
Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

author:Sing Tao Entertainment

39-year-old Wei Shiya was shortlisted for Best Actress at the Academy Awards for the first time with "Marriage 2", her career has gradually gone smoothly in recent years, and love has finally seen the light of day. Wei Shiya, who has been in the industry for 16 years, can be said to have survived, she has been working hard to take precautions, has multiple food licenses, and takes care of operating social accounts in addition to filming, and has been praised by netizens as a goddess of sticking to the ground.

Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

He had zero work and relied on the company's salary advance

Wei Shiya's acting career has made many movies, such as "I Want to Be With You Very Much", "Qiandu", "Zha Zhi", "Golden Rooster SSS", "Forgive Him 77 Times", "Insomnia", "My Rival Son-in-law", "Double Souls", "Mature Woman Love Roaming", "Marriage Soon" and other movies, the turning point is "Insomnia".

Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

Wei Shiya played twin sisters in the play, lowered the image of a pure and obedient girl in the past, and personally went to the scene to shoot many scenes of abuse, including a fourth-level cannibal meat scene, Wei Shiya's performance was greatly appreciated, and she was nominated for Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards at that time.

Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

However, Wei Shiya once said that the initial workload was not much, and the career had ups and downs, tried zero work and had to rely on the company to advance wages, even the phone was broken and only took it to repair and would not buy a new one, she also bluntly said that Chen Jiale is a good comrade-in-arms, the two have a close relationship like family, and have tried to have no money to ask each other to borrow money to go home, today he lent me a hundred, tomorrow I lent him a hundred yuan, and there is no money for dinner, so we all know how important everything we get now.

Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

Vesia has a number of licences

In addition to obtaining a professional diamond appraisal certificate before entering the industry, she has also obtained a number of licenses, including boat licenses, lifeguard licenses, tour guide licenses, diving licenses, light truck licenses, motorcycle license plates and pet heart transfer licenses, storage clerk and stable assistant and so on.

Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat
Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

Wei Shiya once had a dull love life

Before Wei Shiya confessed her love last year, her love life was dull, and Wei Shiya once said in an interview: "Marriage is a loss of freedom to a certain extent. Wei Shiya once said that she lacked confidence, and she would check her boyfriend's mobile phone when she was patting, tried to check it secretly, and also tried to ask the other party to take out her mobile phone and confront her face to face.

Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

Wei Shiya revealed that she had been injured by her boyfriend's cheating on the shrimp head's online show, once her family came to Wei Shiya's house as a guest, but her ex-boyfriend kept hiding in the room, when she entered the room, she saw her ex-boyfriend on the phone and acted very panicked, and then pretended to be serious about business, but it turned out that her boyfriend was pretending to talk on the phone, because the mobile phone suddenly rang, Wei Shiya said: "What's the funniest? I approached, his phone rang, I saw the note, the name is Chen Sheng's man's name! He couldn't help but answer. ”

Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

Although the ex-boyfriend hurriedly closed the line after answering the phone, Wei Shiya had already heard the voice of a woman on the other side of the phone, even though Wei Shiya questioned many times, but the ex-boyfriend always refused to call to prove it, and finally the two broke up.

Wei Shiya announces her marriage to her doctor boyfriend! once encountered a scumbag who cheated and caught his bag on the spot, and he was so poor that he borrowed money to eat

Wei Shiya said that the worst thing is to play with her family: "At that moment, you can't be calm, you have to see your family when you go out, I really want to go crazy, but you can't be crazy, and when you really have to make a decision, you can be so calm." ”

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