
The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

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The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess
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The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

In the Chinese film industry, Jackie Chan's name is undoubtedly a legend. This kung fu superstar has not only conquered global audiences with his superb martial arts skills and unique comedy style, but also become the top richest man in the entertainment industry with his box office income of more than 30 billion yuan.

However, the recent news about the distribution of his 10 billion inheritance has caused an uproar on the Internet.

Surprisingly, Jackie Chan changed the original estate distribution plan. His illegitimate daughter, Wu Zhuolin, who was called the "Little Dragon Girl" by the media, turned out to be the beneficiary of this estate redistribution.

And Fang Zuming, the son of Fang Zuming, who has always been regarded as the natural heir, has lost most of his share that he deserves. What kind of complex family conflicts and human struggles are hidden behind this decision? Let's uncover this dramatic family story.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

Jackie Chan's family relationship can be called a realistic version of a wealthy family grudge drama. On the surface, his marriage with his wife Lin Fengjiao seems to be stable and harmonious. Lin Fengjiao has always shown herself as a good wife and mother, even after Jackie Chan's "mistakes" were exposed, she still chose to forgive and understand.

This tolerance not only deeply touched Jackie Chan, but also made him decide to leave most of his property to this wife who shared the suffering.

However, Jackie Chan and Wu Qili's secret relationship is like a time bomb, which finally detonates the calm surface. The result of this relationship was the birth of Wu Zhuolin, but it also brought unimaginable growth difficulties to this innocent child.

As an illegitimate daughter, Wu Zhuolin has been burdened with heavy shackles since she was a child. At school, she was often ridiculed and bullied by her classmates, and was labeled as a "fatherless child".

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

What is even more heart-wrenching is that instead of giving her enough love and protection, her mother, Wu Qili, often inflicts verbal and physical violence on her.

This bitter childhood experience eventually led Wu Zhuolin to make a difficult decision: to go to Canada and face the difficult road to survival alone. In a foreign country, with no financial resources, she can only rely on meager government relief to survive, and her life is difficult but she still survives tenaciously.

In stark contrast to Wu Zhuolin's situation is Fang Zuming's life. As Jackie Chan's "son-in-law", he has enjoyed a prosperous life since he was a child. However, this carefree lifestyle also comes with negative consequences.

Under the protection of Jackie Chan, Fang Zuming called for wind and rain in the entertainment industry, but gradually lost his self-control.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

In 2014, a sensational drug abuse incident in Hong Kong pushed Fang Zuming to the forefront of public opinion. This not only brought a huge blow to Jackie Chan's reputation, but also made him begin to reflect on his responsibilities as a father.

Despite this, Jackie Chan still did not give up on his son. Under his operation, Fang Zuming successfully transformed into a movie actor after being released from prison and re-embarked on the road of acting.

This intricate family relationship not only affected Jackie Chan's private life, but also profoundly affected his attitude towards his two children. This complex emotional entanglement eventually became an important factor in his adjustment of the distribution of the inheritance.

In 1998, a well-known nightclub in Hong Kong became a stage that changed the fate of many people. That night, the lights were bright, and celebrities from all walks of life gathered.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

In this drunken gold fan, two souls destined to be entangled for a lifetime meet for the first time - kung fu superstar Jackie Chan and the new Miss Hong Kong champion Wu Qili.

At that time, Jackie Chan was already an internationally renowned action movie star, and his career was booming. And Wu Qili, with the title of the 1990 Miss Asia beauty pageant, is gradually emerging in the entertainment industry.

This chance encounter, like the arrangement of fate, brought a huge turning point to the life trajectory of the two.

Jackie Chan was attracted by Wu Qili's beauty, and Wu Qili was also captivated by this mature and charismatic superstar. Even though Jackie Chan is married, that hasn't stopped the two from getting closer.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

In the days that followed, their relationship quickly warmed up. Jackie Chan frequently invites Wu Qili to participate in various public activities, and does not shy away from the eyes of the outside world. And Wu Qili worked tirelessly to fly to Jackie Chan's filming place many times to visit the class, and the two fell into a secret and fiery relationship.

However, the good times were short-lived. When the news of Wu Qili's pregnancy reached Jackie Chan's ears, this superstar, who was originally infinitely beautiful, panicked instantly. His first reaction was to ask Wu Qili to terminate the pregnancy, which was tantamount to a punch that shattered all of Wu Qili's illusions about this relationship.

The injured Wu Qili chose the most extreme form of revenge: she stood in front of the media and exposed her relationship with Jackie Chan, accusing him of being a negative man who ignored his family and his own flesh and blood.

This move was like a bomb, which instantly detonated the entertainment industry and brought a huge impact to Jackie Chan's career and family.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

In the face of surging public pressure, Jackie Chan had to hold a press conference to publicly admit his "mistakes". He uttered what became widely circulated: "I just made the same mistake that all men in the world make."

Although this sentence has caused controversy, it has also become a classic quote for many people to excuse themselves.

After this public incident, the relationship between Jackie Chan and Wu Qili broke completely. Wu Qili went to the United States alone to give birth to Wu Zhuolin, while Jackie Chan chose to return to his family and continue his acting career.

However, the impact of this encounter will continue to ferment in the years to come.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

It is worth mentioning that in this turmoil, Jackie Chan's wife Lin Fengjiao showed amazing tolerance and understanding. Not only did she not get angry, but she supported her husband through the difficult time with a peaceful attitude.

This tolerance deeply touched Jackie Chan and made him cherish this marriage even more.

