
It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

author:Sports billion u one oh i

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

An unexpected turn in life - the wonderful life journey of the herd

The herd of cross talk actors who used to enjoy a good reputation on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala has now withdrawn from the public eye for many years. However, his life journey contains many moving stories. Niu Qun, who has had a strong interest in art since he was a child, shined on the stage with his outstanding cross talk talent, and his partner Feng Gong has become a fixed combination familiar to the audience. However, just when his cross talk career was in full swing, he resolutely chose another path in life - entered the officialdom and became the deputy county magistrate of Mengcheng, Anhui Province.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

The shift is certainly a surprise, but the herd does have its own agenda. He hopes to use his talents to make greater contributions to society and seek practical benefits for the local people. During his tenure as deputy county magistrate, he did bring in a lot of investment in the city of Mongolia and made important efforts in the development of special education schools. However, it was at this stage that he encountered doubts and negative evaluations from public opinion, and was charged with "corruption". This undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to his reputation and life path.

After a lengthy investigation, the herd was eventually proven innocent, but this series of events undoubtedly left a deep shadow on his psyche. He resolutely chose to resign from the post of deputy county magistrate and returned to the entertainment industry. However, this time he did not regain his identity as a cross talk actor, but turned into a more diverse artist. From TV series to movies, from charity performances to photography, the herd has shown its extraordinary talent.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

Some people may say that if the herd had not chosen to enter the officialdom, his development might have been smoother. However, it was this unexpected turning point in life that allowed the herd to find itself and discover a broader stage of life. He has not only benefited more people with his artistic talents, but also contributed to society through philanthropy and volunteering. Even in retirement, he continued to pursue photography and develop it as his career.

It can be said that the life experience of the herd is undoubtedly full of many magnificent chapters. Since childhood, he has had a love for art, and with his own talent, he shines on the cross talk stage, and finally turns to devote himself to the career of officialdom, and finds himself again after encountering setbacks and becomes a versatile artist. Such a life process has undoubtedly brought us a lot of inspiration and thinking.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

First of all, we need to learn to keep an open mind and have the courage to try different paths in life. The experience of the herd tells us that life does not happen overnight, and there will always be various unexpected turns. However, as long as we maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in our talents, we will definitely be able to find our own path in life.

Second, we need to learn to balance the relationship between self-development and social contribution. Niu Qun chose to turn to officialdom when his cross talk career was in full swing, which undoubtedly added a new chapter to his life. He hopes to be able to use his talents to contribute more to society, which is undoubtedly a choice worthy of respect. Even though he suffered some setbacks later, he still did not give up on his ideals and finally found a new direction for development.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

Finally, we need to learn to maintain the qualities of focus and tenacity. Even in the face of negative evaluation, the herd did not give up on herself, but tried to prove her innocence and return to her artistic career. In the subsequent development, he continued to explore new directions, from cross talk to TV dramas, from public welfare performances to photography, all of which reflected his persistent pursuit of art. This quality of focus and tenacity is undoubtedly an important quality that each of us should learn.

Overall, the life journey of the herd is undoubtedly filled with many exciting and moving chapters. He has loved art since he was a child, and shined on the cross talk stage with his talent, and finally chose another path in life - entering officialdom. Although he suffered some setbacks along the way, he eventually found his own direction and became a multi-talented artist. His experience has undoubtedly given us many valuable lessons to learn to keep an open mind, balance self-development and social contributions, and cultivate the qualities of focus and tenacity. It is these qualities that make the herd finally find their own path in life and become a figure worthy of our learning and admiration.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

Okay, I'll move on to the rest of the herd's life journey.

Since retiring from officialdom, the life of the herd has changed a lot. He regained his artistic career, no longer limited to cross talk performances, but tried to show his talent on a broader stage. In TV dramas and movies, he has shown excellent acting skills and has been widely praised by the audience. People are no longer limited to remembering his outstanding performance on the cross talk stage, but have begun to appreciate the diverse charm he presents as a well-rounded artist.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

At the same time, the herd has also set its sights on public welfare. He took the initiative to participate in various literary and artistic volunteer activities, went deep into the grassroots villages, and brought wonderful cultural performances to the local people. In the process, he not only disseminated excellent works of art, but also interacted intimately with ordinary people, feeling their living conditions and inner aspirations. This spirit of being close to the people's will and serving the people undoubtedly reflects the herd's responsible attitude towards society.

It is worth mentioning that at this stage, the herd also discovered and developed another hobby of its own - photography. From being a behind-the-scenes photographer on the cross talk stage to becoming a highly recognized photographer, Niu Qun has also shown extraordinary talent in this field. His works have not only been widely disseminated in major newspapers and magazines, but also won many awards. It can be said that photography has become another important part of his life, making him more stable and colorful on the road of art.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

Despite the setbacks in officialdom, the herd was not hit and chose to withdraw from public view. On the contrary, through continuous exploration and attempts, he has found a broader space for his own development. From a cross talk actor to a film and television actor, to a public welfare cultural volunteer and a professional photographer, his life course is undoubtedly full of excitement and turning points.

Some people may say that if Niu Qun hadn't left the cross talk career, his development might have been smoother. However, it was these unexpected turns of events that allowed him to find a more colorful path in life. Not only did he continue to improve in the field of art, but he also used his talents to give back to the society and benefit more ordinary people. This spirit is undoubtedly worthy of learning and admiration from each of us.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

In his retirement, Niu Qun still maintains his love and pursuit of art. From time to time, he still appears in the public eye, sharing his photographs or participating in some public welfare activities. This kind of dedication to career and life is undoubtedly an important quality that each of us should learn.

It turns out! The herd that has disappeared for 24 years has embarked on another avenue in life

Overall, the life journey of the herd is undoubtedly admirable. With his love for art since he was a child, he made a career in the field of cross talk performance, and later chose another path in life, achieving outstanding achievements in officialdom and various other fields. Even in the face of setbacks, he did not give up, but found his way back and became a multi-talented artist. This kind of openness, dedication, and sense of social responsibility is undoubtedly worth learning and learning from each of us. Let's learn from characters like Niu Qun together, and pursue more colorful and meaningful development on our own life path.

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