
On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

author:Witness to history

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On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

If you want to talk about this "Jin Yong Martial Arts World", everyone originally stretched their necks and looked forward to being a wonderful production, but who would have thought that in the matter of script changes, Zhou Yiwei would be directly fried.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

It is said that the "East Evil and West Poison" unit that Zhou Yiwei originally had in mind was a place where he was full of expectations to shine.

He probably pondered countless times in his heart how to play the role alive and how to surprise the audience.

As a result, this part of the later period was inexplicably adjusted to other chapters.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

It feels like you've prepared a big party, with the venue, decorations, and programs all in place, and you're suddenly told that the party has changed places, and it's a bad place.

This change caught Zhou Yiwei off guard, and his heart was depressed.

Then, Zhou Zhouwei didn't hold back his breath.

He was in full swing in the comment area, and directly replied to the audience "Don't look forward to it".

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

These four words are like four bombshells, which have blown up netizens.

How disappointed and angry it must be to say such a decisive word! He also unabashedly and openly declared that he was "disappointed" with the plot changes.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

At this moment, the Internet is lively, and netizens have turned on the Sherlock Holmes mode, and all kinds of speculations are flying all over the sky.

Some people say, is it that the original male protagonist role of Zhou Zhouwei has been greatly reduced and directly reduced to a male supporting role? After all, in the entertainment industry, this kind of thing has not happened before.

There are also well-informed sources who broke the news that the drama "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" was a bloody investment at the beginning, and an astonishing 820 million copyright fees were invested!

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Hearing this number, everyone's eyes widened, what a battle this must be! With so much money thrown into it, it is said that it should be the best of the best.

But as a result, no matter how high the expectations are, how big the disappointment is, it is far from achieving the effect that everyone expected, and the whole crew is like an eggplant beaten by frost, wilting and drooping one by one.

And Zhou Zhouwei's merciless criticism of the drama made everyone murmur in their hearts, is there any ulterior secret behind this?

Is there some internal power struggle and entanglement of interests that has led to such a situation?

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Zhou Yiwei kept complaining, saying that his scene was cut badly, and he shouted "It's a pity to delete it".

Think about it, the actor has put so much effort into the role, and every expression and line that has been carefully designed has been deleted, can you not feel distressed?

And he feels that the characters and characters he created have been changed beyond recognition, and they are not at all what he imagined.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

This also reminds people that in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, even an experienced and superb actor like Zhou Yiwei can hardly escape the headache of adding and deleting scenes temporarily.

Let's talk about the play itself.

When it was first promoted, it was a lot of rhetoric, claiming that each unit was an independent main plot, which sounded so attractive!

The audience is full of expectations, thinking that they can see a different and wonderful martial arts masterpiece.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

But when it was actually broadcast, the audience was not happy, and collectively turned on the crazy spit mode.

From the supporting roles of "This Sha, Bao Shangen" to other characters, everyone feels that it does not match the classic images of "Guo Jing and Huang Rong" in the original book.

The whole plot is also chaotic like a mess, there is no distinction between primary and secondary, the key points are not prominent, and the places that should not be verbose are a lot of verbose, completely losing the charm and original intention of the initial publicity.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

And Zhou Yiwei's public dissatisfaction has poured a big barrel of oil on this already raging controversy.

The audience's focus is now not limited to superficial things such as whether the plot is good or not, and whether the actors' acting skills are good, but they are beginning to dig deep into the production level behind it, as well as the real attitude of the actors towards this drama.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

This is like unveiling a layer of mystery, allowing everyone to see the unknown troubles and contradictions behind the glamorous entertainment industry.

If you think about it, everyone originally had high hopes for "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" and hoped that it would become a classic, but it turned out to be what it is now.

There was such a fuss around on Monday, and the drama party estimated that his head was several times bigger.

They have to rack their brains to find a way to deal with this sudden crisis, how to appease Zhou Yiwei's emotions, how to calm the audience's anger, and how to save the reputation of this show, all of which are headaches.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Looking at the viewers who have been looking forward to this drama, their mood is called a complicated one.

At first, it was full of anticipation and excitement, and I looked forward to the series being broadcast soon every day.

But now, seeing such a result, my heart is like knocking over a five-flavor bottle, and I have all kinds of tastes.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Some viewers may still have a hint of luck, thinking that maybe the plot will take a turn for the better in the future, and it will slowly get better; But there are also many viewers who feel that this is a mess at the beginning, and no matter how much they remedy it later, it will be useless, so they simply abandon the show.

For Zhou Yiwei, is his public statement this time out of pure pursuit of art, and he really wants to present better works to the audience, or is it just an impulse to vent his dissatisfaction? It's really hard to say.

Maybe it's both, after all, actors have feelings for their works, and they must feel uncomfortable when they see that they have been changed.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

But no matter what, his trouble has indeed made this drama one of the hottest topics in the entertainment industry at the moment, and everyone is talking about it and paying attention to the follow-up development of things.

And the producer of this drama is now estimated to be under a lot of pressure, like sitting on pins and needles.

In the face of Zhou Zhouwei's accusations and the audience's complaints, they had to quickly find a way to solve the problem.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

Whether to readjust the plot, re-edit, or just continue to broadcast it head-on, and then go through the others

Ways to salvage reputation? Each of these choices is related to the fate of the show, as well as their reputation and interests.

In short, this "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" is now like a boat rocking in the wind and rain, and the future is uncertain.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

The revelation of Zhou Zhouwei was like a gust of wind and waves, turning the originally seemingly calm lake upside down.

As for whether this ship will finally reach the other side safely, or whether it will sink in the wind and waves, we can only keep our eyes open and continue to wait and see!

If you want to say that this entertainment industry is really unpredictable, you never know what will happen in the next second.

Today is still a big production of stars holding the moon, and tomorrow it may become a mess that everyone complains about.

On Monday, the yin and yang script of "Shooting the Condor" was encircled, and the male protagonist became a male partner, and replied to netizens: Admit it!

The contradictions between the actors and the producers, the audience's expectations and disappointments, are intertwined, constituting this wonderful and helpless drama.

I hope that the production of film and television dramas in the future can be more attentive, more respectful of the actors and audiences, and don't let such farces be staged frequently!

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