This fateful encounter not only changed the lives of Jackie Chan, Wu Qili and Lin Fengjiao, but also implicated the next generation. It planted the seeds of family conflicts in the future, and became one of the important reasons why Jackie Chan finally adjusted the distribution of his estate.

Jackie Chan's two children, fate seems to have played a huge joke and given them completely different life trajectories.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

Wu Zhuolin, a child who has been labeled as an "illegitimate daughter" since birth, was bullied and discriminated against during his childhood. At school, she often heard her classmates laughing: "Look, that kid without a father."

The teachers also had a lot of complaints about her identity, and these prejudices were like invisible shackles that tightly bound her young mind.

What's even more heart-wrenching is that Wu Qili, a mother who was supposed to give her warmth and protection, was unable to give her daughter enough love because of her own emotional trauma. When she was emotionally out of control, Wu Qili would even be violent to Wu Zhuolin.

Such a family environment left scars on Wu Zhuolin's young soul that were difficult to heal.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

Finally, under unbearable circumstances, the young Wu Zhuolin made a difficult and courageous decision: to go to Canada alone to seek a new life. However, reality did not open up to this brave girl.

In a foreign country, Wu Zhuolin, who has no financial resources, can only rely on meager government handouts to survive. She lived a difficult life, but she survived tenaciously, and this resilience may be the only legacy she had given her from her father, whom she had never met.

At the same time, in distant China, Fang Zuming's life was a different story. As Jackie Chan's biological son, he has enjoyed a privileged life since he was a child, and it can be said that he was born with a golden spoon.

Under the protection of Jackie Chan, even the setback of being imprisoned for drug abuse in 2014 failed to really hinder his life trajectory.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

After being released from prison, with the help of his father's prestige and connections, Fang Zuming successfully transformed into a movie actor. He participated in the filming of films such as "Railway Flying Tiger", calling for wind and rain in the entertainment industry, and enjoying the glory of the spotlight.

However, this easy success seems to have made him forget his father's earnest teachings, and instead indulge in the drunken gold fans of nightclubs.

Jackie Chan's attitude towards the two children is as different as their life circumstances. For Fang Zuming, he is not only a strict father, but also an omnipotent backer.

As for Wu Zhuolin, he chose to be silent and evasive for many years, as if this daughter had never existed.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

However, the gears of fate always turn inadvertently. As time went by, Jackie Chan's mentality also quietly changed. He begins to reflect on his responsibilities as a father, a reflection that eventually leads to a major adjustment to his estate distribution and adds a new twist to this complex family story.

Time is like water, and time is like a shuttle. As Jackie Chan enters the twilight of his life, he begins to look back at his past, examining the decisions he made and the mistakes he made.

In the process, a deep sense of guilt began to creep through his heart, especially for his long-neglected daughter Wu Zhuolin.

Jackie Chan began to reflect on his responsibilities as a father. He realized that while he had achieved great success in his career, he was far from falling short when it came to family responsibilities.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

"After all, the fault of the parents should not be attributed to the children," he muttered to himself, "not to mention that the pain and suffering that Zhuo Lin has endured over the years is too much. This kind of deep introspection makes the kung fu superstar feel sad.

At the same time, Jackie Chan's attitude towards his son Fang Zuming has also undergone subtle changes. The son who was once pinned on high hopes made Jackie Chan feel disappointed because of his long-term addiction to drugs and a life of drunken money.

He realizes that excessive spoiling and shelter does not make a responsible heir.

In this complex psychological state, Jackie Chan made an astonishing decision: he decided to give part of his assets to "Little Dragon Girl" Wu Zhuolin to ensure that her future life is worry-free.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

This decision is not only a compensation for the past, but also an expectation for the future.

However, Jackie Chan's kindness does not include Wu Qili. He made it clear that Wu Qili was forbidden to use any of this property. This decision reflects Jackie Chan's attitude towards the past: he is willing to make up for the debt he owes to his daughter, but he does not forgive the woman who hurt him back then.

This series of reflections and decisions shows Jackie Chan's inner struggle and growth. It tells us that even if you are as successful as Jackie Chan, it will take a lifetime to learn how to be a good father.

How to strike a balance between money, fame and family affection may be the ultimate issue that everyone needs to face.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

Jackie Chan's adjustment of the distribution of the estate goes far beyond the scope of simple property disposal. It's a deeply emotional decision that reflects the kung fu superstar's renewed appreciation for family responsibilities, as well as his inner struggles and growth.

For Wu Zhuolin, this inheritance may not be able to make up for her lost childhood and father's love, but it can at least give her some material protection. Jackie Chan's decision, to a certain extent, is also an explanation of his conscience, and a compensation for neglecting this daughter for many years.

And for Fang Zuming, the loss of part of the inheritance may be a wake-up call. This reminds him that he needs to rely on his own efforts to create value, rather than relying on his father's protection forever.

Jackie Chan hopes that in this way, his son can really grow up and become an independent person.

The well-known actor Jackie Chan changed his will distribution, and Xiaolongnu won! Fang Zuming lost a mess

It is worth noting that Jackie Chan's attitude towards Wu Qili is still resolute. He made it clear that Wu Qili was forbidden to touch the property, which shows that despite the passage of time, some injuries are still difficult to let go.

This adjustment of the distribution of the inheritance not only changed the fate of several people, but also drew an unexpected but reasonable end to this complex family story.

It teaches us that even if you are as successful as Jackie Chan, it will take a lifetime to learn how to balance career, family, and personal emotions. Between money, fame and family affection, how to make the right choice may be the ultimate issue that everyone needs to face.

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