
China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

author:Balls AA that don't eat sugar candy

It's time for supper -

What about tonight?

As we all know, Hunan is rich in spicy seeds and hot girls, and even the smoke that fills the night market is spicy.

Diners who call themselves to the Catch clan chant "make some chia cha a q tonight" and walk into the Hunan supper rivers and lakes together. Eat a big pot of spicy shrimp in Changsha, eat duck overlord in Changde, swallow spicy and spicy fish meal in Chenzhou, can't stop snails one by one in Yongzhou, or order a table of all kinds of stir-fried with perilla and mountain pepper oil, full of happiness.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Hunan is located in the transportation hub, and the night snack naturally runs through the north and south.

The hot taste creates a hot regional character. The night food stalls in Hunan do not close until dawn, and the Hunan people eat spicy food while pouring cold white sand beer, and they have to pull their throats and shout when ordering food and talking, just like "northerners among southerners".

And the hotter the weather, the more Hunan people want to eat spicy, this is Hunan's fierce and hot supper culture.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

The finale of this city that never sleeps has just begun.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Eat meat and drink wine in large bowls,

Hunan barbecue is to be spicy!

As soon as the night falls, the night food stalls in Hunan reach the climax of smoke and fire.

On the one hand, there is the traditional Yueyang barbecue in Xinjiang, with a full amount of roast lamb leg lamb chops and lamb scorpions, and even a large piece of lamb skewers with red willow branches; On the other side is a small and delicate Xiangxi skewer, a bunch of butter yellow throat treasures in the palm, and the mini style is unique to Huxiang.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Yueyang red willow barbecue is very enjoyable to eat.

These two schools of Hunan barbecue have distinct characteristics and are divided into two worlds, but they have the common point of spicy. The meat should be marinated with more than a dozen secret seasonings, in addition to the bright red chopped pepper, there are also sun-dried white peppers and pickled yellow gong peppers, adding sour to the spicy, which is the taste of Hunan people from snacks to big.

I saw that the master in front of the barbecue stall was as steady as Mount Tai, twisting and sprinkling, a handful of dried chili powder and cumin powder fluttering in the air, turning over, brushing oil, one move and one style, all of which are skills.

Yueyang barbecue has three treasures:

Butter, yellow throat, palm treasure

Yueyang barbecue's must-order dish is the treasure in the palm, taking the two most crisp and tender pieces of meat in the middle of the chicken feet, and roasting them together with chicken fat, the fat penetrates into the meat, adding more fresh flavor. The yellow throat of shabu-shabu is crispy in the mouth when grilled, and the more you chew, the more you chew, the more vigorous it becomes.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

To eat Yueyang barbecue, you must order the treasure in the palm of your hand.

Photo/Visual China

And a string of grilled butter makes Yueyang barbecue famous all over the world.

Butter, taken from a little fat on the tip of the cow's breast, is roasted with just the right amount of dark fire until slightly browned, and when you bite into it, the skin is crispy, and the inside is Q elastic, and the hot fat escapes between the lips and teeth, and at the same time gushes out a rich milky aroma. The other side of the northwest wind is the delicacy of the Yueyang people.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

The roasted butter has a strong popping sensation, like setting off fireworks in your mouth.

Teppanyaki grilled leek eggs are another representative of Yueyang barbecue. On the iron plate, come to a "Cestbon" bottle of oil pot to nourish the oil, diners have to put leeks and beat eggs by themselves, the golden egg liquid is wrapped in the seasoning leeks, the fragrance is pleasant, smooth and delicious, it is really worthy of the most popular vegetarian dish in this meat rivers and lakes.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Roast your own leeks for a unique flavor.

Xiangxi small skewers, a mini version of a bunch of bites

Outsiders who are used to eating ordinary barbecue are stunned when they see Xiangxi skewers for the first time, how can they be so small?

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Xiangxi small skewers embody the unique delicacy of Hunan people.

Photo by Aju

Xiangxi small skewers are sold by hand, more than a dozen skewers in one hand, and 200 skewers are not enjoyable with both hands. The star item, Agni beef, is cut into the most tender tenderloin and marinated with dozens of spices, and is tender and smooth after grilling.

Small skewers are used to make them easier to marinate, but grilling small skewers is not easy, and it is important to grasp the heat. When to turn over, sprinkle the ingredients, and add the green onions, they must be accurate to the second. One more point is scorched, and one less point is not cooked. This kind of skill is a light weight after many years of tempering by barbecue masters.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

The separation of roasting and roasting helps to accurately grasp the heat.

