
She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

author:It's not like a little swimming
She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Text | It's not like a little swimming

Edit | It's not like a little swimming

Rao Minli, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, was once a smash hit.

But when his career was good, he married the love in his eyes and returned to family life.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

But the 12-year firewood, rice, oil and salt finally stumbled the footsteps of the two and fixed their marriage in 2022.

What's the story behind this?

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

The popular flower girl "Little Liu Xiaoqing"

When Rao Minli was mentioned, everyone couldn't help but feel sorry.

Back then, she was red through half the sky, and she was as beautiful as today's popular flower.

A face that is so beautiful that people are in a trance, coupled with a temperament as gentle as water, there is no one before or since.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Rao Minli has been different from ordinary girls since she was a child, she grew up in the pampering of her parents.

Although she is a hot girl in Chongqing, she has developed a gentle and lovely personality that is not shocked.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

With the unique conditions, with the support of his parents, he was admitted to the People's Liberation Army Art Academy, which is one in a million.

The hard-working Rao Minli worked hard in school, and her dancing skills were perfect, and she was photographed by the director of the Spring Festival Gala in the performance.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

At only 17 years old, she stood at a height that no one else could reach in a lifetime.

The appearance of the Spring Festival Gala in 2001 made her surrounded by flowers and entered the audience's field of vision.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

This popularity handed the pedal of worldly fame to Rao Minli's eyes, but she was unmoved, and she didn't want to show her face on the screen with her popularity.

But her beautiful appearance, elegant posture and exquisite skills still attracted the attention of many directors.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

In 2005, under the many kind invitations of director Wu Ziniu, she played one of her representative roles "Begonia".

Rao Minli, who has melancholy eyes and a good face, brilliantly restores the role of the gentle and virtuous princess "Begonia".

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

As soon as it was broadcast, it attracted unanimous praise, and Rao Minli was also known as "Little Liu Xiaoqing".

Later, when she caught fire, she was added by Haiyan's blue eyes, and her acting career can be said to be soaring, but it can be said that she was pushed on the road of being an actor.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

However, although the popular Rao Minli has received a lot of filming invitations, she is very principled and has her own choice of scripts.

only starred in dramas that she felt were rich in artistic standards, so each of her roles was very classic.

This coincides with her husband Fu Dalong.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Twelve years of marriage came to an end

On February 18, 2022, Rao Minli and her husband Fu Dalong announced their divorce without warning, like a thunderclap on the ground.

There is a lot of discussion in the outside world: How did this "model couple" in the entertainment industry come to an end?

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

In 2007, Fu Dalong met a makeup artist who was keen to be a "matchmaker" and volunteered to introduce him to a like-minded girlfriend.

Although Fu Dalong quickly put this matter behind him under serious filming, fate was destined in the dark.

A year later, Rao Minli, the "girlfriend" in the mouth of the makeup artist, met Fu Dalong by chance.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Bosom friends are hard to find, and the two hit it off at first sight.

The two like-minded parties talked from Tiannan to the north of the earth, from career to life.

Soon they came together hand in hand, and two years later, they naturally entered into marriage.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Although Fu Dalong and Rao Minli are also stars in the circle, the wedding is just like their personalities, simple and low-key.

There was no official announcement, and even friends in the circle didn't know about it, thinking that the two were deliberately concealing it, and the news of "hidden marriage" was flying all over the sky.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

At that time, Fu Dalong was out of the circle because of Feng Xiaoning's "Purple Sun".

After starring in "Tengu", he embraced the three most valuable actor trophies in China.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

But he should have been on fire, but he quickly "disappeared" in the film and television industry, because he strictly adhered to his principles because of his arrogant personality.

If it's a good script, he is willing to act even if he loses money, and if it's a bad script, even if he is given more money, he won't do it.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

In this way, in order to make ends meet, he went to work as a takeaway brother.

On the other hand, his wife Rao Minli, although she is not very popular, is also a standout in the entertainment industry.

The combination of the two was not favored by the outside world at that time, and the combination of a popular actress and a takeaway brother was ridiculous.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Rao Minli has heard criticism more than once: It is guilty of following such a man who "does not eat the fireworks of the world".

But Rao Minli disagreed, after all, what she loved was Fu Dalong's unique character that was not bound by the world.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

A year after marriage, Rao Minli shifted her focus to her family and enriched herself by the way.

His identity has also changed from an actor to a teacher, giving up the pursuit of fame and fortune, and completely insulating the entertainment industry.

Fu Dalong is still a clear stream in the entertainment industry, and he is nicknamed "the poorest actor".

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

This "fairy couple" supported each other and loved each other for 12 years, and finally came to the point of becoming strangers.

It made the public very incomprehensible, and also caused a lot of speculation.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Some people say that it is because Fu Dalong is very eager to be a father and have a child of his own.

But Rao Minli did not have children in her life plan, so the two had a disagreement, resulting in the final parting of ways.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Some people also say that because both of them are figures who have dedicated their lives to art, they have no savings after 12 years of marriage.

Rao Minli is a poor teacher with a low salary.

Fu Dalong has been in a state of no drama to shoot all the year round, and has no financial resources.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Rao Minli believes that children should not be born in this state of unstable life.

But Fu Dalong wants to take one step at a time, and wants to raise a child.

