
The new "Shooting the Condor": Crooked mouth and cross-eyed play Huang Rong, Bao regrets being weak and becoming a village woman, whose aesthetic is wrong


In the film and television industry, it is not uncommon for the age of the actor to match the age of the character, but when the 27-year-old actor plays the 18-year-old Guo Jing, this difference has caused widespread discussion among the audience. Guo Jing, as the protagonist of Mr. Jin Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with his innocent, simple and chivalrous image

In the film and television industry, it is not uncommon for the age of the actor to match the age of the character, but when the 27-year-old actor plays the 18-year-old Guo Jing, this difference has caused widespread discussion among the audience. Guo Jing, as the protagonist of Mr. Jin Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with his innocent, simple and chivalrous image. An 18-year-old young man, in the midst of the transition of adolescence, is full of curiosity about the world and a vision for the future, and this youthful breath and vitality are indispensable elements in the creation of the character.

The new "Shooting the Condor": Crooked mouth and cross-eyed play Huang Rong, Bao regrets being weak and becoming a village woman, whose aesthetic is wrong

However, when a 27-year-old actor comes to interpret the role, there are inevitably some challenges. First of all, from the outside, the 27-year-old actor may have lost that sense of youth without the world, and his facial expressions and body language may be more mature and stable, which is a deviation from the image of 18-year-old Guo Jing. Secondly, from a psychological perspective, the 27-year-old actor has a large gap with the 18-year-old Guo Jing in terms of life experience and psychological maturity, which may affect his understanding and expression of the character's inner world.

The audience's sensitivity to the inconsistency between the age of the actor and the age of the character largely stems from the deep affection for the original character and the expectation of the character image. Guo Jing's image is not only a simple martial arts character, but also his growth process, personality traits, and relationship construction with the characters around him are all important parts of the audience's emotional investment. When there is a big difference in age between the actor and the character, the audience can easily feel that the character is unreal, which affects the viewing experience.

The new "Shooting the Condor": Crooked mouth and cross-eyed play Huang Rong, Bao regrets being weak and becoming a village woman, whose aesthetic is wrong

In addition, the age difference in the actors can also pose some technical problems. For example, makeup and costumes may require more skill to mask the actual age of the actor to achieve an effect that matches the age of the character. At the same time, the director and crew also need to make corresponding adjustments in shooting techniques and lens use to reduce the visual impact caused by the age difference.

Still, an actor's acting ability and in-depth understanding of the character remain key to the success of the character. A good actor can pass on the soul and spirit of the character to the audience through superb acting skills, crossing the boundaries of age. They can make up for the lack of age by digging deep into the psychology of the characters and grasping the delicate grasp of emotional changes, so that the audience can feel the real existence of the characters.

The new "Shooting the Condor": Crooked mouth and cross-eyed play Huang Rong, Bao regrets being weak and becoming a village woman, whose aesthetic is wrong

In this process, the casting decision of the crew is also particularly important. Choosing an actor who is close to the age of the character is ideal, but it is more important to find an actor who can deeply understand and interpret the role. Through the performance of the actors, the image of the characters can be fully displayed, and the audience can gradually forget the actual age of the actors and immerse themselves in the stories of the characters in the advancement of the plot.

The launch of the new version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has attracted the attention of many Jin Yong fans and martial arts lovers. However, the handling of the plot of this series, especially the adaptation of the opening part, has caused quite a bit of controversy. Compared with the original book, the new version of "Shooting the Condor" directly skips Guo Jing's childhood and adolescence at the beginning of the plot, and instead directly enters the stage of his martial arts. This adaptation, although it may be out of the consideration of tight rhythm and attracting the audience, ignores the delicate depiction of Guo Jing's growth background in the original book, causing the audience to be confused when understanding the development of the plot.

The new "Shooting the Condor": Crooked mouth and cross-eyed play Huang Rong, Bao regrets being weak and becoming a village woman, whose aesthetic is wrong

In Mr. Jin Yong's original work, Guo Jing's growth experience is an important foundation for the whole story. From his birth in the Mongolian steppe, to his life with his mother, to meeting the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan and starting to practice martial arts, each stage laid the foundation for Guo Jing's character formation and the development of subsequent stories. These experiences not only show Guo Jing's innocence and tenacity, but also provide the necessary paving for his journey to become a generation of heroes in the future.

This adaptation of the new version of "Shooting the Condor" undoubtedly deprives the audience of the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of Guo Jing's inner world. Without those childhood tribulations and teenage struggles, it is difficult for the audience to understand why Guo Jing can have such a firm will and unyielding spirit. At the same time, jumping directly to the stage of martial arts practice also made the master-apprentice friendship between Guo Jing and the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan seem abrupt, lacking emotional foreshadowing and deepening.

The new "Shooting the Condor": Crooked mouth and cross-eyed play Huang Rong, Bao regrets being weak and becoming a village woman, whose aesthetic is wrong

In addition, the rapid advancement of the plot, although it can attract the audience's attention to a certain extent, is also easy to make the audience feel that the amount of information is too large and difficult to digest. It takes time for the audience to get used to the relationships between the characters and understand the personality traits and motivations of each character. If the plot moves too fast, the audience may feel unable to keep up with the rhythm and even have a sense of plot jumping and chaos.

Of course, as a kind of visual art, the adaptation and expression of TV series are fundamentally different from the original novel. In the process of adaptation, directors and screenwriters need to respect the original work, on the basis of respecting the original work, taking into account the narrative characteristics of the TV series and the audience's acceptance. How to make reasonable innovations and adjustments while maintaining the spirit of the original work is a challenge that every adaptor needs to face.

The new "Shooting the Condor": Crooked mouth and cross-eyed play Huang Rong, Bao regrets being weak and becoming a village woman, whose aesthetic is wrong

Although this attempt to adapt the new version of "Shooting the Condor" has caused controversy to a certain extent, it also reflects the creator's reinterpretation and exploration of traditional martial arts stories. In future dramas, how to balance the faithfulness of the original work and the innovation of the plot, and how to let the audience enjoy the visual feast while also being able to deeply understand the characters and stories will be the direction that the new version of "Shooting the Condor" needs to continue to work on and improve.

The new "Shooting the Condor": Crooked mouth and cross-eyed play Huang Rong, Bao regrets being weak and becoming a village woman, whose aesthetic is wrong

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