
Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

author:Atmospheric Genie Z6

Recently, the Hong Kong entertainment industry ushered in a gratifying news - Wei Shiya announced her marriage. At the same time, the incident surrounding Xue Jiayan's misidentification of Wei Shiya as Lian Shiya also sparked extensive discussions. This series of events not only revealed the interaction and mental journey between celebrities, but also triggered netizens to think deeply about the life and fate of celebrities.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

On yesterday's XX month, on 27 July, Wei Shiya officially announced the good news that she was about to enter the marriage hall through her personal social media platform. In the photo, she happily displays the giant diamond ring in her hand and receives a bouquet of flowers symbolizing love. Facing the camera, she is smiling, and her eyes are full of expectations for her future life. She wrote: "I am willing to Ido, and I will walk together through thick and thin in the future." Thank you for meeting you. This sincere and sentimental statement not only conveys her deep feelings for her fiancé, but also expresses her beautiful expectations for her future life.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

However, at the beginning of this year, Xue Jiayan's "oolong" blessing made Wei Shiya fall into an embarrassing time. At that time, Xue Jiayan mistakenly recognized Wei Shiya as Lian Shiya who was pregnant in a radio program, and sent her congratulations. This mistake made Wei Shiya embarrassed to deny it publicly, and this scene became a topic of conversation after everyone's dinner.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

In the face of this oolong incident, Xue Jiayan admitted her mistake in an interview with the media and admitted that she was indeed a little embarrassed at the time. However, she still maintained her usual generosity and humor, and easily resolved the matter. Netizens had a heated discussion about this misidentification incident, and for a while the Internet was full of various voices. Some netizens felt that Xue Jiayan seemed to be a prophet, foreseeing Wei Shiya's upcoming wedding in advance. And some netizens joked that maybe Xue Jiayan touched Wei Shiya's belly, did it bless her with some good luck.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

In response to these speculations and ridicule, Wei Shiya behaved very generously. In the subsequent online program, she specially invited Xue Jiayan as a guest to revisit this misunderstanding again. At the scene of the show, the two interacted cordially like old friends, which not only showed the open-minded attitude of the two, but also made the whole incident more warm and interesting. During this period, Xue Jiayan once again sincerely congratulated Wei Shiya on her competition for Best Actress at the Academy Awards, and this blessing once again aroused the attention of the audience.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

The handshake between the two made the originally slightly embarrassing episode into a good story, attracting countless praises. Many netizens expressed their support and continued to discuss whether Xue Jiayan really has the ability of a "prophet". This kind of kind and interesting discussion makes the online atmosphere more relaxed and enjoyable.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

At the same time, in response to this series of turmoil and blessings, Xue Jiayan once again sent sincere congratulations to Wei Shiya in an interview with "Sing Tao Global Network". She emphasized that she was not a prophet, it was just a coincidence, but she hoped that her blessings would bring more joy and good luck to Wei Shiya. At the end of the interview, she also asked about Wei Shiya's specific wedding date, hoping to be able to congratulate her in person and convey this warmth to reality.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

This article mainly focuses on the good news that Wei Shiya is about to get married, not only reviewing the previous Xue Jiayan misidentification incident and its subsequent interactions, but also showing the sincere and warm side between people in the entertainment industry. From these details, we can see that whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, it is inevitable that they will experience some small twists and turns, but as long as they are kind and optimistic, they can make life better and more interesting. By describing the events and the reactions and interactions of all parties, we can see that such interpersonal interactions undoubtedly add freshness and richness to social topics.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

After announcing her marriage, Wei Shiya's life seems to have entered the fast lane. Not only does she have to prepare for her wedding, but she also has to juggle her busy work schedule. However, no matter how busy she is, she can always share her happiness on social platforms and interact with her fans.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

During this time, many friends sent blessings, and the most touching thing for her was Xue Jiayan's sudden visit. At that time, Wei Shiya had just finished a shooting and returned home exhausted, only to find Xue Jiayan standing at the door waiting with a large bouquet of flowers and homemade small cakes. The two hugged each other and smiled, the sincerity and warmth were indescribable.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

The scene was captured by the media and sparked a new round of discussion. Everyone admired Xue Jiayan's affinity and carefulness, and they were also full of respect for the friendship between the two. Xue Jiayan quipped in the interview: "Actually, I just want to eat the food she cooks, so I came to eat." This humorous remark once again narrowed the distance between them and the public.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

At the same time, Wei Shiya's fiancé gradually entered the public eye. He is not an insider, but he has shown extraordinary tolerance and understanding. He silently supports all the decisions of his fiancée, whether it is a challenge at work or a trivial thing in life, the two work together to build their own little world.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

When they appear together at public events, they always hold hands, and the affection in their eyes cannot be concealed. This sweetness touched many fans, and many people also left messages expressing envy and hoping to witness more such happy moments.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

As the wedding date approaches, various details begin to surface. Wisely decided to choose a picturesque island for her wedding, hoping to take the opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and spend a peaceful and wonderful time with family and friends. This decision was strongly supported by his fiancé, who was even personally involved in the preparations for the grand celebration.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

Just when everyone was happy that they were about to enter the palace of marriage, there was another news that surprised people - Wei Shiya announced that she had signed an international blockbuster, which will transcend geographical restrictions and show her talent in front of a global audience. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge, but it is also a rare opportunity. In the face of the new journey, she behaved very calmly and believed that she could win more recognition through hard work.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

And Xue Jiayan once again sent her blessings, this time not only for the upcoming wedding, but also to cheer for her new career. She wrote on social platforms: "No matter what path you choose, I will always support you. May every step of you be filled with brilliance. These words touched the hearts of countless people and made everyone see the power and preciousness of friendship.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

