
Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

author:Xixi talks about the world
Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding
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Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

In the Chinese cross talk world, the herd used to be a shining name. Together with their partner Feng Gong, they created countless classic jokes that made the audience laugh and became frequent guests at the Spring Festival Gala.

However, in 2005, the cross talk master made an eye-popping decision - put down the microphone, stepped out of the spotlight, and accepted the position of "nominal deputy county magistrate" in Mengcheng County, Anhui Province.

This choice is like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the entertainment industry. Many people can't understand: why would an artist who dominates the cross talk stage risk stepping into an unfamiliar political arena? Why did the herd make such a choice? And what kind of life turning point did this decision bring to him? Let's unveil the mystery of this famous cross talk artist from artist to county magistrate, and explore his unknown path to politics.

In 1949, New China had just been born, and the herd of cattle had also come to the world. In Tianjin, a land that has nurtured many quyi talents, the young cattle are unaware of their future artistic path.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

In 1968, after graduating from high school, he responded to the call and came to Beiluodian Village, Bazhou City, Hebei Province to participate in rural construction. Here, an old man who is proficient in Allegro becomes the spark that ignites the passion for the art of the herd.

Two years later, the herd put on a military uniform and became a communications soldier. Life in the barracks seems to be far from art, but a chance art show opens a new door for him.

When he stood on the stage and won the applause of his comrades with a passionate Tianjin Allegro, the artistic flame in his heart was completely ignited.

With his dedication to art, Niu Qun was admitted to the Literature Department of the Central Academy of Drama with excellent results. Here, he hungrily absorbed the nutrients of literature and art, laying a solid foundation for his future cross talk creation.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

After graduating from university in 1974, Niu Qun joined the Beijing Art Troupe and officially embarked on the road of cross talk creation.

The talent of the herd was quickly recognized by the industry. In an army art show, his performance attracted the attention of Chang Baohua, a master in the cross talk industry. Under the recommendation of Liu Xuezhi, Niu Qun was fortunate to become a close disciple of Chang Baohua, and this experience added a strong touch to his artistic career.

In 1988, fate allowed Niu Qun to meet another cross talk talent, Feng Gong. The two hit it off at first sight and worked together to create a number of cross talk works that made the audience laugh. Their partnership was perfect, and their tacit performance style quickly conquered audiences across the country.

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala has become the best stage to witness the glory of the herd and Feng Gong. Their wonderful performances won the audience's applause, making the pair quickly become one of the top lineups in the cross talk world.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

Niu Qun's artistic career reached an unprecedented peak, however, just as he was enjoying the glory of the peak of his career, an unexpected opportunity crept up and completely changed the trajectory of his life.

In 1998, a brand called "Wuzhoufeng Beef" quietly rose in Mengcheng, Anhui Province. This originally unknown company completely changed its fate because of a key decision - they invited the popular cross talk actor Niu Qun to be the image spokesperson.

This decision is like turning a stone into gold, and the sales of products have increased by leaps and bounds, bringing considerable economic benefits to the city.

Witnessing the "star effect" brought by the herd, Yu Shimin, the head of "Wuzhoufeng Beef", had an idea: if the herd can be asked to speak for the entire Mongolian city, can it promote the economic development of the whole city? This bold idea quickly gained the attention of the county government.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

After in-depth discussion and evaluation, the county leaders agreed that this strategy was highly feasible.

As a result, the county magistrate of Mengcheng personally set off for Beijing and threw an olive branch to the cattle herd - inviting him to be the "nominal deputy county magistrate". This unexpected invitation sent the herd deep into thought.

As a cross talk actor, he doesn't know anything about government affairs. However, the deep ambition to serve the people was ignited by this opportunity.

Faced with this major decision, Feng Gong, the partner of the herd, tried his best to dissuade him. "Let's talk together in peace, isn't cross talk good? Why bother in this troubled water? Feng Gong said earnestly, "This is not at all what we are good at as a cross talk artist."

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

"However, the herd, which is already over half a hundred years old, is unusually determined." If you say I'm not up to the task, then I'm going to prove it to you with practical actions! There was a determined glint in the eyes of the herd.

The decision of the herd caused an uproar in the cross talk world. Mr. Ma Ji, who is highly respected, publicly stated that such behavior of the herd is not a proper business. Many of his peers were puzzled and disappointed by his choice.

However, in the eyes of the herd, this is a rare opportunity to translate the life experience and artistic talents accumulated over the years into practical actions to serve the grassroots and benefit the people.

With great enthusiasm, the herd came to Mong. However, the cruelty of reality soon gave him a blow to the head. When he first arrived, he was struck by the poverty he saw: families did not have access to even the most basic necessities, some had crumbling houses, and some had to share a room with their livestock.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

These poignant scenes not only did not dampen the enthusiasm of the herd, but strengthened his determination to do practical things for the people.

However, from the glamorous cross talk stage to the complex and serious political arena, such a role change is by no means easy. What are the challenges for the herd? How will he use his talents to serve the people of Mongolia? Will this political experience bring him glory or endless trouble? The career path of the herd has begun.

