
Big impact! Germany 2-0 Denmark VAR intervened three times to cancel Denmark's goal + give Germany a point to change the direction

author:Thin hair to watch the ball
Big impact! Germany 2-0 Denmark VAR intervened three times to cancel Denmark's goal + give Germany a point to change the direction

In the 1/8 finals of Euro 2024, the match between Germany and Denmark became a matchup full of controversy and suspense. Germany eventually progressed to the quarter-finals with a 2-0 win over Denmark, but the focus of the game was on a number of VAR interventions that had a profound impact on the course of the game.

In the 49th minute of the game, Danish player Andersson had a seemingly perfect chance to score. He received a pinpoint pass and calmly pushed it into the far corner of the net, sending the net moving and the Danes eager to celebrate. However, the referee's whistle stunned everyone.

VAR technology intervened in the game. The referee team watched and analyzed for a long time in front of the TV screen, and finally made a ruling: Anderson scored with a shot, but before he could catch the ball, his teammate Delaney was offside. The decision resulted in the cancellation of Denmark's goal, much to the frustration of fans who should have been excited.

Big impact! Germany 2-0 Denmark VAR intervened three times to cancel Denmark's goal + give Germany a point to change the direction

On social media, the scene sparked widespread discussion and heated discussions. Some Danish fans expressed their disappointment and dissatisfaction in a Facebook post: "This was a serious miscalculation! The VAR system was meant to eliminate such mistakes, but now it seems that it only adds to the confusion and unfairness. Some netizens questioned the referee's eyesight: "How could they make such a mistake?" It's so unfair to our team. ”

On Twitter, some neutral fans remained relatively objective about the referee's decision: "It seems that the VAR decision was correct, although Delaney's offside is not obvious, but the rules are the rules. "They believe that the decision of the referees, although dissatisfied, is in line with the rules and technical standards of the game.

As the game continued, the Euros discussion board on Reddit became the main place for fans to exchange ideas. Some German fans expressed their support for the referee's decision: "VAR intervention was necessary and the decision was reasonable, although we also know that it is a blow to the Danish fans. ”

Big impact! Germany 2-0 Denmark VAR intervened three times to cancel Denmark's goal + give Germany a point to change the direction

In the 52nd minute of the game, Anderson was once again in the limelight. He received a cross in the box and instinctively touched the ball with his hand, and the referee did not hesitate to blow the whistle and point to the penalty spot. The VAR system confirmed the decision and gave Germany a great chance to score.

The decision immediately caused an uproar on social media. Some German fans said on Twitter that Anderson's handball was clearly deliberate and an unfair act that should be punished. They believe that VAR's intervention was to maintain the integrity of the game and that the penalty was justified.

However, the Danish fans were angry and disappointed by the referee's decision. On Facebook, a Danish fan wrote: "This penalty is so unfair! Anderson's hand was clearly unintentional, and he didn't even realize that the ball was touching his hand. VAR should be more objective and the decision was unfair to us. ”

On Reddit's Euros discussion board, a heated discussion quickly unfolded. There are some neutral fans who believe that while Anderson's handball was unfortunate, the referee and VAR system made the right decision on the matter, upholding the fairness of the game and the authority of the rules.

Big impact! Germany 2-0 Denmark VAR intervened three times to cancel Denmark's goal + give Germany a point to change the direction

This penalty incident not only changed the course of the game, but also sparked a wide discussion about the referee and the effectiveness of the VAR system. Some experts analysed the scene on television and concluded that VAR's involvement was necessary in the circumstances, as Anderson's handball was a clear violation that could not be ignored.

As the game progressed, the trending topic of the European Championship on Twitter was quickly dominated by Anderson's handball penalty decision. Fans exchanged views, with some supporting the referee's decision as a proper use of VAR technology, while others questioned the matter and argued that such a decision could affect the fairness and outcome of the game.

As the game entered stoppage time, Wirtz looked to seal the win, but again VAR intervened and the referee ruled him offside and the goal was disallowed. Despite this, Germany defeated Denmark 2-0 with two previous goals to advance to the next round of the European Championships.

Throughout the game, the intervention of VAR technology made fans continue to discuss after the game, and every decision of the referee tugged at the heartstrings of fans on both sides. Despite the controversy, in the end, Germany showed great competition and tactical dominance by virtue of their excellent performance and luck to win a valuable victory.

The match between Germany and Denmark was not only a battle for qualification, but also a confrontation that showcased modern football technology and refereeing skills, prompting fans to think deeply and discuss the effectiveness of the VAR system.

Big impact! Germany 2-0 Denmark VAR intervened three times to cancel Denmark's goal + give Germany a point to change the direction

Josim Anderson, the Danish player, became a rising star in the football world when he won the Danish Football Association Under-19 Talent of the Year award in 2015. The award catapulted him to the Danish domestic football scene and became one of the focal points of attention and support from the fans.

On social media, Anderson's accomplishment quickly sparked a heated discussion among fans. Some Danish fans excitedly shared on Twitter: "Jossim Anderson has won the U19 Talent of the Year award, which is a major milestone in his future football career! Looking forward to his achievements in the future! "They praised Anderson's youth performances and looked forward to his continued success in his professional football career.

However, some netizens have reservations about this. On the Football Discussion Board on Reddit, some were calm about the award for young players: "It's a good achievement, but we need to see how he performs on the professional stage. Youthful awards are not always indicative of a player's future development. ”

Anderson's achievements have also been professionally analysed and commented on on sports news websites in Denmark. One sports journalist wrote: "Anderson won this important award with his outstanding skills and talent. His speed and ball sense have been on full display in the youth game, and there is hope that he will have more room to play on the professional football stage. ”

Overall, Josim Anderson's winning the Under-19 Talent of the Year award as a rookie in Danish football is undoubtedly a major milestone in his career. This award not only recognises his outstanding performances in his youth, but also paves the way for his future development in international football. The fans' expectations and attention for him will also accompany him all the way through his career.

Big impact! Germany 2-0 Denmark VAR intervened three times to cancel Denmark's goal + give Germany a point to change the direction

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