
Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

author:Smoke Peach Storyteller
Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

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At the age of 69, after Jackie Chan finished the filming of the classic film "British Showdown", his physical condition gradually showed signs of aging, and his energy and physical strength were much worse than in the past.

Facing the reality that he is entering the twilight of his life, Jackie Chan knows that he must arrange his aftermath as soon as possible.

Therefore, Jackie Chan decisively sought the assistance of a lawyer and set out to revise his will. He decided to leave part of his property to his illegitimate daughter, Wu Zhuolin, to make up for years of neglect and neglect of her, so that she could escape the miserable living environment.

Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

This is undoubtedly a major decision in Jackie Chan's life, and it is also the last unresolved question in his life.

Jackie Chan has changed his will three times in his life.

The first modification occurred after he met and fell deeply in love with Lin Fengjiao. Jackie Chan deeply felt Lin Fengjiao's deep affection for him, she not only married him without complaint, but also went to the United States alone after Fang Zuming was born to wait for their father and son to reunite.

This sincere love deeply touched Jackie Chan, and he decided to leave all his property to Lin Fengjiao, hoping that her future life with Fang Zuming would be carefree.

Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

The second revision was made a few years after Fang Zuming was born. At this time, Jackie Chan's career was in full swing, and his wealth accumulation was also quite rich. He was impressed by his hard-won success and appreciated the opportunities given by society, so he decided to donate part of his wealth to charity, hoping to help more people in need.

This time, he divided the property into two, half of which was given to Lin Fengjiao, and the other half was used for public welfare.

As for the third amendment, it was this time that the 69-year-old Jackie Chan once again invited a lawyer to revise the will. He recalled his neglect of his illegitimate daughter Wu Zhuolin for many years, and realized that Wu Zhuolin was in a difficult situation.

In order to make up for his mistakes, Jackie Chan decided to revise his will again and leave a part of his property for Wu Zhuolin, hoping that she would be able to live a better life in the future, which is undoubtedly the most critical testamentary modification in Jackie Chan's life, and it is also the greatest compensation for his life.

Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

Looking back at the 80s of the 20th century, Jackie Chan met the then Miss Asia Wu Qili at a grand party. This beautiful and touching woman instantly attracted Jackie Chan's attention, and the two immediately began a secret romance.

However, this relationship did not last long, Wu Qili unexpectedly became pregnant with a child, she confessed the news to Jackie Chan, and looked forward to tying the knot with him.

However, what is shocking is that Jackie Chan flatly denied the biological father of Wu Qili's child for the sake of his own career and reputation! Wu Qili, who was seven months pregnant, could not change the reality, and could only bear the hardships and hardships of life alone.

In 1989, Wu Zhuolin was born in this world. As soon as she arrived, she was burdened with a heavy burden and became Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter who could not be ignored. Wu Qili has a deep hatred for Jackie Chan's ruthless betrayal, and often denounces Jackie Chan's various crimes in front of Wu Zhuolin, and even violently inflicts violence on Wu Zhuolin for no reason, in order to vent the resentment in her heart.

Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

Wu Zhuolin has lacked father's love since he was a child, and was often ridiculed and ridiculed by his classmates, and was named an "illegitimate daughter". Witnessing her friends grow up carefree under the care of her parents, endless loneliness and pain welled up in her heart.

As an adult, Wu Zhuolin's personality gradually became rebellious and melancholy. She resolutely left her family and went to Canada in search of a new life. There, she fell in love with a Canadian girl, but was strongly condemned by the gay community.

In the end, Wu Zhuolin, who was in a desperate situation, publicly revealed his life experience on the Internet, bluntly saying that Jackie Chan has been indifferent and abandoned for many years. She relied on government bailouts to make ends meet, and her hopes for Jackie Chan were long gone, hoping to draw widespread attention to her plight.

Despite this, Jackie Chan has not been in contact with Mr. Wu for many years, turning a blind eye to her allegations. Wu Zhuolin's tragic experience made Jackie Chan feel deeply guilty and responsible, but he did not take the initiative to lend a hand, leaving Wu Zhuolin to wander outside and experience the hardships of life.

Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

Jackie Chan and Lin Fengjiao's marriage was full of misunderstandings and contradictions from the beginning. Jackie Chan mistakenly thought that Lin Fengjiao chose to marry him because of his wealth and reputation, so he lacked sincere love and trust in Lin Fengjiao.

Soon after marriage, Lin Fengjiao went to the United States alone to wait for the birth of Fang Zuming. Giving birth alone in a foreign country, Lin Fengjiao paid a huge sacrifice. Jackie Chan was busy dealing with various scandals and rumors and could not be by Lin Fengjiao's side.

After Fang Zuming was born, Jackie Chan also failed to actively participate in his son's parenting process, and only paid support to Lin Fengjiao regularly.

In the United States, Lin Fengjiao took on the responsibility of raising her ancestor alone. Fang Zuming has lacked father's love since he was a child, and he is often ridiculed by his classmates, and is called "a child without a father". Jackie Chan was indifferent to Fang Zuming's growth for many years, until one day, when he went to the United States to pick up Fang Zuming from school, he was surprised to find that his son had already entered middle school.

Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

This scene deeply shocked Jackie Chan and made him deeply aware of the serious consequences caused by his lack of his son Fang Zuming's growth.

In order to fill this shortcoming, Jackie Chan decided to let Fang Zuming return to China to devote himself to the entertainment industry. However, Fang Zuming, who had a rebellious personality due to a long-term lack of father's love, wandered outside the right path in the entertainment industry and finally fell into prison.

At this moment, Jackie Chan finally realized that his years of estrangement had an irreparable negative impact on Fang Zuming's life. However, it was too late, the relationship between Jackie Chan and Fang Zuming had broken down, and his son's life path had suffered a heavy blow.

Jackie Chan, who witnessed all this, was full of endless remorse in his heart.

Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

Today's Jackie Chan deeply feels the shortness of life and the impermanence of life. Seeing his two children struggling on the road of life, he couldn't help but feel the tricks of fate.

Looking back on the past, at that time, I was full of only thinking about money and career, and I trampled on my feelings and family at will. Now, the price paid is the confusion and hardship of the two children.

In this regard, Jackie Chan felt deep self-blame and guilt, blaming himself for the selfishness and ignorance of his youth.

There is only one time in life, and you can't do it again if you miss it or regret it. Facing the end of his life, Jackie Chan longs to try his best to make up for his mistakes. He will provide for Wu's living expenses and plans to help her buy a welcoming home in Canada.

Jackie Chan changed the distribution of the 10 billion net worth of the will three times, and the ancestral name of the house may not be able to inherit the entire estate

Although these measures are far from countering the pain of Ng's childhood, Jackie Chan hopes that she will still feel the love of her loved ones at the end.

For Fang Zuming, Jackie Chan will also strengthen his connection with it. He is looking forward to gaining a deeper understanding of his son's inner world, giving him guidance in the direction of his life, and helping him get out of the difficulties of life.

Jackie Chan will try his best to repair the father-son relationship with Fang Zuming, and strive to get Fang Zuming's understanding and acceptance in his lifetime.

The last days of life are precious. Jackie Chan doesn't want to waste his time anymore, and he is determined to do his best to heal the pain of this belatedness. Although there is not much time left to make amends, Jackie Chan vows to complete this last lesson with the most sincere heart.

Because only in this way can he draw a perfect end to his life.

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