplants

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