Diagram / Diagram Worm Creative

For this reason, Xiangxi people deliberately use two sets of stoves: on the first stove, an iron plate full of small holes is placed and burned with an open flame so that the ingredients are heated evenly; After roasting to seven or eight ripe, then go to the second small charcoal stove to slowly ripen it, which is roasting. The separation of roasting and roasting makes Xiangxi small skewers stand alone in the martial arts.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

What's the string tonight?

Diagram / Diagram Worm Creative

In addition, here in Xiangxi pie, garlic has a special sense of presence. grilled pork belly with a small thin garlic leaf; Grilled chicken, also skewered with garlic. No matter how heavy the fat is, it can be dissolved by this crispy texture.

At night, the green smoke rises from the old streets by the river, the iron plate sizzles, and the sour, spicy and fresh fragrances melt into the sheds erected along the river.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

The night snack stall is the living room of Hunan people, and they don't go home until dawn.

Photo/Visual China

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Rivers, lakes and seas, fresh words are the head

The barbecue is so delicate, but the C position of Hunan supper has to be crayfish. After all, Hunan people are born with a family background to eat fresh.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

How can the rivers and lakes of Hunan flavor supper be without crayfish?

Photography / Feather Dust VISION

Xiangyuan Zili, four rivers run through the whole province, large and small rivers are densely woven, from all directions to the northernmost 800 miles of Dongting. Throughout the year, fish and shrimp are jumping happily, and waterfowl are flocking, giving Hunan kitchen full inspiration.

The gentle flow of water does not reduce the hotness of Hunan, but adds a bit of freshness and spiciness. Even the small spines and skulls are grilled to a crispy crucian carp, boiled yellow and spicy dice is also known as "yellow duck call", the shape of the willow leaf Diaozi fish, the flat Qiaoba fish is exquisite, and the Chenzhou Qifengdu fish powder must be made with fresh silver carp and chili oil......

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Hunan people's "freedom of umami" is also inseparable from seafood.

Photo by Aju

As a result, river fresh, lake fresh, river fresh, and seafood all gathered in the fireworks of Hunan night food stalls.

A crayfish,

A whirlwind of spicy flavors from north to south is blowing

In the 90s of the last century, the flavor shrimp was born in Changsha, extending the big ao to the basin with the fragrant soup of perilla, grass fruit, bay leaves, and fennel, and quickly conquered the tricky taste buds of Hunan people; After that, he went to Guijie in Beijing, and set off a storm of eating shrimp in the north with a small attitude.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!
China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Swipe left

Figure 1: Heat the marinated shrimp in brine before serving it to peel and absorb the flavor. Photo by Aju

Figure 2: Shrimp tails are firm and elastic. Photo by Aju

After more than 20 years of evolution, the flavored shrimp has been added with seasonings such as chopped peppers, green peppers, and Shuangfeng hot sauce to become a secret crayfish with richer flavors. The only thing that remains unchanged is the unique mountain aroma of perilla.

Today's night food stalls are also popular for fried shrimp. The fresh crayfish is fried directly in the pot over high heat, and the shrimp meat is even more fresh and sweet after being forced out of moisture. With a secret dipping sauce, suck a bite of the shrimp head, suck the shrimp tail, and painstakingly peel out a shrimp that is only enough to stuff the teeth, and what you want is such a dissatisfaction.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Fried shrimp, the pincers can pull out the tender shredded meat.

Photo by Liu Zhong

Yueyang, which is backed by Dongting Lake, has more than 200 rivers in its territory and is an important crayfish breeding base in Hunan. As the raw material supplier of Hunan's shrimp universe, the local crayfish production is as high as 110,000 tons a year, and if they are connected from end to end, they can circle the equator seven and a half times.

The clever Yueyang chef "knows the shrimp tail with a discerning eye", and the crayfish picks the tail and bursts it with boiling oil over high heat, and then it instantly tightens and curls up into a ball. Garlic and pepper are chopped together, then garlic cloves are stacked, beer is poured on them, and simmered slowly, so that every bite of shrimp meat is soaked in fresh and spicy and winey aroma, and the aroma enters the seven souls and six spirits, and people sweat profusely. Finally, you have to put on a plate of rice noodles, mix well with the red bright sauce, and slip into your mouth together to be satisfied.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

The shrimp restaurant is full of people in the middle of the night

Photo/Visual China

In Hunan, a late-night snack without crayfish is incomplete. The shrimp restaurant, which has the hottest business, can be open until four or five o'clock in the morning. A night owl who has just come out of the bar, has a hot crayfish meal, and the dopamine in the middle of the night will boil again.

Snails as melon seeds,

Drink one by one

As the largest source of water for the Xiangjiang River, Yongzhou has a 2,000-year-old custom of drinking snails, also known as drinking snails.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

can't be a snail, and he is a Hunan person in vain.

