
Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

author:A collection of fairy tales
Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life
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Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

In the memory of Chinese audiences, Feng Gong and Niu Qun were the most shining "golden partners" at the Spring Festival Gala. Their sketch "Look at the Two of These" once made the national audience laugh and became a classic in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

However, as fate would have it, the pair abruptly parted ways in 2000. What's even more puzzling is that the cow herd, the once popular cross talk actor who swept the country, disappeared from the public eye like the world evaporated.

Twenty-three years later, when people heard about the herd again, they were surprised to find that the trajectory of his life had changed dramatically. Once a comedy superstar, he has now embarked on a very different path in life.

What caused the high-profile artist to quietly leave the show? What kind of ups and downs has he experienced in his 23 years? Let's unravel this long-forgotten mystery and explore the ups and downs of the herd's life story.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

In 1949, Niu Qun was born in Tianjin, a fertile soil that has bred many cross talk masters. The city's strong crosstalk atmosphere naturally affected the young herd.

Since he was a child, he has shown unusual interest and talent in the art of cross talk, often imitating the way adults say cross talk, which makes his family laugh.

However, the road of life is always full of accidents. After graduating from high school, the cattle responded to the call of the country and resolutely chose to go to the countryside to join the team. In the countryside, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, he began a difficult but unforgettable time.

It was in these days that seemed to be drifting away from their artistic dreams that the cattle unexpectedly came into contact with the traditional art of Allegro. Fascinated by the rhythm and expressiveness of Allegro, he began to teach himself the art.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

Whenever the farm work is over, he practices hard with an allegro, breaking the tranquility of the countryside with a sonorous rhythm, as if he is silently paving the way for his future stage career.

Fate always favors those who are prepared. By chance, the herd met Liu Xuezhi, a master in the cross talk world. Liu Xuezhi saw the potential of the herd at a glance.

Under his recommendation, Niu Qun became the disciple of the famous cross talk artist Chang Baohua. This is undoubtedly a huge turning point for the herd. He cherishes this hard-won opportunity and is eager to learn and improve his acting skills.

Under the careful guidance of Chang Baohua, the cross talk skills of the herd have improved by leaps and bounds.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

The hard work paid off, and the talent of the herd was quickly recognized by the industry. When he and Feng Gong formed a partnership, the tacit cooperation between the two quickly won the love of the audience.

Their performance at the Spring Festival Gala was like a clear stream, bringing laughter to audiences across the country. In particular, their masterpiece "Look at the two of them" has become a classic in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

Standing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and facing hundreds of millions of viewers across the country, Niu Qun finally realized his artistic dream. From the streets and alleys of Tianjin to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala that attracted national attention, Niu Qun used his efforts and talents to write a wonderful cross talk life.

This is not only his personal success, but also the epitome of the brilliance of Chinese cross talk art in the new era.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

Just when Niu Qun's cross talk career was in full swing, he made an unexpected decision: he resolutely withdrew from the cross talk world and joined the business world. This decision not only puzzled his partner Feng Gong, but also surprised many fans.

However, the herd seems to be looking forward to new challenges and determined to make a name for themselves in the business world as well.

Unfortunately, the business sea is up and down, and there are many risks. The herd, which was new to business, quickly tasted failure. Lack of experience and connections, coupled with the rapid changes in the market, led to the failure of the herd's business ventures.

Debt was like a mountain, weighing him down. used to be a proud cross talk actor, but now he has fallen into a low point in his life.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

After a brief setback, the herd decided to return to the cross talk stage. However, at this time, he is no longer the high-spirited young man he was back then. Although the applause of the audience was still enthusiastic, the cows felt that there seemed to be an extra layer of separation between themselves and the stage.

He began to wonder if he should find a new direction for his life.

That's when an unexpected opportunity presented itself. Niu Qun was invited to participate in grassroots political work and served as the county magistrate of Mengcheng County, Anhui Province. Faced with this new challenge, the herd saw an opportunity to prove itself again.

Although he was not familiar with government affairs, he decided to contribute to the development of Mengcheng County with his popularity and network resources.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

When I first arrived in Mengcheng County, the cattle were full of energy. He visited enterprises, inspected farmland, and used his influence to attract investment for Mengcheng County. He also personally traveled to various places to investigate and explore crops suitable for local cultivation, and worked hard to promote the development of local agriculture.

In order to promote the agricultural products of Mengcheng County, the cattle herd even paid out of their own pockets to create the "China Cattle Network", hoping to use the power of the Internet to let more people know about the special agricultural products of Mengcheng County.

With the efforts of the herd, the economy of Mengcheng County has shown a vigorous development trend, and the living standards of the local people have also been significantly improved. Seeing that their efforts have brought tangible results, the herd feels sincerely gratified.

He seems to have found new value in life and shined again on the political stage.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

However, the political arena is like a battlefield, and there are undercurrents. The herd was soon met with skepticism and slander. Some accused him of building the school for personal gain, and these false accusations made the herd feel aggrieved and helpless.

Although he was eventually cleared of suspicion, the turmoil undoubtedly cast a shadow over his political career.