Eventually, the long-awaited day finally came. On a breezy island, a dream wedding takes place as scheduled. Wei Shiya wore a white wedding dress and walked slowly towards her fiancé like a fairy. Everything was so beautiful and so intoxicating. As one of the bridesmaids, Xue Jiayan accompanied the whole process and witnessed this historic moment with tenderness and smile.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

At the banquet that followed, the two delivered touching speeches, thanking every friend and loved one for their support and love. This is not only a wedding, but also a heart-to-heart exchange, which makes the atmosphere particularly warm and touching. Many guests couldn't help but shed tears of excitement and sent their most sincere wishes to the couple.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

After the dinner, the two danced their first dance under the moonlight, and the beautiful melody accompanied by the breeze brought everyone's thoughts into a romantic fairy tale world. On this night, countless flashing lights recorded their happiest and most beautiful moments, and also left an eternal memory.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

A few days later, when they returned to real life, they were once again engaged in their busy work. But the difference is that they have entered a new stage of life together, and no matter what the future holds, they have each other's solid backing to meet every tomorrow together. As the classic line says: "Wind and rain are on the same road, just because of you." ”

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

This story brings us not only those anecdotes and anecdotes in the lives of celebrities, but also important revelations about love, friendship and the courage to pursue dreams. From the heartfelt interaction between Wei Shiya and Xue Jiayan, to the smooth sailing of her and her fiancé facing the future together, we see the importance of emotional bonds between people. Although these episodes are short, they are full of meaning, which makes us cherish the precious people and things around us even more, and constantly pursue a better and more interesting life journey.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

Recently, the Hong Kong entertainment industry ushered in the good news of Wei Shiya's announcement of marriage, which has become the focus of attention of the media and fans. She posted a photo of her happiness on her personal social platform, showing the huge diamond ring on her hand and receiving a bouquet of flowers symbolizing love. She wrote: "I am willing to Ido, and I will walk together through thick and thin in the future." Thank you for meeting you. This heartfelt word not only expresses her deep feelings for her fiancé, but also conveys her beautiful expectations for her future life.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

However, an oolong incident at the beginning of this year also made Wei Shiya the center of the topic for a while. At that time, Xue Jiayan mistakenly recognized Wei Shiya as the pregnant Lian Shiya on the radio program and congratulated her. This mistake made Wei Shiya have to deny it publicly, causing a wave of embarrassment. However, in an interview with the media, Xue Jiayan calmly admitted her mistake and resolved the embarrassment with generosity and humor.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

The misidentification sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Some people feel that Xue Jiayan seems to have prophetic abilities and sees Wei Shiya's upcoming wedding. And some netizens joked that maybe Xue Jiayan touched Wei Shiya's belly and blessed her with some good luck. In the subsequent online program, the two mentioned the misunderstanding again and interacted cordially, making the whole incident more warm and interesting. Xue Jiayan once again sincerely congratulated Wei Shiya on her competition for Best Actress at the Academy Awards, turning this little episode into a good story.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

These interactions not only show the sincere and heartwarming side of the celebrities, but also add freshness and richness to social topics. After announcing her marriage, Wei Shiya's life has entered the fast lane, she is busy preparing for the wedding and work, but she always finds time to share happiness with fans on social platforms. One of the things that particularly touched her was Xue Jiayan's sudden visit, when Wei Shiya, who was tired and returning from filming, saw Xue Jiayan waiting with flowers and homemade cakes, the two hugged and laughed, and the sincerity and warmth were captured by the media and sparked discussion again.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

At the same time, Wei Shiya's fiancé gradually came into the public eye. As an outsider, he supports his fiancée with extraordinary tolerance and understanding, whether it is facing work challenges or trivial life, the two work together to build their own small world. They appear at public events, always holding hands, which is extremely sweet, so that many fans are moved and leave messages to express envy.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

As the wedding date approaches, various details have been exposed. Wisely decided to host her wedding on a picturesque island, hoping to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and spend a peaceful and wonderful time with family and friends. The fiancé was very supportive and personally involved in the preparation of this grand celebration. While everyone was happy that they were about to enter the palace of marriage, there was another exciting news: Wei Shiya signed an international blockbuster and will cross geographical restrictions to show her talent around the world. In the face of the new journey, she is calm and confident that she has won more recognition through hard work. And Xue Jiayan once again sent blessings to cheer for her new career.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

Eventually, the long-awaited day finally came. On a breezy island, a dream wedding takes place as scheduled. Wei Shiya, who was dressed in a white wedding dress like a fairy, walked towards her fiancé, and this moment was beautiful and intoxicating. As one of the bridesmaids, Xue Jiayan accompanied her throughout the whole process and witnessed this historic moment with tenderness and smile. At the banquet, the two delivered touching speeches, thanking each friend and loved one for their support and love, which made the atmosphere particularly warm, and many guests shed tears of excitement to send their most sincere wishes. After the dinner, they danced their first dance in the moonlight, and this romantic moment was recorded by countless flashes of light, leaving lasting memories.

Wei Shiya got married, and Xue Jiayan responded to being named a prophet: Don't dare to be! At the beginning of the year, I touched my belly in person and said congratulations

A few days later, when they returned to real life and returned to their busy work, the difference is that they have entered a new phase of life together, and no matter what the future holds, they have each other's solid backing to meet each tomorrow together. This story brings not only anecdotes from the lives of celebrities, but also important revelations about love, friendship and the courage to pursue their dreams. From the heartfelt interaction between Wei Shiya and Xue Jiayan, to her facing the future with her fiancé, we see the importance of emotional bonds between people. Although these episodes are short, they are full of meaning, which makes us cherish the important people and things around us more, and constantly pursue a better and more interesting life journey.

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