
Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

author:Dabaikan movie

In the movie "Customs Front", why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway?

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

The story of "Customs Storm" has ups and downs. The two major neighboring countries are at war over the dispute and have turned to international arms dealers for help. And Hong Kong has become the focus of this dark war. Customs elite Zhou Zhengli, under the guidance of Zhang Yunnan, bravely entered the arms black market, and joined hands with Interpol to uncover this layer of fog.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

In the intricate international arms deal, Zhou Zhengli is like walking on a tightrope, and every step is full of unknowns. Whenever he is about to touch the edge of the truth, there is always a mysterious force that blocks it in advance. He began to wonder if there was a secret hidden within the police force.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

So, he embarks on a thrilling quest. As the investigation deepened, he discovered that the truth behind the war was far more complex than he imagined, and even involved a huge conspiracy in international politics. And he himself is sinking deeper and deeper into this storm.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

Jacky Cheung in the movie is a manic-depressive patient. In the claustrophobic of the elevator, he struggled like a trapped beast, and every subtle look made people feel the indescribable depression. And at the moment of ironing, he seemed to be fighting with the storm in his heart, and the iron turned into a sharp sword, pointing at his chest, but it was a sad song of powerlessness. This scene made people's hearts palpitate, and they were even more moved by his tenacity.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

1. Character background

Jang Yun-nam is an important character in the movie "Customs Front", played by the famous singer and actor Jacky Cheung.

He is a senior inspector of the Customs Investigation Team and has direct conflicts and confrontations with arms smuggling syndicates.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front
Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

2. Character characteristics

In appearance, Zhang Yunnan seems to be a good person, kind, upright, idealistic, born and died with his brothers in the customs.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

However, he had fierce conflicts and contradictions in his heart, and he was at a professional bottleneck for a long time and was oppressed by his superiors, which caused him to gradually suffer from manic depression.

He has strong willpower, is good at hiding his true emotions, never shows his pain in front of outsiders, and even behaves like a normal person to his secret lover Shao Yaying.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front
Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

3. Role dilemma

Zhang Yunnan is in a dilemma. On the one hand, he must choose between the whirlpool of his girlfriend and his boss fighting for the power of the deputy commissioner, and the ambitions of his boss Guo Ziqiang and his girlfriend Shao Yaying make him in a dilemma.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front
Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

On the other hand, as a Senior Inspector of Customs and Excise Department, he is under a dual mission of protecting the team and pursuing justice. What makes him even more desperate is that the conflict between his personal ideals and the cruel reality makes him feel powerless, as if he is swallowed up by endless darkness.

4. Character development

As the plot progresses, Jang Yunnam's unknown side is gradually revealed. He was overly sensitive and insecure, and his long-term mental exhaustion and depression eventually pushed him into the abyss.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

In the climax of the movie, Zhang Yunnan chose to take risks and become a "ghost" in the customs, trying to realize his wishes through illegal means. However, this decision ultimately led to his tragic end.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

5. Role Meaning

The role of Zhang Yunnan not only shows the hardships and dedication of the investigators, but also deeply explores the complexity and struggle of human nature. His experience reminds us to pay attention to our inner world and find ways to reconcile with ourselves.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

At the same time, Zhang Yunnan's tragic ending also reflects the unsolvable dilemma of real life and the great grief and anger of being born.

In the movie "Customs Front", Zhang Yunnan was not directly killed by others. After facing the "bad things" and inner struggles that he may have committed, Zhang Yunnan chose the extreme way of suicide to relieve himself. This plot reflects Jang Yun-nam's struggle between justice and self-interest, as well as his eventual acceptance and helplessness of the consequences of his actions.

Why did Zhang Yunnan played by Jacky Cheung die halfway? Customs Front

Jang Yun-nam is a complex and multifaceted character in the movie "Customs Front" that deeply explores human nature. His experiences and choices are not only embarrassing, but also provoke the audience to think deeply about humanity and reality.

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