From a cross talk actor to a businessman to a county magistrate, Niu Qun's life has undergone a huge turning point. This experience made him deeply realize that no matter what stage he is on, he needs to put in hard work and may face unexpected challenges.

But it's these ups and downs that have shaped a more mature and stronger herd.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

The political career of the herd is like a drama of ups and downs, full of challenges and accidents. When he first arrived in Mengcheng County, he was full of passion and determined to make a difference in his own way.

As a former well-known actor, Niu Qun is good at using his influence and network resources. He frequently visited enterprises and went deep into the countryside to attract investment for Mengcheng County and promote local economic development.

With the active promotion of the herd, the economic outlook of Mengcheng County began to take on a new look. In order to further promote local agricultural products, he did not hesitate to pay out of his own pocket to create the "China Cattle Network".

The website has become an important platform to showcase Mengcheng County's special agricultural products, opening up new sales channels for local farmers. Whenever they see the improvement of the living standards of the local people, the cattle feel heartfelt joy, as if they have found the feeling of bringing joy to the audience on the stage.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

However, the political arena is like a deep sea with an undercurrent, and the herd soon encounters serious challenges. Some began to question his political achievements, and there were even rumors that he was building the school for personal gain.

In the face of these false accusations, the herd felt both aggrieved and helpless. He tried to set the record straight, but found that his voice was so weak in a complex political environment.

Although the suspicion was eventually cleared, the turmoil undoubtedly cast a shadow over the herd's political career. This experience made him deeply realize that the political stage is more complex and severe than the cross talk stage.

Here, a well-intentioned act can be misunderstood, and an unintentional mistake can be infinitely magnified.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

In this way, the political career of the herd wanders between merit and demerit, right and wrong. Although he contributed to the development of Mengcheng County, he was also inevitably involved in the political whirlpool.

This experience became one of the most complex and controversial chapters in the life of the herd.

The life of Niu Qun is like a drama of ups and downs, and the most embarrassing thing is the deterioration of his relationship with his mentor Chang Baohua. In the past, Chang Baohua happily accepted the herd as an apprentice and taught each other, laying a solid foundation for the herd's cross talk career.

However, over time, a rift has developed in this mentor-apprentice relationship.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

When Chang Baohua announced that Hou Yaohua was the chief disciple, the sense of loss in the cow herd's heart was overflowing. This decision seemed to tell the world that he was no longer the most proud disciple in Master's heart.

This complex emotion eventually led to the absence of the cattle from Chang Baohua's mourning ceremony, which caused a lot of speculation and criticism from the outside world. It is really sad that the master and apprentice who used to be close to each other have come to such a situation.

At the same time, the personal lives of the herd are experiencing great upheaval. After experiencing the ups and downs of cross talk, business and politics, Niu Qun decided to find the direction of his life again.

He set his sights on photography and wanted to find himself in this completely new field. In order to pursue this new dream, he did not hesitate to invest a lot of money in professional equipment and devoted himself to it.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

However, this decision was not understood and supported by the family. The herd's enthusiasm and persistence for new things turned into irresponsible adventures in the eyes of his wife.

The accumulation of long-term disagreements and contradictions eventually led to the end of this marriage that had lasted for 25 years.

The moment the herd signed the divorce agreement, his life seemed to stand at a new crossroads. The breakdown of the master-apprentice friendship and the end of the marriage marked the end of an important chapter in his life.

These experiences are not only a major turning point in the life of the herd, but also a process of continuous exploration and self-reinvention. Despite the hardships and regrets, these experiences have also shaped a more mature and resilient herd.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

Despite many setbacks in life, the herd still maintains its love for life and the pursuit of its dreams. Even after his sixtieth birthday, he still faced every challenge in life with amazing energy and courage.

This spirit was fully embodied in a variety show he participated in.

In the show, the 64-year-old herd resolutely accepted the challenge of diving from a 5-meter high platform, despite the age limit. When he stood on the high platform, his eyes flashed with determination, as if he had returned to the days when he was young and crisscrossed the stage.

Although his body is not as good as before, his spirit is still so young, and his courage is still commendable.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

However, this attempt was almost unfortunate due to physical exhaustion. But even so, the herd did not back down. On the contrary, the experience strengthened his determination to continue to pursue his dreams.

He often said: "I have been constantly pursuing all my life, not fame and fortune, but the desire to live a more wonderful life by constantly challenging myself."

This sentence not only expresses his philosophy of life, but also shows his indomitable spirit.

The story of the herd teaches us that the value of life is not in age, but in how we spend each day. Even if he is far away from the once familiar cross talk stage, he is still interpreting a wonderful life in his own way.

Facts have proved that the herd of actors, who have "disappeared" for a long time, has successfully embarked on another avenue in life

His experience proves that as long as there are dreams in his heart and the courage to pursue, life will always be full of hope and possibility.

The indomitable spirit of the herd, his love of life, and his never-say-die attitude have undoubtedly set an example for many. His story reminds us that no matter how old we are, life is always alive as long as we still have dreams in our hearts.

This is perhaps the most precious life lesson that the herd has left us.

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