The different concepts of the two slowly turned into an irreconcilable contradiction, which intensified.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Is it a "bad man" or a "wrong person"

In the entertainment industry, such as Rao Minli and Fu Dalong, the couple went through hardships to walk together, and in the end, there were many embarrassing endings.

Wang Xinjun and his ex-wife Tang Jing are also among them.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

You must know how sweet Wang Xinjun and Qin Hailu are in the husband and wife variety show "Wife's Romantic Trip".

Back then, when it was revealed that "Qin Hailu was the third junior", the two of them were so embarrassed.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

If it weren't for Wang Xinjun's ex-wife Tang Jing appearing in public, it would indicate that the two had divorced in 2009.

Qin Hailu has to wear the hat of "little three" all the time, how can she get to the position of "big sister in the circle" today.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Tang Jing, the "proud girl of the sky", who was invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 18, and Qin Hailu, a powerful "sword horse" with first-class actor merits.

Why do they both favor the inconspicuous Wang Xinjun?

How did Tang Jing's nameless husband, who took 10 years to become popular, make a wedding dress for Qin Hailu?

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Tang Jing, who was born in a scholarly family, has paid attention to the edification of art since she was a child under the strict requirements of her parents.

With outstanding ability, she joined the repertory troupe after graduating from high school.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Tang Jing, who was talented at a young age, had a masterpiece and once became a school figure.

In 1991, Tang Jing, who performed well, was assigned to the Beijing Air Politics Art Troupe and became a professional actor.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

The invitation was soft, and the person who played with her was undoubtedly not the big man in the circle.

And Tang Jing established a deep friendship with Hou Yong, Fan Ming and others in this repertoire.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Also in 1991, Tang Jing participated in the TV series "The Mountain Does Not Turn and the Water Turns", officially out of the circle, knocking on the door of the entertainment industry.

Later, he successively participated in "Gambala" and "Special Military Camp", and emerged in front of the public.

Tang Jing's smooth career reached a climax after starring in the 1993 Spring Festival Gala sketch "A Date with Youth".

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

As a result, she has become a popular actress who is a household name.

Tang Jing, whose career is in full swing, has always been calm and unwavering emotionally, although she is secretly in love with Fan Ming.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

The only time she was tempted became a sore spot for her life.

In 1996, Tang Jing and Wang Xinjun fell in love because of the drama in the TV series "Lu Brothers".

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

At that time, Tang Jing was a bright pearl in the entertainment industry, and Wang Xinjun was unknown.

But Tang Jing was captured by the shy guy in front of him who loved filming, and had a different affection for him.

Wang Xinjun also fell in love with the famous and beautiful actress in front of him.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

It's just that due to the disparity in the identities of the two, they don't dare to express it directly, but they care silently about some small things.

In the crew with a difficult filming environment, the meals are always a little unsatisfactory.

This made Tang Jing, who was already sensitive to her stomach, a little sick, and she couldn't lift her spirits.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

The attentive Wang Xinjun was keenly aware of this when he paid attention to this actress who had a good impression.

So he borrowed a pot and pan and cooked for Tang Jing himself.

Until the end of the filming of "The Lu Brothers", Wang Xinjun, who had low self-esteem, did not clearly express his overflowing love.

Tang Jing also did not take the initiative to break the window flower paper between the two out of the girl's reserve.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Fortunately, a year later, in the TV series "Song of Youth", the two met again unexpectedly.

At this time, both of them took a brave step forward and came together logically.

Regardless of her family's opposition, Tang Jing did not hesitate to be with this man who was still living in a basement full of rats.

And because of distress, he proposed to let Wang Xinjun move to his own house to live.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

was originally a sweet exchange between young couples, but outsiders accused Wang Xinjun of being a "phoenix man".

The opposition of his family and the ridicule and questioning of everyone turned into thorns, and the coldness pierced into Wang Xinjun's sensitive heart.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

But fortunately, after the little couple above got married desperately, Wang Xinjun's career also ushered in a wave of turnaround.

With "Yellow River Love", he won the Hundred Flowers Award for Popular Films that year.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

But the good times didn't last long, and Wang Xinjun, who had a limited acting career, fell into a stagnation because he played similar roles all year round.

On the contrary, although Tang Jing is obsessed with life after getting married.

But she made a comeback again and became popular again with the role of "Hu Shi Niang" in "Wulin Gaiden".

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

Looking at his wife, who succeeded without much effort, Wang Xinjun, who faced gossip and a dismal career all day long, filed for divorce in 2009.

After the divorce, although Wang Xinjun's career has fallen silent, he married Qin Hailu for the second time, and the two are happy and loving.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

And Tang Jing spent a long time tidying herself up after suffering the blow of divorce.

Finally, with the comfort of a group of friends, he decided to start a new life and moved from an actor to a behind-the-scenes audience.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love

In 2014, he won the honor of "National Top Ten TV Drama Producers".

The 3.6 billion box office movie "Operation Red Sea" is her most dazzling achievement.

She was invited to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 17, married a takeaway brother when she was the most popular, and became a powerful actor for her ex-husband who quit the circle for love


Whether it is Rao Minli or Tang Jing.

Before getting married, they were all proud of the sky, and after they got married, they all chose to return to the family and be their husband's virtuous helpers.

Although the marriage eventually came to an end, it was a peaceful breakup, and it could not erase the past of loving each other.

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