
Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?
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Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

In the starry light of the Chinese entertainment industry, Tong Lei has risen like a dazzling new star. In 2005, with her superb acting skills in "Bright Sword", she became the much-anticipated "Bright Sword Goddess".

Fate is always full of drama. Who would have thought that this once beautiful actress would eventually fall off the altar due to her husband Zhou Xuhui's illegal behavior? In 2021, when Zhou Xuhui was sentenced to 3 years in prison and suspended for 5 years, Tong Lei's carefully constructed dream of a wealthy family collapsed.

From the peak of her career to her marital difficulties, what ups and downs has Tong Lei's life experienced? Let's unveil the mystery of this "bitter history of the wealthy" and explore her current state of life.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

Tong Lei's artistic journey began in 1980 in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Born into a wealthy family, she was influenced by many aspects of art since she was a child. In order to cultivate this pearl of the palm, her parents sent her to art school early to learn piano, ballet and hosting and other talents.

A twist of fate struck her when she was 15 years old. Tong Lei, who was originally just accompanying her cousin to apply for the exam, was unexpectedly admitted to Zhejiang Art School and started her drama life.

After three years of hard study, in 1998, Tong Lei graduated with excellent grades, and then joined the Zhejiang Xiaobaihuayue Opera Troupe and became the "master of the troupe".

However, Tong Lei, who is tireless in art, did not stop there. In the face of social changes, Yue Opera was gradually regarded as an "unpopular" industry, and Tong Lei, after careful consideration, decided to follow her inner artistic dream and continue her studies.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

In 1999, with greater ambitions, Tong Lei was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy with excellent results. From this moment on, the trajectory of her life began to change dramatically.

During her college years, Tong Lei showed extraordinary talent and hard work. She seized every opportunity, worked hard to study her acting skills, and soon made a name for herself in the film and television industry.

Tong Lei's starting point can be described as quite high, and she only appeared on the screen in her second year of college. She gained widespread attention with "Thirteen Years of Wind and Rain", and then signed a contract with Hairun Media, starring in many popular works such as "Taiwan Strait" and "Walking Through the Flower Season", officially entering the bright star journey of the entertainment industry.

In 2004, Tong Lei began to challenge costume roles, cooperating with Huang Haibing in "The Legend of Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", and then partnered with Jiao Enjun in "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix". Her beautiful and refined costume style won the love of the audience.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

In the same year, she also took over Haiyan's new work "Sunshine Blooms Like a Flower" as the heroine.

However, the real turning point came in 2005. Tong Lei played Li Yunlong's wife "Tian Yu" in the hit drama "Bright Sword", a role that made her famous in one fell swoop.

As soon as "Bright Sword" aired, it immediately sparked a nationwide ratings frenzy, with ratings soaring to a staggering 13. 7%。 Tong Lei became popular all over the country overnight, and was known as the "Goddess of Bright Sword".

From Yue Opera Xiaohuadan to the upstart on the screen, Tong Lei has written a wonderful history of counterattack with her own efforts and talents. Little did she know, however, that this was just the beginning of the legend of her life, and that greater ups and downs awaited her.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

When Tong Lei's star was shining, fate arranged for her to meet another young actor, Zhou Yiwei. The story of the two began in 2004, on the set of Haiyan's new work "Sunshine Blooms Like a Flower".

Tong Lei plays the heroine, while Zhou Yiwei is a rookie actor who has finally seen the light of day after years of precipitation. The two sparked on the set and quickly fell in love, starting a sweet cohabitation life that lasted for five years.

However, reality is always more complex than drama. When Tong Lei's career was in full swing, Zhou Yiwei was still struggling to find a way to survive in the entertainment industry. Born in 1982, Zhou Yiwei is two years younger than Tong Lei.

He moved to Beijing with a military family when he was 9 years old, and was later admitted to the Beijing Film Academy. But life after graduation was extremely difficult.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

From 2002 to 2003, Zhou Yiwei traveled around, looking for various film and television performance opportunities, but never succeeded. In order to make ends meet, he had to work in a variety of roles on the crew, from railroad pusher to recording technician, from helping actors to writing sketch scripts for businesses.

Even with such hard work, the income is still meager, barely making ends meet. Until the fall of 2003, he was forced to return to the Beijing Film Academy as a teaching assistant.

This huge career gap has undoubtedly put pressure on the relationship between the two. Tong Lei is busy with various shootings and frequently travels between different crews. Her work is extremely intense, and sometimes she even has to deal with multiple crews at the same time.

And Zhou Yiwei was silently waiting for the opportunity to come in Beijing. Gathering less and leaving more, coupled with the imbalance in career development, the relationship between the two gradually cracked.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

At the same time, Zhou Yiwei's career also began to improve. With his outstanding performance, he gradually ascended to the throne of "Rock Boy", and successively participated in popular dramas such as "Once Upon a Time in Western Yunnan" and "Thank You for Loving Me".

2007 was a bumper year for his career, not only winning the "Best Newcomer of the Year Award for TV Drama", but also winning the reputation of "Lu Yi's second" by the media.

However, the start of their careers did not save the relationship between the two. Tong Lei began to feel uneasy in her heart. She longs for a mature partner who will give her enough security and admiration, and Zhou Yiwei, who is two years younger than her, does not seem to be able to satisfy that.

At the same time, Tong Lei also began to plan for her future, and she entered Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business for further study, hoping to open up a new path beyond her acting career.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

Eventually, after five years of dating, the two chose to break up. The end of this relationship is a major life turning point for both of them. Tong Lei continued to shine in the entertainment industry, and Zhou Yiwei met the host Zhu Dan later and started a new relationship.

