
Denmark defeat Germany: The right way for small teams to open?

author:Xiwa Sports

Against the hosts Germany, Denmark played a very backbone game, this game only looked at the defensive end, the Viking once taught the Germans a lesson, Anderson's goal once gave the Danes hope of advancing - unfortunately died in the offside position.

Denmark defeat Germany: The right way for small teams to open?

So, the German team finally made a ruthless move, won 2-0 to advance, both sides can leave the field with smiles, the favorite team to win the championship experienced a game with both intensity and game content, there was no passive attrition throughout the game, and the result was also satisfactory. As for the Danish team, they played in style and played at a level, showing almost all their hole cards, and the result of the game was slightly regrettable, but there was nothing to regret.

After the game, apart from his own offside goal, coach Julmande was quite pleased with his team's performance: "We had a solid tempo in this game, we gave Eriksen more control of the tempo, but compared to the friendly in March, we still lost something in attack, but we gained something in defence. We're going to reflect on this game and we still have a lot of work to do. ”

Denmark defeat Germany: The right way for small teams to open?

In terms of the content of the game, the Danish coach's statement was to the point. In the opening stages, Denmark was caught off guard by a wave of blitzkrieg against Germany, finding four set-pieces in the first 15 minutes, but all the little balls went to the German team. At this point, the Danish team never had a head again, and they insisted on walking on their feet all over the field - there was a real reason why they didn't smash the high ball at the last minute, and if they really fought for set-pieces and aerial threats, Denmark had actually lost.

After a few axes in the opening game, the German team began to control the rhythm and grind the positional battle, because Germany went to Sane, it was bound to play on both wings, and Denmark's wing defense was also very detailed: for Musiala on the left side, Eriksen and Hojbier all greeted this side, and through the midfield pressure pile to defend the strong side, squeezing Musiala's space to get the ball, Bayern Demon Boy was once squeezed into the midfield to participate in the organization.

Denmark defeat Germany: The right way for small teams to open?

For Sane on the right, Denmark let Olsen retreat on this side, and the defense did not mark, but squeezed Sane's left foot space, which is good at cutting inside, forcing him to either step on the accelerator to the end, or hold the ball near the right sideline in a daze.

- For Sane's weaknesses, the whole of Europe knows: the right foot basically can't, the inside cut can't brake, once the space for the ball is not enough, either you can't see your teammates in place, or a fierce man plunges in to send the ball. In the second half, when Denmark were behind and pressed hard, Sane had space to finally deliver an imaginative through ball for Kai Havertz, but it was enough to catch up with his right foot when he couldn't stop hitting the ball.

Denmark defeat Germany: The right way for small teams to open?

Many will attribute Denmark's collapse to the recklessness of the team when they are behind. Just look at the result, Denmark's high pressure point-to-point for more than ten minutes, Germany has a lot of chances, and Musiala's winning goal was also scored at this time, but when the team needs to improve the tempo, letting players like Havertz and Sane get a lot of opportunities is not necessarily a price that cannot be paid - after all, in this game, Schmeichel Jr. made solid 7 saves.

Germany and Switzerland have reached the quarter-finals ahead of the Viking Colonels, and they will be in a relaxed state of mind as they await the match between Spain and Georgia. Against Denmark, the Germans showed excellent group progress, and they even had Phil Kruger's hole card useless, and they still need to do a lot of pre-match preparation before facing their opponents in the next round.

(The original address of this article: Lao Miao, a commentator on the public account)

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