
42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

author:Entertain yourself

Once upon a time, Yao Di was a glamorous and moving generation of drama celebrities. At that time, she became an upstart in the film industry with her charming and delicate temperament, and all kinds of resources were at her disposal. Who would have expected to fall into such a field because of the scandal with the article?

On June 29, photos of 42-year-old Yao Di appearing at an event went viral. The girl of the year was delicate, but now she has lost her charm and her decay is fully revealed. After watching it, netizens exclaimed, "It's too fat!" I don't recognize it at all", "I'm an aunt".

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

Looking closely at her various performances on the scene, people reveal half pity. She was skinny, her eyes were blank, and although her makeup was carefully dressed, she couldn't hide the apprehension in her heart. Hurrying to the meeting all the way, for fear that one would miss tonight's event if he was not careful.

This so-called "grand event" is just a mundane affair for her friend Yang Xiaopei to match. Yao Di said frankly in the circle of friends: "I haven't put on makeup for three years, and this time I was able to restore the dress of a female star by relying on my friends to send the dressing tools to the hotel."

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

Seeing that she was shy and timid, obediently at the mercy of others, for a while it seemed to travel back to the helpless years when the little maid was seeking art. Now she lives like a homeless orphan girl who has been kicked off the stage, kowtowing to thank her all the time.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

However, Yao Di did try to clean himself up beautifully. She was wearing a long black dress, which was a little thin, but still slim. But he made a rather glamorous makeup, with a strange hairstyle, which was dizzying.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

It's a pity that this is tantamount to a portrayal of Yao Di's active flattery. In the photo, regardless of her flattering demeanor of forced smile, even the shy appearance of the bird pecking at the rice when breathing really makes people feel a sense of pity.

Yao Di's "inspirational" comeback road is indeed a bit thunderous and rainy. Her friends around her are just afraid that she will be wronged again and match up; As for the opportunity to invest in her filming, it is also unknown.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

The roots of Yao Di's current downfall can be traced back to the scandal that caused a sensation in domestic entertainment in 2014. According to the insider video exposed at the time, the two hid in the hotel for a secret meeting, and the intimate interaction made it impossible for the outside world to believe that the two were just friends.

What's even more shocking is that according to insiders, the two did have an underground affair that lasted for several months and spent the night out many times. For those who are married, this is undoubtedly a major betrayal; As a well-known actress, Yao Di's behavior also violates the moral bottom line, which is tantamount to hurting and deceiving fans.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

As soon as this incident came out, countless netizens condemned Yao Di as a "scumbag" and "a scourge of the national daughter-in-law", and her status in the film and television industry almost collapsed overnight. More senior film critics asserted that Yao Di's future will be difficult in the future.

And the article claimed that it was just a harmless private meeting with Yao Di, an old friend for many years. However, soon, more inside stories were revealed, such as details such as the tryst between the two in nightclubs and private clubs. This made the outside world even more convinced that the two did have a leg.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

The scandal continued to ferment, and finally ended with the article and Ma Yili's divorce. It's just that after this, no one wants to believe the words of this "scumbag". And Yao Di was also banned by the entertainment industry because of this, and all the original film and television series resources were ruthlessly taken away.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

In this way, the situation turned into dark clouds, and both of them were hit hard at the peak of their careers. Yao Di suffered the main shame, she was not only scolded as a "little three", but also fell into severe depression for a time. Some netizens said that Yao Di was almost driven crazy by this turmoil.

From the recent photos of the article, it can be found that the current state of the article is not too good, 40 years old is full of gray hair, after so many years of wind and rain, presumably the current article has indeed aged a lot.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

Time flies like a white horse, and a full 10 years have passed, and this scandal seems to be an old thing that will be forgotten. But anyone who carefully observes the entertainment industry can find how far-reaching the impact of this turmoil is on the two protagonists.

Especially Yao Di, who caused thousands of abuses back then, his low-key and helpless appearance at the event must be inseparable from this matter. Now she wants to regain her strength, and it must not be easy.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

No matter how brilliant it once was, fate will eventually bring unpredictable changes and setbacks. Yao Di is a typical portrayal of the entertainment industry, although she ruined her promising future due to impulse, she did not give up, but continued to work hard to find a new way out.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, in the past 10 years, she has not made up or filmed, and her appearance has changed greatly and she is unrecognizable

To a certain extent, Yao Di's experience also explains a truth to us: don't easily push your fate to a desperate situation, as long as you live, you will always have the opportunity to start again. Even though her current state seems to be a little down, from the bottom of her heart she still has the dream of returning to the stage.

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