Looking back, the relationship between Tong Lei and Zhou Yiwei is like an encounter arranged by fate. It allows two young people to support each other when they need warmth the most, but choose to let go when they are ready to take off.

This experience may have laid the groundwork for Tong Lei's future "wealthy marriage", and it has also become an unforgettable chapter in her life journey.

After Tong Lei broke up with Zhou Yiwei, her love life once became the focus of public attention. In 2011, when she was filming the heroic TV series "Broken Thorn", a series of scandal reports about her suddenly broke out.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

An anonymous letter said that Tong Lei was able to join the crew because of the "power behind it", and also enjoyed special treatment such as limousine pick-up and RV rest. What's even more surprising is that someone broke the news that Tong Lei has a mysterious and powerful boyfriend by her side.

In the face of these rumors, Tong Lei chose to remain silent. It wasn't until 2014 that she suddenly announced the shocking news that she had secretly married and had a son. Her husband is the mysterious rich man who was once known as the "behind-the-scenes financier" - Zhou Xuhui.

Who is Zhou Xuhui? He is one of the founders of Chengdu Geeya Technology Co., Ltd., an upstart in the business world. In 1999, Zhou Xuhui, his younger brother Zhou Xuzhong, and his friend He Zheping co-founded the company and began their entrepreneurial journey to build their own business empire.

Over the years, Zhou Xuhui has successfully achieved the accumulation of original wealth, and his business territory has expanded to e-sports, video games and other fields, making a lot of money.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

However, behind this marriage lies controversy. It is reported that as early as 2008, Zhou Xuhui was married, but only three years later, he parted ways with his original wife.

After the divorce, due to the escalation of disputes over property, he even went to court for a time. This experience happened to coincide with the time when Tong Lei filmed "Broken Thorn", which caused a lot of speculation from the outside world.

The well-known host Lai Dandan, as Zhou Xuhui's ex-wife, although he did not speak directly, insinuated in various ways that Tong Lei was a "junior superior" who took the opportunity to meddle in other people's marriages.

These accusations plunged Tong Lei into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

Despite all the talk from the outside world, Tong Lei and Zhou Xuhui do not seem to be affected. At their son's 100-day banquet, the couple appeared hand in hand, showing a happy picture of a family of three.

Tong Lei seems to have finally found the "wealthy family" she dreamed of, enjoying a happy life of being pampered and cared for.

However, this hard-won happiness is fleeting, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in the water. Tong Lei would not have thought that her "dream of a wealthy family" was about to face the most severe test, and her life would change dramatically again.

What kind of twist of fate will this seemingly perfect marriage bring her? The answer will soon be revealed.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

Tong Lei's "dream of a wealthy family" didn't last long. In 2015, a sudden storm completely shattered her peaceful life. Her husband, Zhou Xuhui, received a Notice of Investigation from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on suspicion of securities violations.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, which made Tong Lei fall into great confusion and unease.

As the investigation deepened, Zhou Xuhui's problems gradually surfaced. The investigation found that Zhou Xuhui had a large number of serious violations such as false customers, forged contracts, forged bank bills, forged records of materials and commodities, and concealed expenses.

This series of accusations is like a sharp sword, piercing Tong Lei's carefully woven dreams.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

In 2021, the trial of the law finally came. Zhou Xuhui was found guilty and will serve three years in prison, suspended for five years. The business tycoons that once called for the wind and rain lost everything overnight.

His painstaking business empire collapsed in an instant. And Tong Lei, who relied on her husband's support, also fell off the altar.

In the face of this sudden change, Tong Lei's heart was undoubtedly broken. She once thought that she had found her ideal home, but she didn't want this "wealthy family" to be built on the basis of breaking the law.

Her dreams, her hopes, are like meteors falling in the night sky, suddenly disappearing.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

However, even in such a difficult situation, Tong Lei still chose to be strong. She continued to work hard trying to rebuild her life through her own efforts. Although she has worked tirelessly in her acting career over the years, her reputation and popularity can no longer match the sensation caused by the work "Bright Sword".

Recently, Tong Lei posted a new set of recent photos on her personal social media account, in which she is smiling and does not seem to be affected by her husband's imprisonment.

Countless netizens have praised her, saying that she still maintains an elegant posture and perfect appearance since her debut, which is admirable.

However, attentive netizens still noticed some changes. Some people have questioned that her appearance seems to have changed slightly, especially that her chin has become thinner, and that she may have had plastic surgery.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

Faced with these speculations, Tong Lei chose to remain silent. Perhaps, these changes are the outward manifestation of the great pressure in her heart.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family" makes people sigh at the impermanence of fate. The once glamorous "Bright Sword Goddess" now has to face the challenges of life alone.

However, just like the strong character she created in "Bright Sword", Tong Lei seems to be working hard to "shine the sword" in her own way. What will her future hold? This question has aroused the attention and thinking of countless people.

While Tong Lei was experiencing a low point in her life, her ex-boyfriend Zhou Yiwei ushered in the peak of his career. In 2013, Zhou Yiwei sparked with Zhu Dan during the filming of "Embroidered Spring Knife", and then made their relationship public.

Tong Lei's "bitter history of a wealthy family": her husband was imprisoned for 3 years, is she okay now?

And his acting career is also thriving, gradually growing from an unknown supporting role to a first-line "powerful" actor.

The fates of the two seem to have embarked on completely different paths: Tong Lei went from the "Bright Sword Goddess" to the wife of a wealthy family, and then to today's down-and-out image; Zhou Yiwei went from a difficult start to a successful first-line actor.

This stark contrast can't help but make people sigh at the impermanence of fate. However, whether it is Tong Lei or Zhou Yiwei, their experiences all tell a common theme: on the big stage of the entertainment industry, everyone is writing their own unique life story.

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