Photo by Aju

As soon as the fireworks for supper are lit, the fresh snails are sent to the back kitchen to stir-fry, and they are boiled in bone broth to taste good. Yongzhou people skillfully use the tip of their tongue to top, drink and suck, the spicy pepper of Chaotian, the spice of ginger and garlic, and the fragrance of perilla, wrapped in crispy snail meat and slid into the mouth, leaving only a mouthful of delicious and hot soup.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Changsha people are also famous for their love of eating jumping frogs.

Photo by Aju

In Changde's lo-mei shop, the snails are large, the meat is firm, and the wine is the most refreshing. Liuyang people have to take the intestines of the snails first, pickle them with peppers, mint and perilla, and eat them with a strong plant aroma.

In the Hunan night market on a summer night, three or five friends gathered around a table, and the foodies were so spicy that they stuck out their tongues, and they couldn't stop one after another, and the empty snail shells rolled on the table, which could be piled up into a mountain.

Not a single duck,

Able to swim through Dongting Lake alive

How much do Changde people love to eat ducks? Duck neck, duck head, duck tongue, duck intestine, duck rack, duck paw.... From head to toe, they were all thrown into the secret brine and boiled, and a table of Changde duck overlord was gathered.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

All kinds of duck goods make up the duck overlord.

Photo/Visual China

To eat duck racks, you must grasp them with both hands, supplemented by tearing, biting, chewing, and gnawing, and most of the most fragrant and tender meat is in the cracks of the bones; The spiciest part is the duck intestine, after being thoroughly soaked in the marinade, the spicy energy goes straight to the brain, and when you eat it, sweat and tears fly together, but the more you bite it, the more jubilant it becomes. Take another big sip of beer, spicy mixed with cold alcohol, instantly ice and fire.

And a shiny sauce plate duck hanging in the store is a hot spicy duck from a snack to a big one in Changde. Even if it is slightly spicy, it is three layers inside and three layers outside, and it is spicy until it is spicy to the bones. The spicy taste blocks the salty taste, and the marinade in the two mouthfuls of bones is still spicy.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

15 production processes and 30 kinds of ingredients can create a sauce plate duck with crispy skin and tendons.

Photo/Visual China

The Zhijiang River in Xiangxi is filled with the aroma of fried duck everywhere, the local hemp duck stocked in the mountain stream, with ginger, Zhicao, green and red peppers, fried together with the pork belly, after the pot is browned and tender, crispy and spicy, can warm the whole night.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Hunan supper,

An all-night revelry

Hunan's supper can't escape a spicy word, although there are many types, but the scorching fireworks are very consistent. Yiyang's wine stall, four or five small tables, a tricycle, and two small coal stoves make up all the belongings. The simple tables and chairs can be retracted freely, and they can be placed in one piece.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Sitting on the ground, it is the night food stall closest to the common people.

Diagram / Diagram Worm Creative

The night snack stall is the living room of Hunan people, which only opens at 12 o'clock and does not close until dawn. Young and middle-aged people are "nocturnal animals", and they can turn around several times in one night, from bars to food stalls to roadside stalls, and have a meal, as if they are practicing "triathlon".

Changsha night snack culture was already flourishing in the Republic of China, and the newspaper described its grand occasion as follows: "Ten thousand bright lights, brilliant and shining, Changsha night market, is full of prosperity." "At that time, there were dozens of types of supper in the Fire Palace, such as stinky tofu, sesame oil pig blood, white grain pills, sugar and oil baba, etc., which are still active in the night snack stalls.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

The outer layer is crispy, and the inner layer is like a brain flower, and the myth of stinky tofu has lasted for a hundred years.

Photography / Feather Dust VISION

Among them, the stinky tofu that smells stinky and tastes fragrant is the king of Changsha supper that has been spread for a hundred years, and even the old Koehler in Shanghai has to chase after him to eat. Brandy with alkaline noodles and coffee with mixed powder are the configurations of the generals of the Republic of China to feast their subordinates. Nowadays, the people of Hunan are still affected by this atmosphere of the rivers and lakes - any petty bourgeois sentiment of the Shanghai school and foreign things are all infected with this temperament when they come to this inland province.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Eat meat in large gulps and drink wine in large bowls.

Photo/Visual China

Late at night a hundred years ago, the merchants selling snacks in Changsha lit tea oil lamps and shouted all night in the streets and alleys. The late-night shouting of this night snack stall still echoes on the riverside and in the alleys, stretching for hundreds of years.

The rise and fall of history, the ups and downs of life are all normal, eating meat, drinking in large bowls, this fragrant and spicy nightlife is the daily life of Hunan people, and it is the most soothing folk background.

China's hottest night snack province, half the street is full of crayfish flavor!

Any petty bourgeoisie that tries to put on a show will be extinguished as soon as it arrives at the Hunan Night Market.


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