When they first arrived in Mongol, the cattle were put to work with amazing enthusiasm. He used all the affinity and keen observation he had accumulated on the stage for many years to understand the people's conditions and serve the people.

During his tenure, he chose to spend the Spring Festival in the homes of poor farmers many times, and experienced first-hand the plight of the lives of the most grassroots people. This style of going deep among the masses has given him a deeper understanding of the actual situation on the ground.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

In terms of attracting investment, the herd has also shown amazing creativity. He skillfully transforms his status as an entertainer into a unique advantage to attract investment. At the wine table again and again, the former cross talk master did not hesitate to put down his body and sing to cheer up, just to attract more investors to pay attention to Mengcheng.

His efforts were not in vain, and he successfully introduced a number of projects such as Wuziniu Beverage Company, which injected new vitality into the economic development of Mengcheng.

However, what really changed the fate of the herd was a seemingly ordinary research experience. When he walked into the school for the deaf and dumb in Montene, the well-informed artist was thrilled by the sight of a crumbling dilapidated house and a long-overdue salary for teachers, but the children in the face of adversity still worked hard to learn and draw colorful pictures.

The sight touched the herd so deeply that he was determined to do something for the children and the teachers.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

With the determination to change the status quo, Niu Qun resolutely decided to take over the school and became the principal himself. He made full use of his fame and connections to raise money everywhere.

Thanks to his tireless efforts, the school quickly raised a significant amount of money, significantly improved its teaching facilities, and improved the salaries of its teachers. Seeing the smiles on the children's faces was heartily gratifying.

However, just as the herd is proud of its achievements, an even bigger storm is quietly brewing. As his influence in Monte continued to grow, some voices of skepticism began to emerge.

Some accused him of embezzling the money raised, while others labeled him a "collusion between officials and businessmen." These accusations are like a sharp sword, stabbing at the herd dedicated to the people.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

In the face of the influx of doubts, the herd was full of grievances and confusion. He didn't understand why he was getting such criticism in exchange for the benefit of the people, even if he was working for the welfare of the people? To prove his innocence, he is about to make an astonishing decision, a major one that could completely change the course of his life.

As questions about the herd grow, the former stage figure finds himself in a predicament like never before. Public opinion has raised many questions about his fundraising behavior, and the accusation of "collusion between officials and businessmen" is like a heavy punch, hitting the heart of this county magistrate who is dedicated to serving the people.

Faced with overwhelming negative reviews, the herd decided to prove its innocence with practical actions.

At the end of 2002, after careful consideration with his wife, Niu Qun made a decision that shocked everyone: he donated all his tangible and intangible assets to the China Charity Federation, which was dedicated to supporting special education projects in Mengcheng County.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

This "naked donation" not only made many people dumbfounded, but also showed the determination of the herd to prove its innocence.

However, this astonishing move did not completely quell the voices of skepticism. In order to clarify himself thoroughly, the herd took the initiative to ask the relevant authorities to conduct a comprehensive review of him.

When it was finally announced that he was innocent, the cross talk master who once dominated the stage couldn't help but burst into tears.

Although he was eventually cleared, the damage caused by the turmoil to the herd is irreparable. Family life is in trouble, and even his son's college tuition is struggling.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

The once glamorous life seems to be an unattainable dream at this moment.

During these difficult days, the herd kept asking himself: Why didn't he get the respect and praise he deserved when he was a good official who was conscientious and responsible? This question was like a thorn in his heart, and it became the subject of his repeated thoughts for countless nights to come.

This storm of public opinion not only tested the will of the herd, but also made him begin to re-examine his original intention of entering politics.

In 2005, full of grievances and regrets, Niu Qun ended his short and turbulence career as a county magistrate and decided to return to the familiar entertainment industry.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

However, instead of a warm welcome, he was waiting on the sidelines. Former colleagues in the cross talk industry avoided him, for fear of being implicated in this "controversial figure".

At this difficult moment, his old partner Feng Gong reached out and tried to help the herd return to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. The two carefully prepared the show many times, but they fell short at the last minute due to various negative news.

Fate always seems to work against him, making the herd taste the bitterness of disappointment again and again.

In the end, it was his friend Zhao Benshan and the well-known host Lu Yu who gave him the opportunity to re-emerge. By participating in the sketch "Planning" and the talk show "Luyu Appointment", the situation of the cattle herd has improved slightly and regained public attention.

Niu Qun: I didn't become a celebrity and became a county magistrate, but I was penniless for the sake of the people, why did I get a scolding

Looking back, Niu Qun, who has entered his prime, admits that he is not suitable for politics, and even regrets his original decision. However, he still said that if he went back in time, he would still choose to serve as the county magistrate without hesitation.

This experience has become the most memorable and reflective chapter of his life.

The story of the herd is not only a legend of an artist in politics, but also a deep reflection on ideals, reality and self-awareness. It reminds us that everyone's life path is full of unknowns, and that courage and perseverance in the face of challenges are truly valuable.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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